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World History as told by Rabbi Finkelstein
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World History as told by Rabbi Finkelstein

Here is the history of the Jews in an interview from over 20 years ago, but it perfectly explains our current Zionist Occupation tragedy.

We were trying and are still trying, but still no luck. Still cannot find a meaningful story in the headlines that does not have Jews behaving badly. God us help against this Satanic Synagogue of Satan Kabbalah krew. Before you start hyperventilating, consider these 3 points of view to support our hypothesis. We are all under complete Zionist Occupation and it is far worse that we ever imagined. Time to Wake UP.

And of course listen to the podcast with the Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein, a New York Rabbi in an interview from over 20 years ago. But listen and see if what he was saying 20 years ago is not the exact script with the exact usual suspects behaving exactly as he was foretelling us in this historic interview. If you have never heard of this Rabbi or this interview after hearing you will never see things the same way ever again. Be forewarned for those easily triggered. The crimes that Rabbi is confessing to are not ours but what happens often is that the messenger is the one held responsible for just reporting their own confessions to child rape, child murder, and Luciferian worship.

This Rabbi Finkelstein, is not to be confused with another Finkelstein, that one being Norman Finkelstein who is one of the few honest Jews still speaking out against the Zionist Israeli Chabad Deep State. And we use Jews not Zionists in this post because the Rabbis is using the word Jews so we are sticking to his own reference for this case.

After justifying the mass murder of thousands in a naked Genocide in Gaza, they are now the ones emerging from underground tunnels where we are finding a Jewish Hasidic Zionist Chabad Cult hiding blood stained mattresses and child strollers in tunnels under the Women’s section. What was really going on here if these tunnels are 6 months old and we are then told they were for lockdown circumvention as if the narrative was already ready to go to be distributed to all the main stream media presstitutes. What is sounds like and looks like based on the peoples involved and their history of pedophilia and child abuse, and based on the size of the tunnels where only a small child could fit and crawl through, is that these tunnels were part of mass child rape tunnel and network. Which has been uncovered in the past as well.

Chabad Child Rape Tunnels?

Back to the 3 points to consider. The confessions of Rabbi Finkelstein and the tunnels under the Synagogue were points 1 and 2 and now for 3 for the hypothesis that we are already under Zionist Occupation around the world.

France and the French President Rothschild Agent Macron had no other choice but to appoint a Jewish Sodomite as the new Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal. In all of the wine filled French republic there was just no other qualified candidate, after the sudden ouster or firing of the last French Prime Minister. France is a hot mess headed to civil war just like America is because both are under Zionist Occupation.

(JTA) — France’s newest prime minister is getting attention for the two firsts he brings to the job: Gabriel Attal, at 34, is the country’s youngest ever prime minister, and its first to be openly gay.

He says another facet of his identity also shapes him: His late father’s Jewishness.

Attal’s mother raised him and his siblings in her Russian Orthodox Christian faith. But his father, the film producer Yves Attal, was Jewish, born in Paris to Tunisian Jewish and European Jewish parents.

Now let us do a short count of the number of Government positions of high ranks the Jewish Lobby has captured around the world. We first started to notice the pattern with the selection of another Zionist Jew in Argentina, which was then followed up by another surprise win the Netherlands with the vehemently racists Geert Wilders, and now we have score number 3 with France.

“We have imported a monster into Europe and this monster is called Islam”, says PVV leader Geert Wilders. Do you agree?

Is there no other group that is qualified to ever attain high office? What was the cute answer that Rabbi Finkelstein gave? Answer, “even when a Jew lies, he is telling the truth” and then something about anti-semitism and being the eternal victim of racism and something about owning all the judges, politicians and lawyers and treating the poor Gentile as the Shabbas Goy aka Slaves for Jews.

It was self confessed here they cannot and will not live in peace with others, because their corrupted Cult believes in Redemption through Sin, as in the committing of child rape to gain Redemption as taught by the one of the most wicked peoples to ever exist called Shabbatai Zevi. And it is his followers that were digging these tunnels.

The Sabbatean plan of redemption through sin

In the 1600’s there was a messianic movement among Jews that was led by Shabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). He was probably one of the most popular of about 50 Jewish messiahs that have arisen over the centuries. More importantly, other than Jesus Himself (who still has a few followers today) Zevi is the one self-proclaimed messiah who still has a very large following.

In 1651 Shabbatai was finally excommunicated and banished from the synagogue in Smyrna. He moved to Salonika, where he claimed to be married to the Torah. The outraged rabbis there banished him as well, and so he continued his wandering. He finally declared that in the messianic era the biblical commandments were no longer binding.

“Then he finally made the announcement for which the Jewish community had been waiting for 1,600 years—he would begin the Redemption on the fifteenth day of the month of Sivan, 5426 (June 18, 1666).

