
Trump to deport all Khamas "sympathizers" for Israel First

Under the Trump Administration it will be Israel First and America Last with Deportation tickets for all the Brown folks that dared to ever criticize Israel's Genocide.

Some good news to start, sort of if you are a Trumper. We wrote yesterday about the Nick Fuentes Declaration of War on the Trump Campaign, and the day after we have a change the Campaign leadership. Another observation changes the outcome moment for those in the know about the Watchers working in stealth.

Trumper giving us all his Royal Communist Salute

Nick Fuentes on Corey Lewandowski being hired after pressure campaign from Groypers. “We will never get the credit we deserve, but we are saving the Trump campaign.”



Remember Nick Fuentes had two core requests besides a change in the Campaign which was no more wars for Israel and no more immigration for the next 10 years. On that front, we have some bad news. Trump has confirmed the next day which is today that he is Israel First and America Last, and that he will go to any length to be a Shabbos Goy aka Servant to the Donor Class. Watch this performance at a gathering of the (Fake Jewish) Donor Class where he grovels and panders to them.

"If you said anything bad about Israel or the Jewish people, you were finished...the most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and Jewish people."

Trump once again lamenting the fact that the Jewish lobby is supposedly declining in influence.


But his most dangerous and most Trump like comment was for the other side of the equation. Those who are opposed to unfettered Imposter Jewish based Zionist AIPAC Occupation of America. Because he made it clear he intends to deport all of those Khamas supporters. When he says anyone Khamas he means anyone that ever dared to criticize the Genocide in Gaza or who has ever waved a Palestinian flag or the like thereof. Those numbers will be the millions and that is the point. Notice he said “sympathizers”, meaning the bar for removal will be very very low.


"When I'm president, we will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers, and we will deport them very quickly. Hamas supporters will be gone."

Source: The National Desk


And if you do not believe what Trump is saying here in plain English, then are you saying that Trump is just lying to the public? You cannot have it both ways. Either he is speaking the Truth or he is Lying for Votes. Which one is it? Decide. Just as you cannot be both Anti-Vax and still Pro-Trump, that is an oxymoron.

When the likes of Judge Napolitano can be censored and have his just interviews based channel on YouTube can be nuked (as he is claiming here but it still seems to be up on last check), then you know what type of demonic level of censorship will happen under the Trumper. And as usual the MAGAtards are like lemmings jumping off the cliff gleefully cheering it on. They were the architects of their own downfall and demise, but by the time they realize that, it will be far too late.

What does removing all Khamas supporters mean? Deporting millions of Brown peoples, deporting millions of Muslims, deporting all the critics of Zionist Donor Class politics. Unless you lick the boots of the AIPAC gangsters like Trump is doing, then you too will be deported. The hell with the Constitution and your God given inalienable rights, those will all be tossed out for Trump’s lust to please his Donor Class Masters. It was a sickening level of servitude on display by Trump.

If you still support such an overt political prostitute, then you should know anyone’s name once placed on that list will be receiving that always dreaded knock on the door when 40 FBI Crime Syndicate Agents show up to your door to take your computer and other valuable items away for destruction, just as what happened with Scott Ritter, because the day before he dared to criticize Israel.

Please note that in order to literally deport the Illegals and to deport the Browns that are labelled as Khamas, that means a Police Thug Force that also numbers in the millions. As in you will be initiating an internal East German style Stasi to spy on every phone conservation and email and tweet looking for those Khamas ones.

Massive surveillance, combined with Red and Black Lists of so-called Dissidents and then the eventual forceful deportation of all those labelled as subservices. It will be a disgusting Police State worse than China, but the MAGAtards will be loving it until they names are also placed on the list run by Vance and Kushner.

And the irony is that Trump is the one complaining about Kamala being a literal Communist. On that point he is correct, but what he is also saying is that he too is a literal Communist and will use literal Red Communist tactics to please his Donor Class Masters. Voting for Trump is just as dangerous and just as Marxist Communist Terrorist as the wild economic ideas of Kackling Queen Kamala.


One way to prevent Trump from ever coming to power by Kamala Communists would be to imprison him. And on September 18th, a few days after the debates we may just get to witness that as the Trumper is handcuffed and imprisoned in Rikers Island, New York. What will his mindless hordes of MAGAtards do then?

But, none of this mess would be possible without the active servile support of the Christian Zionists who in their folly believe that they are in the right with God. Listen to the contempt with which the Rabbi talks about these foolish Christians.

This needs your immediate attention @Know_More_News

"Christian evangelists here in America...are very pro Israel...always been with Israel" "If you take Christianity out of the picture, what US had to do with Israel?

The only things they are helping us is bc of religion reason.


In a rare moment of criticism by Mike Adams of Trump fans without calling them MAGAtards, as we are doing. It is these Christian Zionists that are enabling it all and the Imposter Jews know what a useful tool they are, as in the “useful idiots”. By the Trump standard, Mike Adams would also be one of those to be deported.

CHURCHERY TREACHERY: To all the Christian teachers, ministers, pastors and preachers out there who claim to be "pro life" and claim to teach the word of Christ but who also celebrate the mass bombing and killing of 40,000+ women, children and non-combat civilians in #Gaza, you are infested with the demonic spirit and you stand as a living contradiction AGAINST the teachings of Christ.

You cannot be "pro life" and "pro death" at the same time, in the context of targeting an entire ethnic group of human beings.

Either practice the words you teach, or stop pretending to be ambassadors of Christ in the first place.

If you do not strive for peace, you do not know Him... and He does not know YOU!


Which Fake Christians will be the unlucky ones to hear these dreaded words from Jesus when he comes back to sort out this sordid mess called Zionist America?

And if you needed more background on how it is possible that anyone could even criticize the Chosen Ones of Satan, then have a look at the FBI vaults where they are holding the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Don’t blame us, blame those FBI.

"FBI - Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion Part 01 of 01" But, if you download the document, all you get are blank pages; I'm wondering why I can't download the actual document from the FBI website . . . So, the next time someone talks to me, I won't have the language of the Protocols to talk to them? USS Liberty was an accident; Protocols are a forgery; Zionists need not pledge allegiance to any country OTHER than Israel; the previous Federal Reserve Chair came directly to the U.S. from Israel; Member of Congress wears Israeli military uniform on Capitol Hill; every phone call in the U.S. is billed from Israel, thus MOSSAD has access to every phone call made in the U.S.; before U.S. citizens can get emergency relief after hurricanes or other natural disasters, they must sign a pledge to not boycott Israel; a small cabal of PNAC Jews took this country to war killing innocents and nuking opportunity for infrastructure investments in the U.S.; how many taxpayer billions to Israel and "Big Israel," denying much-needed investments in our own country; and the cowards and so-called "patriots" (like FFF) blame China instead of the real culprit—Talmudic Jews who are currently in charge of our state. And why is it tolerated? I was told verbatim, "They're white like us." One day, probably when it's waaay too late, and the Bill of Rights has been eviscerated and the Constitution is moot, folks will opine "Oh, woe is us .

protocols-of-learned-elders-of-zion-part-01-of-01 (fbi.gov)



One way to spot the Imposter Jew was to listen to his own words, like this Rabbi.

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