No need for hyperbole, the signs are quite clear now that great changes are coming to America and it will be fomented by the Chaos Agents at play - Soros, Johnson, Trump, AIPAC, and HIAS. They share one common thread between them and that is they are all actively working to destroy America from within for a foreign power. And that foreign power is little Zionist Israel. So welcome to the United States of Israel. A new nation born to serve Zionist Israel, where no free speech will be allowed and no rights will be respected if it hurts the feelings of the chosen Donor Class tribe members.
This podcast is with Mike Adams, Healthranger and Steve Quayle who describe this situation as Battlefield America. And we have to agree, but the real question is how did we get here and who is are the Chaos Agents behind this intentional revolution to destroy America for a foreign power and a messianic agenda. How did Zionist Israel become the tail wagging the dog? The strategy was simple; capture the head of the snake and as a result you can control the rest of the body. Orders from the top must be followed if you functioning in a top down command and control structure.
And once you have captured the head, the body is easy to control, manipulate and bleed dry over time without much effort at all. Is 27 out of 30 cabinet positions being Jewish enough of a stranglehold on power for you to notice that the Zionists have a stranglehold on power? What is the correct threshold to pass for the indoctrinated brain to wake up? How much power is too much power and the play too damn obvious.
And combine that with a President of the present Biden and the past Trump who are both beholden to the Donor Class, and what you have is total Zionist Occupation of America and hence the reality we now clearly live in which is the United States of Israel. America just like Gaza is also under the total Zionist occupation and thus you are now either one of them or you are one of the Goyim or the Amalek to be killed off. Their genocidal intentions towards all those not belonging to the chosen side should be clear by now, but if it is not see the warning sign below and these previous posts.
Blessed are the Peace Makers not the War Mongers that Bomb Hospitals
Why is Gaza a Genocide?
They wish to hold everyone but themselves accountable. Perhaps that is why there is world for accountability in their twisted minds. The double standards are clear for all to see now. They can kill at will and spew hate with impunity, but if you dare oppose the Genocide or speak out against it then you are the problem and the Police will be sent to break your bones and trample on your constitutional rights without hesitation.
The Donor Class goes to War with Iran, Russia and China
And the recent actions of the House Speaker Mike Johnson is one of the most clear examples of how Chaos Agents are now running the show. Their job is to foment chaos because out of chaos is how you bring a new world order. And please note that this House Speaker Mike Johnson is third in line for the Presidency and the Nuclear codes to destroy the entire planet in the name of murderous little Zionist Israel.
The kill rate of the Zionists is impressive and so is their spending power in the Den of Criminals known as Washington DC. AIPAC has a 98% success rate in getting their chosen candidates into power. So what difference would the remaining miserable 2% make to the overall picture? Answer, they make absolutely no difference to the overall Occupation of America and hence their total stranglehold on the levers of state power.
And who do the Donor Class install into power from out of nowhere to push through the Ukraine and Israel first funding bill? That would Demon Eyes himself as in House Speaker Mike Johnson. If you cannot spot the evil in those eyes and in that grin then you have something called cognitive dissonance or perhaps some strong delusion. But Demon Eyes has now a bigger prize that he is aiming for so please be aware of that.
If pretend President Biden were to be removed, then Kamala would need a Vice President and we are guessing that is why a Mike Johnson has been selected into position for that outcome. A total Chaos Agent that will do the bidding of Zionist Israel as their political prostitute because this little prostitute has already been paid, so now it is time to perform those dirty little tricks for your paymasters.
BREAKING: According to a new FEC Reports, House Speaker Mike Johnson allegedly received $524,000 from AIPAC.
And a $95,000 payment from a foreign lobby group shortly after the passing of the $14.5 billion military aid package.
Should members of our government be banned from accepting foreign money to push an agenda in the U.S.?
They are equal opportunity Johns, they seem to have a wheelchair fetish with the Texas Governor and are proudly displaying their newest trophy they just purchased.
There is a psychosis in play behind this little murderous nation called Zionist Israel and none but than a fellow Jew to explain the mass psychosis that pervades this place.
Combine 3 elements to achieve this level of mass psychosis.
An Apartheid Racial Complex founded on being superior to others and being part of some type of chosen Race that God has bestowed power, land and favor upon.
Delude yourself to be the Victim even though you are the Occupier who has no right to self-defense as the Occupier, but more so then to think that you are the only Victim that is acceptable and everyone else is an Anti-Semitic Terrorist.
Create a systematic dehumanization of the Palestinians which we warned early on would lead to a Genocide because early in this Gaza War that started in Oct 2023 there were already signs that the dehumanization part in the 10 steps to Genocide was well under way. See this previous post on that topic in that timeframe.
