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Corona Times News Podcast
The HR 6090 Anti-Semitism Bill and the Fall of the Republic
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The HR 6090 Anti-Semitism Bill and the Fall of the Republic

Welcome to the United States of Israel where the only protected class are the members of the Donor Class and everyone else needs to bow in submission.

The Tunnel Rabbis must be salivating in their joy as they soil some more mattresses in the tunnels under the Synagogues of Satan. With the passing of HR 6090 into law soon the pointing out of Jewish crimes will be considered a type of hate speech if they so choose and platforms such as Substack will be forced by legislation to comply or they too will be prosecuted with fines. So far in the bill there is no definition of what the penalties are for the violation of the provisions, but if they are anything like what the Canadian version is like then America better prepare itself for creation of a Prison based super state that will be housing millions of dissidents for mere thought crimes.


To fully comprehend World history and the Jewish perception of the World please hear to what their own Rabbi Finkelstein has to say rather than listening to a Goyim. Without this background you will be lost in this discussion of Jewish World control.

This podcast on this post is from TruNews where they do a good job of detailing the problems associated with this bill, but there is much more to the story. People are yes reacting to this bill as they should be, but as we said in an earlier post on this related topic that in the words of these bills and acts is where the exemptions are to be found.

What is the official definition of the term "antisemitism"? Answer, it applies to both Jews and non-Jews, as in the Palestinians are covered as Semitic non-Jews. Hooray for the poor Gazans.

What is antisemitism? (

In the spirit of the Stockholm Declaration that states: “With humanity still scarred by …antisemitism and xenophobia the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils” the committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial called the IHRA Plenary in Budapest 2015 to adopt the following working definition of antisemitism.

On 26 May 2016, the Plenary in Bucharest decided to:

Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Every Palestinian should use this clause to claim their full Semitic rights and roots as so defined by the Jewish IHRA and now codified into local Laws at least in South Dakota. But notice that the poor Muslims and the poor Russians get labelled with a Phobia, as in Islamophobia and Russophobia, which are both an irrational fear of something such as spiders and the term Arachnophobia. Nothing about Hate, but all about fake Fear. And FEAR itself breaks down into False Evidence Appearing Real. Beware of the Man behind the green screen pulling the strings of the old FEAR tactic.

To summarize yes the bill is a direct assault on the senses and common sense, but it is not yet a violation of American constitutional rights as it is defined in the bill and we are guessing people who are reacting to it such as Owen have not actually read the full bill as posted on the Congress website. The Bible is not being banned, but the yes the groundwork is being laid to do it in the future and the misuses of these provisions will affect anyone writing, speaking or thinking about the legitimate criticism of Israelis.


It is worth listening also the podcast from Mike Adams, Healthranger on this issue as he seems to be getting ready for a legal challenge to this Jewish protection racket. He has been consistent in his principles and has woken up to the danger of Zionism for which we applaud him. Even though it took a Genocide in Gaza to make that change.


Short summary of key points;

  • Israeli leaders' calls for Genocide against Palestinian people. (12:27)

  • Anti-Semitism laws and their potential impact on free speech. (21:02)

  • The transformation of America from a democracy to a satanic death cult ruled by Netanyahu. (34:58)

  • Colombia severs diplomatic ties with Israel. (42:57)

  • Israeli human rights abuses and organ harvesting. (47:47)

  • Challenges in sourcing clean hemp for CBD products. (56:30)

  • Surviving economic collapse. (1:04:21)

Some other commentators, however are not on point most of the time. As an example.

Charlie seems to have come to his senses a few hours later with this updated tweet on the subject. And that is where the rubber meets the road and where the details matter.

Let us get past the hysteria associated with this bill which is still not Law as of yet, but soon will be and let us read the actual text of the bill. Because that is where you will find three notable issues;

  1. In the bill there are no penalties defined for the violation of the provisions.

  2. The bill does it allow for the violation of the other protected constitutional rights.

  3. The bill does not diminish or infringe upon the rights within other related Acts.

Notice how President Biden was just a day earlier at a White House Correspondents Association Dinner to celebrate the First Amendment, which he intends to violate as his service to the Donor Class. A Donor Class that owns and control Washington DC. Open mockery of the Constitution in play and nobody seems to notice or even care and he was speaking to the Journalists that should be holding him accountable? Why no accountability from this group? Answer, because they are owned by a Donor Class.

