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Why is Gaza a Genocide?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -27:30

Why is Gaza a Genocide?

Professor Norman Finkelstein presents the Case explaining the

For the record, if the case against Zionist Israel has to be laid out for people to clearly see then so be it and here is the video that does that with Professor Norman Finkelstein of the few Anti-Zionist voices still out there. He will be of course labelled as a self-hating Jew, but that is what happens when anyone stands up to the Zionist Bully terrorizing the entire world. We are all Gazans now under Zionist Pax Judaica.


Israel’s War in Gaza is Not a Valid Act of Self-defence in International Law - Ralph Wilde, Faculty of Laws, University College London:

"The problem is that Israel’s position in this regard has been created by its own decision, for over half a century, to exercise the use of force over the Palestinian West Bank and the Gaza Strip through its longest-in-modern-history occupation of these territories, despite this being illegal.

Paradoxically, by choosing to flagrantly disregard compliance with the international law on the use of force (and the law of self-determination), Israel has put itself in a position where, because of this, it is not in a position to benefit from the international law framework that permits states to address certain forms of cross-sovereign-border threats.

Not only did Israel’s own action degrade international law through its flagrant half-century-plus of defiant illegal occupation.

Also, in doing this it operated an arrangement in a territory which, because of this illegality, rendered inoperable the international legal right states have to defend themselves as far as threats emanating from that territory are concerned."


Genocide in Gaza?

The speaker questions whether the situation in Gaza can be described as genocide based on statements made by Israeli officials and the ongoing conflict.

Statements by Israeli Officials

  • Kim Herzog, President of Israel, stated that Israel would not distinguish between Hamas and civilians because they voted for Hamas.

  • Defense Minister Galon announced that no food, water, fuel, or electricity would be allowed into Gaza.

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expected the operation to last longer than any previous one.

Connecting the Dots

  • By considering these three statements together, it raises the question of how this cannot be described as genocide.

  • The impact of marginal efforts by the US government is insignificant compared to what is happening in Gaza.

Current Situation in Gaza

The speaker discusses the ongoing situation in Gaza, emphasizing the severity of the conflict and criticizing the terminology used to describe it.

Ongoing Genocide

  • The speaker asserts that what is happening in Gaza can be described as a genocide.

  • The recent visit of Blinken, US Secretary of State, did not lead to a decrease in violence but rather an increase.


For the record, the Genocide is Gaza is still ongoing and unlikely to stop because little Zionist Israel and its mighty IDF is being decimated on the ground in the ruins of city once known as Gaza. They are of course denying it all which is the 10th and last stage of Genocide - “Denial” of any such Genocide.

Disregard for Humanitarian Pause

  • The term "humanitarian pause" is criticized as it does not effectively address the need for a ceasefire.

  • A 15-minute or half-hour pause before resuming bombings does not serve its purpose.

Netanyahu's Disdain

  • Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu treats Blinken and Biden with disdain despite their attempts to influence the situation.

  • The speaker questions why Netanyahu would disregard their requests.

08:02 Terminology and Insanity of International Law

The speaker criticizes the terminology used to describe the conflict and highlights flaws in international law regarding bombings in densely populated areas.

Humanitarian Pause vs. Ceasefire

  • The concept of a humanitarian pause is questioned, as it does not provide meaningful relief or prevent further harm.

  • A ceasefire should be demanded instead of being misled by misleading terminology.

Big Bombs vs. Little Bombs

  • Israel's use of large bombs in densely populated areas like Jabalia refugee camp is highlighted.

  • Differentiating between big and small bombs overlooks the larger issue at hand.


How Gaza has been described as both a concentration camp and a death camp due to Israeli officials' statements and actions. It questions whether the ongoing situation can be classified as genocide based on these factors. Additionally, it criticizes the terminology used to describe temporary pauses in violence and highlights flaws in international law regarding bombings in densely populated areas.

09:28 Principle of Distinction and Proportionality

In this section, the speaker discusses the principles of distinction and proportionality in international law.

Principle of Distinction

  • The principle of distinction states that targeting civilians or civilian sites such as hospitals, schools, and homes is prohibited.

  • Only military combatants or military sites can be targeted.

Principle of Discrimination

  • The principle of discrimination prohibits the use of weapons that cannot distinguish between civilians and combatants.

  • For example, poison gas is illegal under international law because it cannot discriminate between civilians and combatants.

Principle of Proportionality

  • Proportionality means that if a legitimate military site is targeted, the collateral damage to civilians must be proportional to the value of the military target.

  • For instance, if two combatants are located in a civilian home with five civilians present, the judgment must be made whether killing three civilians is justified by the value of targeting those combatants.

  • Dropping 2,000-pound bombs in densely populated refugee camps raises questions about how any principle of proportionality could justify killing hundreds of civilians.

11:47 Critique on Laws of War

In this section, the speaker criticizes the laws of war and expert deliberations on proportionality.

  • The speaker finds it absurd that dropping 2,000-pound bombs in refugee camps is considered a complicated legal question by experts in international humanitarian law (IHL).

