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Why is DC planning for a Mass Casualty Event and a Constitutional Amendment to replace Representatives?

Answer, because a Twin Female Rival is being birthed and will soon reveal itself to the public, but before that it is revealing itself in code form for those with eyes to see.

Try to figure out what these elements have to do with one another and the birthing of a new race from within the human host body? It will be Biblical when you are finally able to see it for what it really is. Pure Evil comes for an End Times ending. These things are all interrelated and requires a certain set of skill sets.

  • A Red Wedding scene from the Game of Thrones.

  • Obama speech about a Red Wedding with his guests, just kidding, not really and it is the venue in which Trump was roasted while in attendance.

  • Emmanuel Cleaver proposing a 28th Amendment for a Mass Casualty Event.

  • A UN Pact for a Digital Future.


Congressional Continuity Amendment

The Continuity Amendment, proposed by Representatives Derek Kilmer, Brad Wenstrup, William Timmons, and Emanuel Cleaver II, aims to ensure congressional continuity and reduce the incentive for political violence by temporarily filling House vacancies.

Key Provisions:

  • Authorizes the Speaker of the House to appoint a temporary replacement to fill a vacant seat until a special election can be held.

  • Establishes a 30-day window for the special election, with the option to extend it up to 60 days in extraordinary circumstances.

  • Requires the temporary replacement to be a member of the same political party as the vacating Representative.

  • Ensures that the temporary replacement has the same voting rights and privileges as the elected Representative.


The amendment aims to address the potential disruptions caused by unexpected House vacancies, which can lead to gridlock and undermine the functioning of Congress. By providing a temporary replacement, the amendment seeks to maintain continuity and stability, thereby reducing the incentive for political violence and ensuring the smooth operation of the legislative branch.


As Representative Cleaver noted, “It is extremely important that Members of Congress are thinking through and offering solutions as we navigate the highly volatile world we live in.” The Continuity Amendment is a crucial step towards ensuring the stability and effectiveness of Congress, particularly in times of crisis or uncertainty.

Notice that this Amendment allows for the replacement of Representatives and if know that AIPAC owns DC then it is a logical conclusion to reach that all of the new chosen replacements will be chosen members of the same Donor Class tribe.

Designation of Successors: Representatives are required to provide a list of at least five designees who can take their place if they die before their term ends1.

Filling Vacancies: In the event of a Representative’s death, the chief executive of the respective state must select a successor from the provided list within 10 days1.

Temporary Service: The designated individual will serve as a Representative until a special election is held to fill the vacancy permanently1.

These things were all interrelated and required a certain set of skill sets. One of these peoples with such skill sets in Kleck of the Kleck Files. Watch this video below to see how all of those pieces are interrelated. Why is DC planning a Mass Casualty event amendment to the Constitution this close to November 2024?

If you watched the video your mind should be totally blown and asking a million questions at high speed or it was gone to sleep and over to la la land. Wakey wakey and no more time to be Shaky. The Twin Female Rival system is being birthed as we write. It will be the final act of sacrifice for the Whore of Babylon.

The Pact Of The Future Document.

🇺🇳United Nations Alternative to The WHO Pandemic Treaty was passed in favour by 193 Countries this weekend to enslave the people.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

“The power structure, fully digitalised & maximised for the control of the masses”

“Everyone is expected to have a Digital ID that marks them as Global Citizens”

“anyone who has a different opinion with be labelled as Disinformation, Misinformation or Malformation”

“It is even more egregious that The WHO Document”

Wake up

Another decoder on the UN Pact because the Pandemic Treaty failed to pass.

They’ve done it again.

When we were distracted looking the other way, the UN adopted what seems like a replica of the WHO’s plandemic treaty which we managed to stop.

They are calling it a "Pact for the Future". The pact (, ( which also includes an annex on working toward a "responsible and sustainable" digital future, was adopted without a vote at the start of the two-day Summit of the Future.

Themes include: peace and security, global governance, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations.

This is where the beast system begins to accelerate. AI and the digitization of everything is KEY in all of this.

Link to full document.

The goals are all noble and full of hopium and rainbows, but has the UN not been making such documents for the past several decades? The only real twist is the inclusion of the Digital Infrastructure provisions. But the reference to “Digital Identity” is nowhere to be found in the document? The One Eye Symbology on the Cover is disturbing and indicates another one world agenda related power grab and some grand planning exercise. But we lost control over such agencies and institutions long ago, so not much to report there.

This action item against Terrorism sound noble and genuine, but what is the enforcement mechanism when you have a renegade member state such as Israel that is committing a Genocide and has barred the UN Secretary General from the wicked entity? All talk and no tiger force means you can list all the action items you want, but how do you enforce them? Answer, that is the crux of the matter. How to get local agents to be local minions.

A low-level Cabinet member becomes President of the United States after a catastrophic attack kills everyone above him in the line of succession.

Designated Survivor (TV Series 2016–2019) - IMDb

The DC Swamp would not be planning such a Mass Casualty event if they do not have a Red Wedding event planned for DC. And we get that confirmation from the Jesuits Gematria Hollywood Criminals by the use of Films as vision boards on their past deeds and future exploits. Case in point is the TV Series they did called Designated Survivor, in which a total unknown becomes the President because everyone in DC is removed from the line of succession by an act of Terrorism.

On the night of the State of the Union, an explosion destroys the Capitol Building, killing the president and everyone in the line of succession except for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Thomas Kirkman, who had been named the designated survivor. Kirkman is immediately sworn in as President of the United States of America, unaware that the attack is just the beginning of what is to come. He faces many challenges throughout the series, struggling to balance his political aspirations with the challenge of being seen as a legitimate president.

How we know this production is encoded is from the opening scene where the new President is flashing us his Cornell sweatshirt. If we know our Gematria we should know how powerful the 110 Master Cipher is to this Letters and Numbers based magick practice. Such framing of wardrobe numbers is pure Hollywood.

Notice the Communications networks go down and that is how we know the attack was successful because DC was just decimated by the attack if the Comms go down which requires a new President to be installed. It is just another example of Predictive Programming at its finest by the Jesuit Gematria Kabbalah crew.

Disturbing then to see that such a future scenario is what they had planned and it was encoded in the Letters and Numbers back in 2016 right when the first Trump Presidency begins and then runs for 3 seasons until 2019 just when the Trump Presidency ends. Just another set of coincidences by the Letters and Numbers and even the Dates? It seems another Designated Survivor scenario is being planned by the DC Swamp Critters themselves to sacrifice their own for some larger plan for the Greater Israel Project and Twin Female Rival system of some sort.

Even the name of the series was encoded to the 110 as was the President.

Columbine shooting, April 20, 1999, the 110th birthday anniversary of Adolf Hitler - Gematria Effect News

The Illuminati was founded in Germany on the day leaving 244 days in the year, May 1, 1776. Again, we just touched on the shooting coming 244 days after Clinton’s birthday, who went to Yale, with Illuminati connections, as well as Georgetown, the Jesuit school. The founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, was Jesuit-raised and trained.

  • Columbine Shooting=201

  • Order of Illuminati=201

  • The Jesuit Order=201

Adam Weishaupt died 201 days after May 1, the Illuminati’s birthday anniversary.

Also, Dave Sanders, the teacher who died at Columbine, died in his 48th year of life. Then, on what would have been his 48th birthday, October 22, 1999, the suicide of someone connected to the shooting was in the headlines. That person was ‘Carla Hochhalter.’ See if you can spot the 83 connection with murder and Colorado in her name.

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