If you wish to see a recent example of this mass Victim mentality that pervades their thinking watch this little example from the student protests raging across the nation. Watch how this little Jewish Karen fakes her way to the top. Note how confused the poor dog looks. Even the dog knows she is faking it and she was not in any danger.
Remember Amy Cooper, the white “pigeon lady” who called the cops on a black man bird watching in Central Park? She lost her job, had her dog temporarily seized, and had to complete a racial sensitivity course to avoid jail time for falsely reporting a criminal incident, then went into hiding following an alleged wave of death threats.
This Zionist Karen is calling the cops on peaceful anti-genocide protesters, faking a hate crime and wasting police resources to claim they’re threatening her life, all to advance the objectives of a foreign apartheid state's malign domestic lobby. It’s safe to assume she will face no real consequences for it.
Being the victim while being the trouble maker is part and parcel of being Chaos Agents and note that this Jewish Karen is a school teacher. No wonder public schools are in such deplorable conditions and students are learning nothing. Probably because they have teachers such as this Jewish Karen feeding their minds with total garbage as part of the overall agenda to weaken and defeat the Amaleks from within. Suck them hosts dry and then move on to different hosts to rinse and repeat the same evil cycle.
One of the biggest problems that America faces now with the student protest Police response is that now free speech will be affected for all of us, if you dare to criticize little murderous Zionist Israel. In that regard the Republic has already fallen from within. Free Speech encoded in the Constitution has been flushed down the toilet just to appease the feelings of the Zionists engaged in a Genocide. To protest against the Genocide is now the crime, but not the Genocide itself. Hence the American Republic has already fallen, but we needed such glaring examples to wake us up.
Edward Snowden was on point here in noting that the recent FISA rule changes again by the same Chaos Agent Johnson was now been weaponized to protect Zionist Israeli Genocide and forego the right to Free Speech. The protection of the feelings of Jews is more important than the Constitution itself now in the new United States of Israel.
More analysis below from Mike Adams on the Warrantless FISA surveillance to target American citizens who support freedom for Palestine.
#Misinformation and media manipulation regarding disease outbreaks. (12:37)
Police #brutality at university protests. (18:09)
Israeli PM Netanyahu's war crimes and US-Israel relations. (23:00)
US Empire's aggressive actions and decline. (29:10)
Campus monitors to police speech, with focus on #Israel and LGBTQ+ issues. (41:23)
Government crackdown on peaceful protesters, civil rights violations and left-wing support. (46:24)
Israeli military actions in #Gaza and #Palestine, where the IDF bombs areas it once declared "safe zones." (48:58)
New laws in Canada and US that would retroactively criminalize free speech. (53:44)
It is a complete Zionist Occupation of America through AIPAC on the political front and with HIAS on the Southern Border. A true division of labor for maximum damage to America in service to Zionist Israel. As we said beware the Chaos Agents in play. It is satisfying to finally see Greg Reese do a piece on AIPAC so that the Infowars folks as leading indicators of the Resistance can finally wake up to a monster in their midst.
It will not be long before FISA is combined with Pre-Crime Thought Police Laws and we are in full blown Minority Report reality where your eye scan is part of the daily routine and no escape is allowed from the Matrix of control and monitoring of your daily thoughts and actions for the greater good of Zionist Israel. Such a frightening reality awaits us very soon into the future. These are truly Revolutionary Times in America. Will you run, fight or flee? The Ai algorithms and the constant eye scans will decide.
And since Israel is already a part of CENTCOM that means it already has access to all your raw intel data from the NSA and the other 3 letter agencies of note to monitor all your potentially Anti-Semitic pre-thoughts even before you write them or think them.
In closing, some brilliant analysis from Scott Ritter on the overall state of the union and how such delusional thinking has lead to Russia becoming an ever stronger adversary and now the prospect of billions lost in Ukraine leading to a full blown nuclear war for the same chosen race of deluded psychopaths. If little Israel is overrun the billions that were siphoned off was in part of buy mansions and villas in sunny parts of Europe, but also to create an option B where Little Israel becomes Big Israel in Ukraine otherwise known as Jewkraine. Note another Chaos Agent called Zelensky.
And no Trump will not be saving you from these Jewish Chaos Agents because he was purchased by this Jewish Donor Class years ago and he is still begging them for even more shekels as we speak. Trump was and is a snake and his self-confessed actions as the proud Father of the Vaccine should have been a big red warning sign for all to see.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
- Corona Times News
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