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How the War on Iran leads to Poland and Pakistan

How the War on Iran leads to Poland and Pakistan

Don't forget about the current Traitors to the Gaza Genocide as in Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Once Israel is done with Iran, it will take these nations out next on the hit list.

The response from Iran against Zionist Israel is now imminent as of writing, but the nations that are really in trouble besides these two are the following ones;

  • Poland

  • Turkey

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Pakistan

  • America

That is the list of nations that will soon be facing conditions similar to what both Iran and Israel will be creating for each other. As we look at the bigger picture and what happens next beyond the expected attack against the murderous little Zionist Israel entity and its IDF Terror Army apparatus. Payback comes for Israel.

Why Poland? Because as we said months earlier that Poland was to be the next Ukraine and now even in the Spiritual realm that is being confirmed. Just as the troops and machinery is being moved to Poland, it will hit hard by Russian tech. We are guessing those will be either conventional low yield tactical nukes or some other new tech such as Neutron based weapons.

Why Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? Because, once the Zionists are done with Iran then the next set of target nations are the remaining big Muslim nations that must removed as potential threats to the renegade murderous little entity Israel. The Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan connection was explained in these previous post about the Dreams of Muhammad Qasim and what he has foreseen for this region, which is playing out just as he envisioned and warned.

Right on cue, once Iran fails and falls mysteriously, then up next is Pakistan. And remember, that is the only Muslim Nuclear armed nation known to have nukes.

Why America? Because, keep in mind the what long term goals are of the people behind these kinetic actions. Just as the situation is the UK deteriorates into civil chaos, never forget the hands of those who planned it for such results in the first place. It was all pre-planned and the way British is burning is how America will too soon burn at the hands of the same Chaos Agents acting as their best friends.


As the Brown Muslims fight the White Christians, the European Imposter Jews are plotting and planning for the bigger game in play here, which we have warned about repeatedly. It is all the coming of the Mashiach and creating the conditions for this return. He does not come in times of Peace, he comes at times of War to bring their version of Peace. That Peace requires the destruction of Europe and Christianity and America (Edom) and the Muslims and anything else in their way.


The not so hidden hand of International Imposter Jewry aka Zionism aka the end times Synagogue of Satan, always has its hands on certain Chaos Agents who are always in the middle of all the action. The White Savior Tommy Robinson, is actually one Stephen Yaxley-Lennon which sounds very much like a Jewish name?


Why would the ADL be interested in funding and supporting a former Neo Nazi party member? Answer, because that is their job to foster and molly coddle new recruits as Chaos Agents that they use to carry out the plans as told by the Rabbis.


This Chaos Agent is hiding in Cyprus as his own nation burns. He is in hiding and enjoying the sun at this fancy Hotel and was outed by his own nation. Who can afford endless days at a £400 a night Hotel if the Israelis are not the ones paying for his upkeep and maintenance as a well protected and placed asset?


The other Imposter White Savior meanwhile in America, has been implanted with the Mark of the Beast Neuralink and his MAGA supporters are none the wiser and will very soon willingly chip themselves when the right is time. It will be linked to the Vaccines and/or to the new CBDC system that he will usher in during his second term. Again warnings of this Serpent have gone unheeded.


Elon sits on the right hand of Satan? According to this Dreamer, that is just so.


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