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How to set the Middle East on Fire

Just keep assassinating and killing and eventually the other side will be forced to declare War and then America will be forced to enter the War to save Zionist Israel.

Step away for a couple of weeks and when you return the world seems to have gone off the cliff. We are on the precipice of another major War in the Middle East. Satanyahu is truly desperate and his time is short, so he must act now.

“Netanyahu wants to set the region on fire. His only chance of survival is to drag America into a war with Hezbollah & Iran. This is a fundamental threat to world peace. Everyone should be hoping for his downfall.”

Little murderous Zionist Israel went on another killing spree and took out Nasrallah of Hezbollah in Beirut with a Bunker Buster in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Such images are just the start of this bloody campaign. They apparently found his body still intact somehow?


Strengthen your hearts and minds as such images will now be shown daily, not from Gaza for a change, but now from bloodied and battered Beirut, Lebanon.

Lessons from the Zionist Playbook by Alexander Dugin (@Agdchan)


It is unpleasant to admit, but Israel’s radical decisiveness in ruthlessly destroying its enemies stands in stark contrast, not only to the behavior of those enemies but also to our own approach in dealing with the Kiev regime. Israel acts proactively, and it is now clear that they even provoked Hamas into an attack, which yielded no results for the Resistance at all. Meanwhile, Israel managed to eliminate the leadership of the forces antagonistic to it in the Middle East and easily carried out a large-scale genocide of Gaza’s Palestinians.

Once again, the faster one acts, the more justified they are. Those who act with decisiveness and boldness win. We, on the other hand, are cautious and constantly hesitate. By the way, Iran is also following this path, which leads nowhere. Gaza is gone. Hamas’ leadership is gone. Now Hezbollah’s leadership is gone. And President Raisi of Iran is gone. Even his pager is gone. Yet Zelensky is still here. And Kiev stands as if nothing has happened.

We must either join the game for real or... The second option is something I don’t even want to consider. But in modern warfare, timing, speed, and “dromocracy” decide everything. The Zionists act swiftly, proactively. Boldly. And they win. We should follow their example.

(Translated from the Russian)

Dugin knows the enemy and recognizes the enemy. While in America, most are still being led astray by the theatrics of the UniParty - one side Democrat and one side Republican, but both opposing two sides of the same UniParty coin. Trump the anti War MAGA misleader is now pro War because the ultra Zionist Jewess Miriam Adelson told him to attack Iran for a $100 million campaign donation.


Trump is in debt to the richest Israeli oligarch

She gave him $100 million

Miriam got her $32 billion from marrying an older American oligarch, dеаd in 2021

Now she uses it to buy American politicians on behalf of Israel

A curious and totally unsuspicious story.

Trump will sing and dance to any tune you want including starting a regional War to appease little murderous Zionist Israel if you donate the right amount of money to his failing campaign. The script was easy to spot if you knew the code the War with Iran is now confirmed and on the top of the Trump agenda as soon as he starts his second term. But we said that months ago.

Trump is running for the Presidency of America or of Zionist Israel? Nick Fuentes seems to have finally figured out the Trump betrayal in play. All of those dumb red MAGA hats will have to manufactured again in China to say Make Israel Great Again.

Make Israel great again? No thanks. The Trump campaign has become a danger to our country. It's all so blackpilling. “I don't even want Trump to win anymore. (…) Our country is being destroyed from inside by this international cabal.” - Nick Fuentes


Strengthen your hearts and minds also because what is being done to Beirut will be done to Tehran, Iran in the coming months. We have become used to see the deaths of innocents in the hundreds, but now those numbers will be the thousands and then in the tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands and then finally in the millions. That is what little murderous Zionist Israel is fully capable of and willing to do. We saw it what it is capable of with the explosive pagers and now we are seeing again with the bombing of residential buildings with 2,000 pound munitions.

Those munitions were American made and supplied and the targeting was also done with American aerial support. Those planes and those pilots might as well be American with American flags emblazoned on the planes, because America is a direct enabler and participant in this bloody campaign of Genocide and the killing of innocents. There will be a price to pay eventually for America for all of its aid and support towards Zionist Israel and its murderous genocidal rampage.

Two E-3B Sentry AWACS off Lebanon, with transponders switched off, and the aircrafts reappear a few minutes after the bloody Israeli airstrikes on Beirut. There is no coincidence, the US helps Israel bombing Lebanon on a daily basis. The reason why they don't admit it is because they know Israel systematically kills civilians during their airstrikes.


The second Trump Administration will be the most rabid pro Zionist regime we have ever witnessed and it will start on day one. The deportations and the round ups will happen under Trump on day one, but at a very steep cost to your rights and liberties. Because to vilify one group requires either Laws are selectively enforced or Laws are selectively written to favor one group over another. All of which in the end makes society less safe, less secure, less peaceful and less just.

