We think it is fair to say that in this first round under the Covid-19 Vaccines Regime Mandate Safe and Effective just Truth Us PsyOp, we already have a Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood. And we would surmise that 80% of the population or perhaps more (but the 80/20 seems to be fit so elegantly here) fell for that Scamdemic. So a Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood has already happened and only the 20% of so will be able to recognize that we have already lost 80% of the functional critical thinking part of the world population.
So based on that fact that we have already lost 80% of those We know or thought We knew. We relate to you the tale of a conversation with a Confidant or least we thought was a Confidant, until We showed Them this video from Nick Fuentes.
Their reaction was that perhaps it is a good idea to Invade and Control that place because one Hijabi over there is being harassed with the Hijab. We were quite shocked and taken aback. Because based on one video on the Twitter from one random Hijabi, was enough data and evidence to reach the conclusion it was a good idea to now Invade and Control Iran against the Mullahs. If you are of that abject foolish Mindset, We are not on the same page whatsoever and thus here comes the Second Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood.
In this Second Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood, we now reduce the 20% who were Still Unvaccinated by another 80%, when the Wheat are separated from the Tares and the Unclean Spirits from the Clean Honored Ones. And in this round there will the 80/20 once again, meaning we are going to reduce by another 80% of that remaining Critical Thinkers Still Unvaccinated part of the wider population. Yes the numbers will be very small in the End Times. Only a small remnant will remain True and still use their critical thinking skills.
We suggested They watch this video below or any the like thereof that would provide a better less ignorant point of view and perspective on what life is really like on the streets of Tehran, the capital city of Iran, without leaving your desk. They retorted with where are the “Morality Police”, clearly missing the central point. Fools will be Fools and some love their arrogance and ignorance somehow.
If you are going to respond to an argument or debate or disagree, you need to at least try to address the top of the Pyramid from Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement, and not remain at the bottom part of the model with ignorance based retorts. It was quite disappointing, but very telling and much needed for us to hear directly from a MAGA Cult Member, still in denial about being in a Cult.
But it is a valid question still because for many MAGA Cult Members that is their only point of view and their perspective of the Muslim world. They know nothing else and will not entertain thoughts that disturb their misconceptions and biases.
The Hijabis are oppressed, We think that is clearly not the case if you have ever lived, visited or know some of the peoples from that region. If you disagree so far with our point of view then that is what we are saying is part of the Second Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood. How about let Iranians decide on Iran?
Either you are with the CTN or you are with the Side that Wants to go to War with Iran for Israel, so that you can play a White Hero that saves the oppressed Persian Hijabis, that never asked or were asking for your Liberation from so-called oppression. Iran just had an Election and elected a New President. They have a functioning system. Who gave You the Right or White Privilege to Change their Government? It was in one Ear and out the Ear. That was the unfortunate Mindset and the choosing of Sides. What Side are You on?
If You do not stand on Principles and value All Life as Mike Adams has made an effort to do and state clearly here, then we are not on the same page and all the respect is gone. All part of the Second Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood in the End Times, within the 20% Still Unvaccinated community.
Listen to Dan (@DanBilzerian) essentially get PBD to admit it is a Genocide and school him.
Read below what the principles of some area in the region are. Shouldn’t the West go and Liberate Gaza from such Zionist Occupation based on one Tweet? That would be the logical way to save the local Hijabis there, yes or no, from the Zionist Nazis practicing Ethnic Cleansing and engaging in Crimes against Hijabis? The Middle East does not need any more White European Heroes flogging Fake Models of Prosperity and Peace. The Fake Jews should go back to JewKraine and other parts of Europe from which they first came and were born.
The Hijab is Their defining issue and We need to go over there and Liberate them with our Demoncracy and Fake Freedom with Bombs and Missiles. And still do not see how that is not the worst type of Hypocrisy. If you believe Invading and Controlling Iran is the answer and someone gave You that Right and White Privilege, then do they have the same Right and White Privilege to come here and do the same? Rambling arguments about What are Rights followed that question.
If France decided to ban Muslim Athletes wearing Hijab from the Olympics, not because of their religion, but just because they're wearing head covers!
Are they also banning the Jewish Athletes from wearing a Tichel (head cover for married Jewish women) ?! Asking for a friend.
As an example of the Hypocrisy, we offer you the Tichel. Were you not just immediately triggered by that Word? Why not? Because Jewish women are also told to cover their hair. The disagreements are based on what is covering, and what is the head, and what is the hair parts and what are their rights to refuse.
Widely different interpretations are self evident as you can see from the Street Walking video. And not a single arrest being made? So what gives here? The conversation never made it to this part, as the Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood had already occurred. Please do not admit you are ignorant of the basic on the ground facts, but still feel somehow entitled to Invade other Nations to Liberate their Women, when You have never ever been close to that region.
Should Iranians come here and stop the Abortions and the Gender Mutilations? Should They also have that Right and White Privilege Mindset as the Original Arians? Why one set of Rules for Me, but another set of Rules for Thee, Iranians?
