What is the connection between the FEMA camps and a senile President? Answer, it is the Greater Israel Project and these are the elements of the play laid bare. Now we know why they are building camps and they are not for the migrants. No they are for the future Ai/AIPAC identified list of dissident Americans who dare to raise their voices against the established forces of Zionist Nazi Occupation and domination.
This podcast from Mike Adams, Healthranger explains the background, but what is the ultimate end game? Answer, it is the creation of a Greater Israel, built on the dead cadaver of the American nation state, the Republic itself. Most have awoken to the truth of the Israeli Occupation of America, but if you still in that minority that does not believe it, then perhaps the review of these interviews below might help your case.
Why keep a senile President in office? Because a senile sandbag is much easier to manage than a President that actually asks questions and does his actual job function. But when you are trying to hijack and occupy a nation, you want and need a senile sandbag for a pretend Presidency. That is why Biden has Amos Hochstein and Trump has his Zionist Jewish AIPAC approved handler in Judas Kushner to run the show.
US envoy Amos Hochstein is an Israeli brought into the US government by Blinken to work on: 1) Biden's Burisma deal Ukraine. 2) Nordstream Problem. 3) Represent US (Israeli) interests in West Asia. Why did Blinken bring in an Israeli as US envoy to Lebanon during Israel's war?
Here is the map that explains the end game and below the IDF Terror Army patch that confirms it. They are displaying it quite proudly. It is America’s job to finish the job for them and get that prize of the end times. They want a world of their very own.
Maybe some of the most painful 5 minutes of your life will be spent on this video. Try 1.5x speed to less the pain, but it must be seen to be believed. To again answer the question why keep a senile President in office? Answer, so that the traitors like Amos Hochstein who are Israeli First and America Last can sacrifice Edom (America) at the altar of the Anti-Christ for an end times Pax Judaica to rise from the ashes.
Melted brain, wrecked Ukraine. Has the codes, world explodes.
That is the direct connection between the Southern Border situation being staged managed by another Zionist agent called Mayorkas. Because nearly all the Biden cabinet positions are Zionist agent occupied. If you still cannot spot the problem then we are not sure what more to say to such a broken and lost thought process.
Now we learn that the number of illegal crossings over the Southern Border may be closer to 30 million rather 6 million, according to this insider. And also that they are building camps not for the illegals, but for the Americans to be soon identified as the new Jews, Gypsies and other political undesirables (who no doubt have already been pre-selected and pre-identified using the Ai and with the consent of the AIPAC Overlords) will be housed temporarily for the foreseeable future in the FEMA camps.
Beware the Chaos Agents at play - Soros, Johnson, AIPAC, and HIAS
All of this madness was part of WW3 in Zionist Nazi Occupied America, where the free housing comes at a very steep price - your very freedom. Imagine scenes from a different episode of this film we have somewhat seen before already? Which version time date was this episode? Remember that film where the Nazis control America?
A whistleblower who worked for the HHS revealed the government is building secret detention facilities all over the United States
We would say that is an Ai generated image and not an actual photo of a camp, but it should help convey the imagery of an internment camp the type where Japanese were held during WW2 in parts of America. However, he provided no reference. No point to making a statement without a point of reference.
These camps this time around will be not for the Jews, no they will exact their pound of flesh and their blood lust for what happened decades ago. This time around it will be the Christians and the Muslims that will play the role of the Jews in WW3 and we will see all of it being justified using the Bible and labelling those groups as Amalek.
It cannot be that only Jewish blood has value and the rest means nothing. No all life has value and Christian and Muslim blood also has value as members of mankind. So when you see demons professing their right to take blood, they must be following a different God than the only we normally associate with God. Candace gets it and she is finally speaking clearly on the said matters. No more beating around the bush. We have reached that moment of Anagnorisis in this dramatic play in the end times.
Sick of the victim complex.
That is how Americans en masse get replaced and exterminated and imprisoned and disappeared January 6th style in a future America under both a Biden and a Trump Presidency. Because both of these administrations have been pre-paid for already as in pre-purchased by AIPAC. The only act of the play remaining is the final sacrifice.
It was one of the many victories to come out of the evil and horror of Gaza. The IDF Terrorist Army actions wake up the entire world and now we are here talking about it on Tucker Carlson, one of the biggest Israel lovers out there. He too realizes what a snake the Zionist viper truly is because his first amendment freedom of speech rights were just amendment by the new ruler over Zion as in the Zionist ruling over the DC.
The HR 6090 Anti-Semitism Bill and the Fall of the Republic
The Donor Class goes to War with Iran, Russia and China
The Donor Class have already pre-purchased Congress and Senate as well as the Oval Office. Just capture the head and the rest of the body does what it is told to do. It was a very effective strategy. That cancer in the head has metastasized to now be most of the body as well. It was essentially a classic Master Slave relationship, where America was the Slave and AIPAC was the Master.
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