
Trump Confirms he is the Vaccine Man

Trump has just lost one of his most influential supporters with this issue aka Alex Jones

Alex Jones and Donald J. Trump finally part ways. It is now official and the reason was the Kill Shot Stabbies aka Trump’s Vaccine, which he is not fully owning and hence the parting of ways. The video is from Greg Reese https://www.banned.video/watch?id=630a11ee5cf44d2d9f325cc3 on Trump’s Vaccine which he is so very proud of.

Nobody likes to be duped and fooled, but if you believed Trump and fell for his Safe and Effective Vaccines then the it is time to take ownership of this and call a Spade a Spade and a Trump a Trump. The Card Game is up.


Vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind, we would have had a 1917 Remember the Spanish flu, killed perhaps 100 million people. Actually it ended the First World War because the soldiers was, a lot of people don't know that. the soldiers got so sick. It was a terrible thing.

There were no vaccines, it would know anything. I came up with a Vaccine with three Vaccines all are very, very good. came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.

the Vaccine work, but some people aren't they the ones the ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't take the Vaccine.

Donald J. Trump

We called it much earlier that Trump was the Snake, but did anyone else on the Alt Media listen? The numbers were few. Some links below if you want to catch up to the Trump Betrayal which was a literal Stab in the Back with the Kill Shot Stabbies aka Trump’s Vaccine.

Corona Times News
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One of those few who caught onto Trump eventually was Mike Adams and here he shares his view on the issue of Trump and the Vaccines.


And as Alex said correctly, in my opinion, the data are clear. This Vaccine is killing people. It is not safe, it is not even effective. It's not stopping infections, it's not saving lives, it's destroying lives, it has probably killed anywhere between five and 12 million people worldwide, and at least 600,000 Americans dead because of this Vaccine.

And frankly, Trump bragged about Operation Warp Speed and bragged about working with Big Pharma and even use the military to distribute the vaccine. And to this day, Trump won't come out and apologize for his role in pushing these vaccines that have killed frankly, 12 times more Americans than the entire Vietnam War.

So Alex is 100% correct on this issue. And it is Donald J. Trump with as much good that he has done and how much the globalist hate him which, you know, tells us important things about Trump actually fighting for humanity on so many fronts. But this vaccine issue is, this is a showstopper. And I'm on the record even saying that I will not support any candidate that supports the Vaccines, just 100%.

Mike Adams

If you are have never heard such information before then welcome to CTN and the world of Alt Media. Trying to cut out as much BS as possible and give you the facts as we see it. Those with functioning hearts, not brains, should know in their knowing that Trump was the Snake, but the Delusion is so Strong even when he admits it we cannot process it. Hence Strong Delusion.

I have saved you. Cried the woman. And you've bitten me heavens why? You know your bite is poisonous. And now I'm going to die.

Oh, shut up. Silly woman said the Reptile with a grin. You knew damn well. I was a snake before you took me in.

Donald J. Trump

Jones and Adams rode that Trump Train until it finally derailed and went off the rails, as in when a Leader turns out to be MisLeader. We all get Conned, just don’t persist in the denial and move on. Political Leaders are MisLeaders. You Faith was MisPlaced.


He got it, he watched it. And then I got the response back. And Trump told the people that brought it to him. I've talked to him in the meeting. And they and Trump said, I don't want to hear about questioning this so called Vaccine again. I call it a so called Vaccine. He said, I don't want to hear about this again, from anybody. I think it's good and that's it.

So Trump, last Friday, in response to all of this, said, I believe what I did was good. It's an effective Vaccine, it works. And that's it, even though they admit it doesn't work, even though they admit it's hurting people, even though they admitted to fraud. He still says 95% effective, and that's Trump doing that. That's not me.

So I gave Trump until the 23rd of September, to not an ultimatum, but just a point of time to say, you're not part of this. We know the Democrats tried to make it mandatory. The Democrats tried to make people take it. You're against making the military taking it. Its kids taking it. That's a great thing you've done Trump, you're already way better than them. We just don't want them to blame you now for what they've done.

And his answer is, no, I back it. That's it. So I'm done talking about Trump. I'm not attacking Trump. I'm not supporting Trump.

I'm gonna support people like Bolsonaro. And the sadness that are coming out saying the shot doesn't work. We were lied to. It's a fraud. I'm not against Trump. I don't hate Trump. I'm not his enemy. But he took a million bucks from Pfizer, which is not that much to be bought out by. That's not why he's doing this. He's said he's the Vaccine Man. He said he saved hundreds of millions of people. He led Operation Warp Speed. And so he can't admit he was wrong. And that is his decision.

Alex Jones

Trump is not known for reading much, so guessing he probably did not see the Data interview post with Edward Dowd the Data guy on the strange rise in Vaccine related Deaths from the Kill Shot Stabbies aka Trump’s Vaccine. For the QTards and thus the TrumpTards, the awakening will be even more harsh, if you do not course correct your trajectory now rather than later or when it is too late.

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And a just a no, it's a no brainer. I mean, it's the turd the Punchbowl. Trump's great most of the time he has this big bowl of punch of freedom and justice and all these good things that he craps into the Punchbowl. I cannot support that.

I can't metaphysically fight the New World Order and risk my life and be attacked and be demonized and go through hell, and then have Trump sit there and be pigheaded because he got tricked into this show now.

He's not at the point of being tricked by it. Because it's all out in the open, it's all coming out. It doesn't work makes you sick and hurt you. Now he is deciding to be part of this. He's deciding to become metaphysically Bill Gates. He's deciding to become Peter Daszak. He's deciding to become Anthony Fauci. He's deciding to become Burks and Walensky.

And so he is deciding to separate himself from us, and to be that. And when he does that, that's his choice. We are now at least for me separated from him.

Doesn't mean I won't stand up against the persecution against Trump, doesn't mean I don't love the great things he did. It just means good kids and maimed kit children and shots that erase your immune system and cause heart attacks and infertility. I will not be part of that.

Alex Jones

Alex was man enough to call out Trump on principle, are you? And how ironic, it turns out Alex was right again, by standing on principle and changing course when it was the right to do.

man in black jacket and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden seat

Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News

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