That is a World of constant Chaos and constant War based on Hypocrisy. How about starting with Peace and where there is a Risk there must be a Choice? And then Decentralize Power, No Taxes, Free Trade, Crypto Friendly, Privacy First, Right to Self-Defense, Contracts based Free Nations who set their own Border policies based on agreed to Border Lines and Walls, and Good Relations with all that Want the same from You. If you have lost all control of your own system of political accountability that is Your own fault, not the fault or business of foreign Hijabis living in foreign lands with foreign governments.
If you do not agree, stay over in your area and do not come here. Because that entitled White Privilege White Man as the Hero and Savior Mindset from recent Belgium went to African Congo and claimed it as their Own and then committed these heinous Acts with that very same misguided and muddled Mindset of Invasion and Control and Liberation.
The Scripted War with Iran
All of that background to bring you to the Scripted War with Iran. Please read through that lengthy post on further background to this engineered conflict to destroy all Nations in the Middle East for the Greater Israel Project. If you are down with that Project, we are not down with You and therefore please exit here.
And who is the biggest boot licker lusting to go to War with Iran. It is none other than the Zionist Stooge Rabbi Trumpenstein. We shall refer to him as such from now on when and where appropriate. Who will be guarding the Two Oceans and the Homefront in between if 1/3 of the Navy is going to defend Israel First? We have to ask at this critical timeline juncture in the Republic’s Future.
President Trump reportedly spent much of Wednesday "cocooned" at the White House as his supporters stormed the Capitol, and his aides say he has become "mentally unreachable."
It would the logical thing for the other side as a part of a perfect set up for China to take Taiwan and Hawaii at the same time, and then Russia to retake Alaska as well? How will future Naval asset allocations take place? Wide open Borders and Foreign Wars and Domestic unrest and a Failing Economy were a recipe for the end of the Republic at the hands of one Israel First Rabbi Trumpenstein.
Within the next few days, more than 1/3 of the entire U.S. Navy will be in the Middle East to protect Israel against Iran.
Source: Middle_East_Spectator
Rabbi Trumpenstein wants War with Iran because Miriam Adelson, another Casino Kosher Nostra Mogul just gave him $100 Million to Green Wash those funds with Blue and White Colors into this own Political Campaign. And for that she just purchased a Rabbi and the West Bank and an a quick Invasion of Iran to save the Hijabis from the Mullahs. A classic foolish War is Peace and Strength is Ignorance moment, by the MAGA Cult Members.
What an incredible investment opportunity for the BlackRock Hedge Fund Gangster and the Goldman Sachs Banksters and the wider Kosher Nostra Network. So sadly the ignorant fools are going to get their wish it seems, because 1/3 of the American Navy is heading to Israel to protect their most prized Asset, the Donor Class.
The Knights TEMPLAR of course getting their name from the location of their headquarters in the Holy Land, the Temple Mount.
In a way they were the original Zionists.
Ironically the current head family of international banking, the Rothschild's, started modern Zionism.

The Donor Class must be saved at all costs. And just how low will the Cult MisLeader Rabbi Trumpenstein go for Israel First and America Last? Answer, if you give him enough cash he will compare you to War Heroes for Free, trust him.
The good Rabbi Trumpenstein will even get the Chair for You as the American President, for Israel First and America Last, imagine that. If you do not call this level of groveling servitude a Government under Zionist Occupation by the Donor Class and Rabbi Trumpenstein as their Top Shabbos Goy Enabler, then We are not sure how you are still reading this post. Because the Second Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood should have happened a few paragraphs back. You still here? Ok. We will carry on.
Trump to deport all Khamas "sympathizers" for Israel First
What do you call a Political Prostitute and a Liar and a Hypocrite for the Donor Class? Answer, he is the one and only Rabbi Trumpenstein, the U-Turn Magician.
"Israel is setting THE gold standard for urban warfare" - Netanyahu Shove this graph in the face of shameless genocide deniers! By June, Israel had dropped over 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza Strip, "exceeding World War II bombings in Dresden, Hamburg, London combined"!
The Katy Perry Woman's World 143 Decode
If you Affirm Their wicked Lies and Distort the Truth, then that is when the Great Separation between Truth and Falsehood occurs in the End Times. Because at that point, You are with Them. Then You are on that other side alongside this little Rebellious Rabbi, who is Rebelling against GOD, the All Mighty for the Greater Israel Project; imagine that level of arrogance and ignorance.
Those that mock and ridicule GOD, the All Mighty and mock his Name and Word, You belong on the other side of Truth. But All of this sordid mess was then really a test and a trial and a blessing, as we enter another season of War in the Middle East to Liberate the Hijabis from their Oil and National Assets, as we are offered another chance to see the Truth from Falsehood. Time to choose wisely.
A special message to our Paid Subscribers. Thank You for your support, but we will continue to make all posts Free without a Paid Memberships from now on as the default setting. We offer CTN posts as our Offering to All interested. As an archive of our Corona Times. If you are able to return that Offer, to support the overall work, we accept your Offer and Thank You. We will continue for as long as possible, with perhaps some gaps in between in the near future, but praying for best outcomes. Hope that clears up any issues or misunderstandings. No More Wars for Israel. Don’t Gaza Iran and the Middle East and Pakistan and rest of the World for Zionist Israel. Until we meet Again.
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