  • According to the speaker's experience teaching IHL classes, very few students would defend such actions based on proportionality.

  • Expert opinions that consider such situations as difficult questions demonstrate how flawed and insane the laws of war can be.

15:08 Blinken and Biden's Pressure on Israel

In this section, the speaker discusses why Blinken and Biden are putting more pressure on Israel.

  • The speaker points out that Israel suffered a significant blow in terms of its security services and commandos on October 7.

  • Despite this, the United States immediately provided $4 billion in aid to Israel and sent aircraft carriers.

  • The speaker argues that if the United States wanted to, it could exert more influence on Israel but chooses not to do so.

  • Both sides engage in theatrics for their own political purposes, with Netanyahu portraying strength and the United States claiming they tried their best.

  • The use of smaller bombs is also seen as an attempt to maintain a better public image.

17:22 Visual Impact of Bombing

In this section, the speaker discusses the visual impact of using large bombs.

  • The speaker mentions that images of 2,000-pound bombs can be found on YouTube and describes them as not presenting a good optic or picture.

  • Superimposing the smoke and flames from such bombs onto densely populated areas creates a disturbing mental image.

18:24 Israel's Nuclear Weapons Possession

The speaker discusses the revelation made by whistleblower M. Vanunu that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, despite their denial and lack of international inspection or adherence to nonproliferation treaties.

Israel's Denial and Lack of Inspection

  • Israel has denied possessing nuclear weapons.

  • No international inspections have been conducted on their nuclear weapons facility.

  • They have not been asked to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty or be visited by the IAEA.

18:58 Former Information Minister's Revelation

The former Information Minister admits on TV that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza is one of the options being considered by Israel.

Potential Consequences

  • The speaker doubts that Israel can carry out such an action due to potential blowback.

  • Gaza is not isolated, making it risky for Israel to use a nuclear bomb there.

20:08 Israeli Military Capability

The speaker reflects on Israel's military capabilities based on past conflicts and current strategies.

Limited War-Fighting Capacity

  • In 2006, during the Lebanon War, Israel struggled to fight effectively against Hezbollah.

  • Israeli Army was hesitant to engage in hand-to-hand combat with Hezbollah.

  • It took 34 days for the war to end, with Hezbollah claiming victory.

21:09 Israeli Army's Massacres and Strategy

The speaker discusses the perception of the Israeli Army as only capable of committing massacres and shares a possible strategy regarding sealing off tunnels in Gaza.

Perception of Israeli Army

  • According to Nala (Hezbollah leader), the Israeli Army is only capable of committing massacres.

Strategy in Gaza

  • Israel's strategy may involve sealing off the northern sector and bombing the area connecting it to the southern sector.

  • This would aim to seal off tunnels and force militants to suffocate or starve.

24:40 Hezbollah's Dilemma

The speaker discusses the dilemma faced by Hezbollah in deciding whether or not to intervene significantly in the conflict.

Tough Situation for Hezbollah

  • If Hezbollah intervenes, Lebanon could be leveled, and its people may turn against them.

  • Iran also does not want a broader war as they recently had a deal with the United States.

25:32 Israel's Two-Front War

The speaker reflects on Israel's inability to fight a two-front war and their limitations in using nuclear weapons.

Limitations of Israel

  • Israel cannot fight a two-front war due to potential blowback from using nuclear weapons.

  • Using nuclear weapons in Lebanon is not feasible due to the consequences.

26:24 Hezbollah Question

The possibility of the use of weapons by Hezbollah and the concern it raises.

Possibility of Weapons Use by Hezbollah

  • There is a concern that if weapons exist, Hezbollah may use them in the region, leading to significant concerns about contamination and other consequences.

  • This is based on the premise that Hezbollah opens up a second front, as claimed by Triz Missa.

  • Despite efforts made by Hezbollah to convey action, many people were disappointed with their speech, as they did not have many resources at their disposal.

If somehow you still find yourself as one of those 1 out of 40 students that still refuses to accept the killing of innocents is not Genocide, then perhaps this substack channel is not for you. Thanks for stopping by. We move on.

Scott Ritter speaks the truth and is one of the few who dare to speak truth to power. In Zionist Israel we find a rabid dog that is out of control of its supposed master which America, but America is no longer pull the leash and control this beast because the beast is out of its control, the dog has taken over the situation.

Those still here know the ugly truth that what we are witnessing is a wholesale killing of innocents, by first by labelling them as sub-human and degenerates and then move on to calling all civilians as enemy combatants and the cherry on top is they were all Amaleks anyways.

And the insane arguments used by the Zionists will be used one day by the other side when they are targeting Israelis who will all be labelled Enemy Combatants because they did nothing to remove Netanyahu from power. We told Zionist Israel to leave, but they refused and therefore anything done to them is justified, right or not? Hamas is responsible is like saying Likud is responsible for all the deaths, then you see they Likud should have all resigned and removed themselves from power to prevent all this bloodshed - see how it works.