"We're not merely against Israel's funding. We're not merely against the wars." Ladies and gentlemen, Nick Fuentes. Live on Rumble right now.

More glimpses from the decoded script. After they are done with Lebanon and Iran and Turkey and Saudi Arabia and all of the other threats from the Arabs have been eliminated, then they will turn their genocidal military attention towards Pakistan. But that work on the ground to alter the future has already started in Pakistan, as just the other day, one of the the State Chief Ministers who is a leading member of the PTI the Party that Imran Khan leads, just called for the start of a Revolution in the nuclear armed nation. He obviously went full retard in his frustration to garner any meaningful support from the masses.

The Zionists want to re-install the pro Israel, but still in jail former PM Imran Khan into power so that he will recognize Israel and prevent a War with them. Because remember the Dreams of Qasim who said of these things would occur and that WW3 starts because of the actions of Zionist Israel. And it would be tiny Pakistan that would be the biggest threat to the future of Zionist Israel. That script is now playing out just as foreseen by the Dreams of Qasim.

And the other big part of the script that is also playing out as planned and scripted out in films and decodes in the War with Russia. Zelensky was in DC to sell everyone on his Peace Plan which is really a War with Russia planned and in the meantime Russia was changed its nuclear doctrine officially to include a first strike option if it is attacked in the style of Kursk once again by the NATO Nazis.

Vladimir Putin: "We will use NUCLEAR weapons if a mass enemy missile or UAV is launched towards Russia, or when these weapons cross into Russian territory"

Hope that was clear enough for all to understand what was just said. Do another Kursk type of misadventure inside of Russia and someone in NATO will be nuked.


“The event we've all been waiting for…

Russia's president has outlined approaches to updating our country's nuclear doctrine. The main changes are as follows:

1. Aggression against Russia by a non-nuclear State, but with the support or participation of a nuclear-armed country, will be considered a joint attack. It is clear to everyone which countries we are talking about.

2. To the joy of Poland and numerous NATO pygmies, equivalent nuclear protection will be established for our closest ally, Belarus.

3. Under certain conditions, a massive launch of enemy air power, including airplanes, missiles, and UAVs, resulting in a violation of our border may be justification for the use of nuclear weapons. Something to reflect upon for not only the rotten neo-Nazi regime, but also all the enemies of Russia who are pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe.

It is clear that every situation that could constitute grounds for a nuclear response should be evaluated in conjunction with other factors, and any decision to use nuclear weapons must be made by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. However, this change in our country's guidelines for using nuclear weapons, in and of itself, may cool the ardor of those of our opponents who have not yet lost their sense of self-preservation.

As for the dim-witted, only the Roman maxim remains: caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem Regnare …”

The phrase "caelo tonantem credidimus Jovem regnare" is Latin and translates to "We have believed that Jupiter reigns in the sky, thundering". This line is from one of the odes by the Roman poet Horace, specifically from his work known as the "Odes". It reflects the belief in Jupiter (or Jove), the king of the gods in Roman mythology, who is often associated with thunder and the sky.

Because in case we are not piecing it all together we leave you with this short summary of the events to come. Nasrallah is gone and Hezbollah has now officially declared War on Zionist Israel. But Hezbollah is just small proxy Army inside of Lebanon. The real War is with Iran and since Iran is a strategic partner to Russia and China this time it means a War with Iran is also a War with them.

And so there you go, an attack on Hezbollah provokes a regional War that brings in America to save Zionist Israel from certain destruction, America depletes its own resources, weakens itself and makes itself vulnerable to internal invasion and and then Russia and China enter the War in the region as well as in other regions and we have a full blown WW3 situation on our hands.

This time America with the NATO Nazis will be fighting a War in the Middle East, they will be fighting a War in Europe and they will be fighting a War in the Asia Pacific region if they want to defend the Philippines and the Taiwan islands, and they will also be forced into fighting a War inside their own borders if the migrant hordes are allowed to rape and pillage as they are doing in Aurora, CO.

And all of this death and destruction for the sake of little murderous Zionist Israel and its Greater Israel Project which they are desperate to complete with the useful idiot Trump leading the charge. Keep in mind Bunker Buster type munitions are also owned by the Russians and the Chinese and soon American cities will see such tragic scenes. America is deluded to think that War on this scale will never come to their shores and they will be forever immune. When your greatest ally is Zionist Israel, then it will make sure as the Snake you receive your Snake bite in the end, just as their Snake King promised them.

The bomb that killed the top leader of the terrorist group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, was a bunker buster, which is capable of penetrating large concrete structures at depths of 30 and up to 61m below ground depending on their size.

Have we seen this script before? Yes, they have been trying for 20 years plus.

"Israel wants the United States to go to war in Iran." "Netanyahu has pressured 4 Presidents to go to war w/ Iran. Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden. They've wanted this for 20 years." - Nick Fuentes

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