Where are we at in the Zionist Occupation of the World? If you are in Gaza you have made it all the way to Stage 4 which is Dehumanization, where "One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects, or diseases." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide
This podcast is with Mike Adams as he explains the Blood Lust gripping the Zionists and this rage will take the entire world to ruin. This Zionist Occupation threatens the entire planet and if not checked we will lose almost everyone and everything.
Israeli veterans openly and publicly call for the complete genocidal extermination of all Palestinians
Israel is TRAPPED in the #Hamas OODA loop of action / reaction
Hamas, backed by Iran, has maneuvered the USA and Israel into an unwinnable quagmire
Palestinian refugees get bombed by IDF air strikes, killing hundreds
Latest numbers on the hospitals, water treatment plants and mosques destroyed by Israel
Shocking economic analysis by Tuomas Malinen, on the “worst case scenario” stemming from Israel-Palestine war
Expect an #OPEC oil embargo against nations supporting #Israel
Western Europe will be devastated by bans on LNG exports from Arab nations
Oil prices predicted to reach $300 / barrel
Massive #inflation spike across Western nations leads to central banks HIKING interest rates
More banks collapse due to imploding values of US treasuries held by banks
US govt prints TRILLIONS of dollars to bail out collapsing banking system
World nations REJECT the collapsing #dollar in the face of runaway #currency printing
Hyperinflation commences for dollar-priced goods and services
The US dollar collapses, followed by collapse of the US government
Those left holding dollars will lose everything
If you want to see what Hate looks like, then here is some Zionist Blood Lust gone rampant. They are scared to death that all their power and influence cannot buy them any peace or security. They thought America and their IDF was going to protect them and it turns out both are weak and compromised and snakes that will eventually bite you in the ass when the time is right.
Here is the mighty IDF with pants ass backwards. As just started, the snake bites you in the ass so put on your pants backwards? They are so ready to run away to the beaches of Florida at the first calling that they have forgotten how pants work.
The smell of betrayal and panic is gripping them hard, and they are expressing their fear as pure rage and anger and hence the Zionist Blood Lust. For this psycho just the word “Palestine” was the trigger to go Zionist. Those Demon Eyes says it all.
Another example from Illinois after probably listening to Fox News and CNN went on a rampage and killed a 6-year-old Muslim boy for being Muslim. Pure Hate and Terror.
That is why we warned before of this spirit of the Anti-Christ is the air, water and 5G signals now broadcasting the frequencies of hate and violence. Guard your Heart fully against them Blood Lust so you do not become of these people on social media with their embarrassing video circulating the world over.
Guard your Heart against any Blood Lust
Hamas Attack was an Intelligence "Inside Job"
The full list of the 10 Stages of Genocide below made by victims of another NATO Nazi Zionist Operation called the Srebrenica Massacre in Bosnia, yes in the heart of Europe by the Bill and Hillary Clinton Presidency.
The Mighty IDF has yet to go into Gaza to finish their Genocide, but rather are just levelling anything moving from the skies using the IAF before going in like typical cowards to kill more innocent women and children in the name of Zionism.
Where will Zionist Blood Lust take us if not stopped by people of Faith and Reason? Listen to Mark Levin going off the rails and calling for the nuclear option to wipe all peoples of Gaza. This is the type of hate and venom you will find on Fox News. Notice how docile and helpless the other commentators appear. More signs of total and utter captivity under Zionist Occupation.
And here is the same Mark Levin Zionist Psycho tearing up the American flag living and earning his shekels in America. Who are the real Traitors and the real Enemies?
That hatred goes back to the first forces of occupation that entered the land more than 70 years ago and look at them now, still the same. Only difference is that back then nobody has a cell phone and translator to do subtitles and post on social media. As we said Stage 4 is Dehumanization where people are compared to animals. Oddly enough this little Zionist Nazi learnt all the wrong lessons from the Nazis who did the same to the Jews as part of the lead up the Holocaust. The German Nazis called them the Jewish Parasite and now they are calling the Palestinians the very same Parasites. What has changed since then?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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