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Iran finally responds to Zionist Israeli Terrorism

Every nation has the right to defend itself and Iran finally chose to exercise that option. But it took 1 year of Genocide before they acted.

If Iran had acted 1 year ago in this manner we could have avoided a Genocide in Gaza. But the Iranians chose to say 1 year ago that it was not their Fight. And 1 year later near the anniversary of the False Flag Operation by Zionist Israel and its IDF Terror Army, we have the Iranians finally making a different choice. They chose to exercise their inalienable right to self-defense. But only after their own were killed. The lives of the Gazans were obviously never their top priority.

15 minutes Iranian missiles hitting Israel … supercut

The Pro Genocide Media is painting the missiles from Iran as a total failure. But when dealing with Snakes and Serpents with forked tongues, we have to take the opposite of what they say. So in the inversion of that statement, they mean it was a resounding success for Iran. If nothing hit their target how can someone have made a 14 minute collection of the hits? The MSM is there to spread big fat lies.

It was the first time missiles from Iran were launched and successfully hit their targets inside of Zionist Israel. They were not launched from Lebanon, right next door. These bad boys came from inside Iran itself. That has never happened ever before and therefore the response now will be either a whimper or a bang.

But now that Iran has finally responded to Zionist Israeli Terrorism will it now go nuclear on Iran with the aid of America? If Trump get re-selected by AIPAC that could happen on day 1 of his Administration.

Do not be surprised if in the next few days and weeks we see a nuclear response from Zionist Israel. Its strategy has always been a disproportional response when the other side hits again. If 1 IDF Terrorist is whacked then for them 100 should be whacked back. So with that mindset and logic, it is only logical they have to now go nuclear or lose face. Satanyahu cannot back down now and has to go all the way. It may therefore nuke Lebanon instead as we said a few weeks ago. We do not always agree with Michael Yon, but in this particular situation he is right.

That time has come when America must sacrifice itself at the Altar of Baal in Zionist Israel. It seems every other state is sending troops and national guards to the Middle East region. Once there, who is keeping track of their transfer to Zionist Israel? Answer, nobody because that is where they are being placed their to defend Israel. Because Israel comes First, and then America comes Last.


Iran hits military targets on purpose, while the IDF Terror Army hits civilian targets on purpose for maximum death and destruction and terrorism. Here it is again hitting back at Lebanon, because Iran is far away and they need to borrow some more munitions from genocidal little Uncle Sam in America.

BREAKING: MAJOR ISRAELI ATTACKS ON BEIRUT "Shoefat al-Omarusiyah" neighborhood in the southern suburbs of Beirut, which received an evacuation warning a few minutes ago, was the target of Israeli attacks. ISRAEL CONTINUES ITS TERRORISM


Neither side is backing down. And the Iranians are now getting even smarter and using the logic and language of the enemy state to humanity called the Synagogue of Satan aka Zionist Israel.

Will Iran stop with the bluffing it has been doing for the past few months and finally respond with some more self-defense? It is now Zionist Israel that has to choose whether it will escalate or back down and lose face. Difficult choices and difficult days ahead for those in that region for sure. The Iron Dome has been found to be another Zionist Israeli lie and now is the time for Peace or more War.

If you want to know the truth about what is happening there, then you will have to follow alt media channels such as the ones below.

Selecting Trump as your savior will mean a certain War with Iran and thereby also a War with Russia and China. Think carefully about your selections as they can lead to War, in a place where the Government cannot even provide for its own citizens after a flood and hurricane event. Will that same Government come to your aid if a foreign nation ever responds back to your Terrorism on their lands?

Israel's military isn't up to par for keeping Hezbollah and Iran in check. They're emboldened because America guarantees their safety and weapons. It's infuriating


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