What prevents the other side from apply the same twisted words and twisted logic to justify their own future Genocide? Answer, nothing prevents the other side from turning around and talking and acting like Zionists. Ther other side can play the same twisted word games and then what will be their defense of the Zionists.

“If Hamas has to be dismantled because of what it did on October 7th…then the Israeli government has to be dismantled 10 times over.”

- Norman Finkelstein

Meaning any and all Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and in their self-defense, they can use any means necessary to protect life and liberty. Do peoples who are being Genocided have the right to defend themselves? Answer, yes of course they do and if we are going to use the same self-defense logic as the Zionists then again problem solved. They have now a valid excuse and a clear path forward.

Because the Zionists did not overthrow and remove Netanyahu just like Hamas from government, then by that logic whatever calamity befalls themselves in the past or in the present or in the future is what they brought on themselves and again the problem is solved because we are now applying the same standard across the board.

And if and when they say no because there one set of exclusive Rules and Logic just for me, but not for thee then we have identified the Racist Ideology in the room, as in Zionism has been totally exposed. The entire world can see the Hypocrites and Racists.


Arrest Netanyahu and the entire murderous War Cabinet and stop the War Crimes otherwise it will be the fault of the Zionist Israelis and they have nobody to blame but themselves. What goes around comes around in words in this game of circular logic.

So there you go we just gave you both perspectives, the pro Genocide thinking and the case against it all in one post. Now its decision-making time which side of history will you be one, the right one or the wrong one? That is the free will universe we reside in.

Those choices will get closer to the American home front sooner rather than later as the Genocide in Gaza faulters and goes off the rails. Zionist Israel losing is a problem for the world as well as Zionist Israel winning will be a huge problem for the world. In this mess with Zionist Israel, there are no good options on how to contain this mess.


For an explanation of the Zionist Jesuit Masonic Syndicate Mafia that controls the planet see this previous post on the role of Epstein and Robert Maxwell and others keeping this Mafia alive and thriving.


How much evidence did you need to notice the pattern of the usual suspects in almost every case in the news cycle? Epstein, Weinstein, Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Blinken, Nuland, Netanyahu, Garland, Biden, Yellen, and others. Name any that were not part of the Tribal Mafia. An absolute total stranglehold on power and politics and money. If Zionist Israel wins, we all become Gaza like. And if Zionist Israel loses it will go full retard mode and go nuclear and nuke the very neighborhood, they are living in. What their brilliant plans are for a post nuclear wasteland called the Middle East, is unclear. They will have to somehow live in their own radioactive killing fields.

Just how sadistic is Netanyahu? Answer, even his psychiatrist committed suicide due to his treatment by Netanyahu. As in he drove this own Psychiatrist crazy enough to commit suicide and suicide for a Jewish person is a big thing. Imagine now that this mental case is the one leading the Genocide in Gaza. He has been salivating over this plan for a very long time and this moment is his moment to show us his real beast face.


Inside the mind of Netanyahu, manuscript shows his psychiatrist’s suicide in 2010 | Amwal Al Ghad

He ‘sucked the life right out of me’

In his death note, Yatom, said the Netanyahu, who was his patient for nine years, “sucked the life right out of me,”

“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.

“Robbery is redemption, apartheid is freedom, peace activists are terrorists, murder is self-defense, piracy is legality, Palestinians are Jordanians, annexation is liberation, there’s no end to his contradictions.” he added.

“Bibi came by at three for his afternoon session. At four he refused to leave and claimed my house was actually his. Then he locked me in the basement overnight while he lavishly entertained his friends upstairs. When I tried to escape, he called me a terrorist and put me in shackles. I begged for mercy, but he said he could hardly grant it to someone who didn’t even exist.”

Notice that even his dead psychiatrist could spot the lies he was telling because those are same lies Netanyahu is repeating to the media. As in Genocide is Self-Defense and the Apartheid conditions are a form of Freedom from Hamas. Only sick twisted minds could come up with such twisted logical arguments to justify Genocide, that is why we have a Netanyahu in power that will lead Zionists to their own defeat and demise.


Israel’s Final Solution for the Palestinians

The goal is a “pure” Israel, cleansed of Palestinian contaminants. Gaza is to become a wasteland. The Palestinians in Gaza will be killed or forced into refugee camps over the border in Egypt. Messianic redemption will take place once the Palestinians are expelled.

Jewish extremists call for the Al-Aqsa mosque – the third holiest shrine for Muslims, built on the ruins of the Jewish Second Temple, which was destroyed in 70 CE by the Roman army – to be demolished. The mosque is to be replaced by a “Third” Jewish temple, a move that would set the Muslim world alight.

The West Bank, which the zealots call “Judea and Samaria,” will be formally annexed by Israel. Israel, governed by the religious laws imposed by the ultra-orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties, will be a Jewish version of Iran.

Gideon Levy on the Eternal Victim and the Racist Apartheid Ideology behind it all. And remember when America sinks so does the Dollar and so does Zionist Israel, as two empires will fall at the same time, brought down with the help of little Gaza.


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