“The reaction of world Jewry to all this was staggering. It has been estimated that over a million Jews believed in Shabbatai Zevi the Messiah, at a time when this constituted as much as 50% of total world Jewry.” (Rabow, p. 101).

He eventually declared that all of the thirty-six major biblical sins were now permitted and even instructed some of his followers that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption.” (Rabow, p. 110)

Does a child rape assembly line under the Synagogue of Satan to redeem your sins sound so far fetched now. It seems to make all the sense in the world now, well at least it should, that was the point of the post.

The Child-Rape Assembly Line

In New York, and in the prominent Orthodox communities of Israel and London, allegations of child molestation and rape have been rampant. The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, uncles—figures of male authority.

The victims, like those of Catholic priests, are mostly boys. Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn's Hasidic community—the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world—have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders.

"I have children come to me with their parents, and the blood is coming out of the anus," Rabbi Rosenberg told me when we met. "These are zombies for life. What are we to do?"

Half the boys and half the girls are abused and who is doing the abusing? Their own elders and doing it for Redemption. If that is not sick and twisted and then we are forced to tolerate it as being somehow forbidden to talk about because that topic is anti-semitic, then we really are in a state of total loss. As in the loss of the state, the nation, the republic and the mind.

Without the podcast confessions of Rabbi Finkelstein and the knowing of the knowledge of the evil Cult of the Sabbateans what was happening in New York Crown Heights would not make any sense, but when you know the usual suspects then you know their playbook and their modus operandi.

Behold the raw power of this Satanic Cult on power politics. Look who was in New York and visiting the Chabad, the same Zionist Jewish Nazi they just selected in Nazi Argentina. And there they are visiting their other house aka the Whitehouse with their selected candidate Donald Trump, after Judas Kushner was able to convert his Ivanka to the same Satanic Pedo Cult. Everything Rabbi Finkelstein was saying 20 years ago is playing out before your eyes and was in play for those entire 20 years.


In typical Jewish Privilege fashion, when they are caught red handed with literal blood stained mattresses in their secret underground tunnels, we are told there is nothing to see here and why is everyone asking Jews questions anyway, and then loop around to the old fail safe they must all be little anti-semites for even asking such questions. Their Messiah according to the Chabad was that snake Schnneerson, but the old Rebbe is dead, but they still on holding to their delusions on thinking he will bring himself back to life to show that Lucifer is indeed the true God of Israel.


What type of religion has their holy elders rubbing their ass first with fresh blood of unknown origin and then proceeding to rubbing their faces and other body parts with that same blood. What religious practice is this being shown here? If any Jews reading this post have an answer please share. If you have no answer then the answer is now we know who the Synagogue of Satan was doing child abuse based ritual blood sacrifices are doing their deeds in open view. The evidence is now clear and they are all exposed.

Who sacrifices children in their Synagogues and then dances like wild beasts around the just sacrificed child? Well that would the same usual suspects at it again and so we wonder now what has changed in all these years with these lost tribes of Israel?

Bonus Round

America is being primed for another second civil war and the irony is that the one of the most historically important Revolutions was the French Revolution. Will history repeat it or will that planned history play out in future America.

Because when Hollywood makes films they are giving you predictive “mind” programming clues to your future just like the film Contagion. The word “social distancing” was mentioned in that film years before we had to confront “social distancing” in reality with Covid-19 Plandemic and Vaccines Bio-Weapons.

So what is Hollywood predicting will soon be the future of America? Answer, it will be planned and staged and carefully coordinated Civil War and Coup by the same usual suspects, but this time to usher in the False Messiah Anti-Christ so that their Luciferian reign can begin over the world. We assert that we are already under that very Zionist Jewish End Times Beast System and the evidence abounds.

Read of these previous posts to catch up if you new to the materials. Watch the trailer to the new film called Civil War. What a creative name. Wonder what that film is all about? Answer, Civil War. So that means Civil War is coming up? Answer, Yes. They did not even bother to give it some woke title.

Are we still asleep inside the American Dream? Because only in a trance like sleeping state can you be Dreaming. You need to wake up from the Dream and back to reality to deconstruct and then reconstruct your new reality to enter a new reality called the Matrix which is too ugly to be the reality. They are priming you be careful when they use trigger words like “what type of America are you”. Those are very deliberate divisive dangerous word choices meant to redefine your American identity. Are you a Texan or a Western Forces member or are you a Florida Alliance member? Where does your loyalty lie because new choices will be added soon as the America breaks into regions. A just plain vanilla America will no longer be a viable choice in the very near future.

When films and video games are giving you better decodes of this “Masonic Matrix” Reality then that is where you must focus at least some of your attention. The Union will be broken or will break on its own as planned by the same usual suspects, but either way the Republic the Union the Nation changes profoundly 2024>. Be aware.

We are with you bro, get some Tyrants.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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