Dear MAGA Cult Members, we have a simple question and challenge for you. How are you going to hold Trump accountable? Let us start with this reference.
Because you have already lost control of him at the campaign stage of the timeline. He has already betraying you now, so what do you think he will do with you and his fake promises when he gets back into the Whitehouse? Answer, he will throw both you and those fake promises under the bus. But we are still waiting for an answer from the MAGA. And also still waiting for him to do a damn thing about the January 6th people that are still languishing in prison. What has he done for them? Answer, not a damn thing. But honesty was not a strong suit of the MAGA Cult Members. Their minds seems to have gone soft.
Notice the confusion amongst the MAGA Cult Members aka MAGAtards, on why he has suddenly become the u-turn specialist? On the core issue of Immigration and the Border Wall, he now wants to let more people in because of the Ai. The key quote here is; “And we're gonna let a lot of people come in”. But even when he is quoted and that video of him exists with those words, their delusion won’t end.
What a fool to think that the Ai is going to create more jobs. The Ai is going to decimate industries and jobs, not create millions of them. Whoever is advising him has to be an absolute shill of the Deep State and the Silicon Valley Mafia.
See this Tweet on the issue of Ai and AGI and Jobs and also our post on that topic. We are talking a future with 50% job losses in the knowledge industry and the illegals from the Southern Border are going to fix that problem? But if Trump says it then it suddenly becomes logical and true, just like a magical spell casting.
Trump is selling the u-turn to make it seem as if those coming across the Border are all going to be magical Ai Programmers, is even more insane and bizarre. Plus what happens when the estimated 30-60 million already illegally here just refuse to leave or cannot even be located? What to you do then? Read our Khamas Deportation post for a more detailed analysis. And just imagine the size of the Militarized Deportation Force that would need to be created just to handle that type of volume of illegals. Who is going to pay for all of that and to what benefit? And who will be deciding who is Kosher to stay and not Kosher that must go?
Trump to deport all Khamas "sympathizers" for Israel First
Have the MAGA Cult Members, thought any of these points through? Answer, no or somehow they have justified it in their own mind (a sign of delusion) just like they did with his handling of the Covid-19 Vaccines. Never forget who was the Father of those Vaccines and who said it was Safe and Effective. Where is the critical thinking process from the MAGA? Answer, it has been Vaccinated out.
But when he says something, remember he is always right, even when he is plain wrong or just straight up lying, as he was doing at the RNC about his Magic Ear.
The speech came three days after Trump, who was recently reinstated to Twitter after a yearslong absence over incendiary tweets, touted a list of '20 Core Promises' meant to 'Make America Great Again.'
Among those tenets were 'Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion,' and 'Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history'
Also promised was an 'End inflation,' and to 'make America affordable again' - not to mention putting a stop to 'World War Three, [the restoration of] peace in Europe and in the middle east, and [to build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -all made in America.'
Rabbi Trumpenstein’s main priority is not the Border Wall or Immigration, but fighting Anti-Semitism. When did that become the core mandate of the MAGA Cult? Answer, it just happened a few days ago and hence the total betrayal of the base. If he is this bad now in the campaign phase, just imagine what a Zionist Shill Government he will install if he is ever allowed to re-enter the Whitehouse.
It only took the good Rabbi Trumpenstein a mere 3 days to throw his base under the bus and go lick some more boots belonging to the Donor Class. Hoping he was not licking some other parts of the kosher female anatomy as a special favor and service to the Miriam Adelson, who just gave him $100 Million. For that she just illegally purchased the West Bank, the good Rabbi Trumpenstein’s Cabinet as well as a short invasion of Iran to save the Hijabis.
Now Comes the Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood in the End Times
Nick Fuentes is hopping mad and rightly so, because of the oh so obvious betrayals. Will the Groyper War 2 produce more results than just changing the Campaign Manager. Note his recent statement comes after this staffing change.
This short tweet perfectly summarizes the MAGA Cult Members mindset. Even as he is shafting them, they continue to grovel to his litany of lies and believe him.
Talk to a MAGA Cult Member and ask them this one simple question and watch some of these answers above come into play, we can almost guarantee it. And if you manage to capture any of those answers on video, that would be truly golden.
How do you intend to hold Trump aka Rabbi Trumpenstein accountable for the next 4 years, when you cannot even hold him accountable on the campaign trail? Answer, you do not have any control over him now and you will have even less control over him, if he were to ever get back into the Whitehouse.
If you do have a magical mechanism for holding him accountable or any other political prostitute aka politician, that is equivalent to the input of Voting, we would love to hear about it and how that magic actually works. But the input has to match the output. It cannot be a simple X on the ballot and then to hold that X accountable, now the masses have to spend infinite amounts of time and energy to undo that one simple X on the ballot. The input must be equal to the output, or that system is utterly corrupt and broken to the core. Which it really is. Wake up.
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