President Biden delivers remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

So what is the point of this bill then if it cannot be enforced? The point is to instill FEAR as we said earlier. Because FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Implant FEAR into the Mind and use FEAR to drive your policies and then abuse and misuse the Act once passed to expand Police State powers and increasing funding for Jewish projects. That is the real problem, the expansion of the Police State to use this Act as an excuse to spy and surveil Americans under the pretense of Anti-Semitism, which as you just read here includes Jewish and non-Jewish persons, as in it means anyone and everyone.

But does that mean the International Jewry is not the biggest crisis facing mankind? Answer, No. Zionist Israel as represented by International Jewry remains our biggest shared problem. This cancerous ideology means to exterminate all not bowing their heads in worship to them. And Julian Assange knew and may be why he is still in jail.


It is very likely that this bill HR 6090 was written in part of wholly by the AIPAC Chaos Agents we warned readers about and here they are going into overdrive action mode to ensure they use this legislation to expand their powers inside of DC.


You will either comply or you will be voted out. It is worth pointing out that Pastor Rick Wiles is in the fight of his life with Congressmen but dual Israeli citizen and IDF member Brian Mast in Florida. This Chaos Agent as in Agent Provocateur even shows up to Congress in his IDF uniform to flaunt his power, backed by AIPAC no doubt.

Be sure to throw some shekels his way to defeat this IDF agent called Brian Mast. And notice how they use the most deceptive non-Jewish sounding names to fool the Goyim.


The stranglehold on power is so complete that it is not America First but it is now clearly America Last and Israel First, that is officially the case now and here is the official proof of that change. The Congress and Senate and the Whitehouse as in the Executive branches of government are fully captured. Only the Judiciary remains to be tested with this bill to see if the Constitution has any meaning or if it has to be tossed aside like toilet paper when tender Jewish feelings and sensibilities are involved.

The SuperPAC of the House GOP is spam-texting everyone on their list with an incredible "America First"-style offer


Notice the double standards in play if you have not noticed it already. Israeli and Jews can call for Genocide and Mass Murder without any consequences, but if you protest against such gross human rights violations then you are now deemed to be an Anti-Semite, when they are the real criminals. And like any good protection racket, the old Mafia boss makes the rules and his paid protection squad goons aka our selected by AIPAC politicians enforce the rules using “Law” enforcement officers.


In our opinion the real issue with the Anti-Semitism bill is that it indicates a bigger problem that nobody wishes to state openly and clearly. And that is that the Republic has already fallen and has been renamed and rebranded as the newly conjured up United States of Israel. America now exists in its last dying breaths of life to serve Israel and all Israeli interests first and foremost. A blood sucking parasite that will soon move on to a new host that it will also suck dry and discard as when and needed to suit its blood lust.

However, there is some hope in small actions. And sometimes it is those small actions that can lead to bigger changes. We cannot claim correlation here except in our small office. When a Butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, sometimes that does lead to a major hurricane in another part of the world. We posted these two short videos on May 1st and as usual it got a few views, but remember the small acts matter if this theory is to hold true. The same day the Anti-Semitism bill was introduced and passed using the Closed Rule procedure to stifle any debates in the Congress. Note May 1st is one of the most notable Illuminati dates out there and rituals are always performed to suit and this May 1st was no exception. They did not disappoint with this wicked evil bill.

They always want you to focus on the rise in Anti-Semitism, but never the cause of it. But perhaps if they stop killing innocent women and children on a daily basis then other peoples opinion of them might change, but that might be too much to ask for a people in open rebellion for at least 2000 years. There is a strong correlation between their actions and the rise in Anti-Semitism, but when you are delusional such arguments are meaningless, because they go in one ear and out the other in the mindless mind.

There is a mass psychosis in play in Israel and now that wicked mindset has spread to America.

Hence, we close where we began, welcome to the United States of Israel where the one and only protected class are the members of the Donor Class and everyone else needs to bow in submission. If you are not a member of the Tunnel Rabbis soiling mattresses and trying to redeem yourself of your sins through more sinning then you are in the group of peoples that will not be protected by the United States of Israel Police State.

The Sabbatean plan of redemption through sin

“Where Frank separated himself was by rejecting every moral law and commandment and declaring that the only way to a new society was through the total destruction of the present civilization. He insisted that child sacrifice, rape, incest and the drinking of blood were perfectly acceptable and necessary religious rituals. (Sepehr, p. 20)

He [Shabbatai Zevi] eventually declared that all of the thirty-six major biblical sins were now permitted and even instructed some of his followers that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption.” (Rabow, p. 110)

Repent of your sins and come to the only and only true Creator of the Worlds before it is too late and the door for redemption is permanently closed. But beware the false evil teachings of Satan and his chosen followers leading you to ever lasting hell fire.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17

- Corona Times News


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