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The NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance attacks Russia to start a War
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The NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance attacks Russia to start a War

A third party is trying to foment a War between America and Russia and the script is very familiar and very sinister...

Keep poking the Russian Bear and he will eventually respond to your foolishness. Ah, that is the witches brew brewing before us in these end times at the end of June 2024. The Russians are hopping mad they have the right to be after the dirty Sevastopol Beach Massacre sponsored by the NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance. The provocations they continue and eventually the response from Russia will come soon, in one deadly slash.

Keep poking the Russian Bear and he will eventually respond to your foolishness.

Today’s podcast with TruNews reporting on the Sevastopol Beach Massacre on a holy Sunday. Notice the Synagogue was torched on a Sunday, when it would be empty, but with the optics to look like victims could still be repeated on tv screens for grandma.

NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance

To see the Russian perspective again this channel called Russian Media Monitor which is a pro-Nazi Ukrainian channel provides the subtitles for the translation. The editor of RT and the Russian Alex Jones character, Solovyov discuss what now must be done to stop this madness. Russia has to strike back and it has to strike hard in a way that the NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance members fully understand the message.

The NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance members still calculate that Russia is still bluffing and that game of chicken will not end well for them collectively very soon. It is a trap they have walked into, but it is a double edged sword type of a trap in which there is no winner in a nuclear confrontation or any conventional war with Russia.

Who or What is orchestrating all this madness? An alliance of the Zionist Israelis working with the Nazis aligned with the Nihilist Marxists Communists. Is that not the reality we are facing today? It was all foretold in the film The Sum of all Fears, where America nukes itself to start a War with Russia. Does that plot sound familiar given what is happening currently?

And the trap is that if the Russians do not respond, then they will keep taking the abuse and the acts of terrorism and show they weakness and fear of NATO. Or they will be forced to respond and show they are not afraid or cowering to NATO. But here is the problem as we showed in our previous post. There are Chaos Agents in the play.

The trap is that the Masons work in the background to cause the chaos so that the others fight and mutually destroy one another, so that a third party can benefit for that mutually assured self-destruction when nuclear missiles start flying. It is the Greater Israel project and if we do not understand just how dangerous that ideology is when we are lost in these end times.

Chaos Agents that are allied with the Nazi Zionist Nihilist factions that have secured and infiltrated the highest ranks of the Military Industrial power establishment and are leading America and Russia towards a final end times War to bring out the figure of the Anti-Christ. This short note by a Jew explains the entire situation succinctly.

Who wants this War? Answer, the tribe that wants this War the most is the one still waiting for their savior to come and save them. Now we can understand why they are actively creating the conditions of War. Without this end times final War the nations of the world cannot turn against Israel. Thus the calculated actions of Israel have to be so demonic (like Gaza) in the end times that all nations would “abandon the Jewish peoples”.

They want that very outcome, yet they decry the Anti-Semitism. They were true hypocrites of the end times. Because without those conditions as a pretext the second part does not occur. Without global War and chaos, their false Messiah their Mashiach and our Anti-Christ (Dajjal or Deceiver figure) of the end times cannot arrive and fulfill his final mission for Satan. They want War and lust for War because they are tired of waiting 5,000 years for their savior to come. Their savior came, but they rejected him.

  • Russia may now try to block the Black Sea area with a no fly zone that will be challenged by the NATO forces and will inevitably lead to further escalations and further deaths.

  • There is no path towards de-escalation or Peace and War seems to be the only path that the NATO Alliance are set on. A War will be eventually go Nuclear and ground based.

  • Russia now considers NATO direct participants and so many Red Lines have been crossed that it now has to respond to save face with their domestic Russian audience.

  • It is mistake to think Putin as hardline when it own domestic audience thinks he is weak for not acting strongly enough so far. Russians like Solovyov think he is being far too soft.

  • Putin now has to strike to either match the rhetoric or NATO will keep destroying this Black Sea Fleet one ship and one drone at a time.

  • Is Putin too soft or is he compromised by the Chabadniks running the Russian economy?

But the scenario that is the hidden play that nobody is anticipating is the move by NATO to bomb Russia, cause the outrage, and then False Flag itself in New York to blame it on Russia. That is The Sum of all Fears timeline, which some Chaos Agents are actively trying to manifest into being.

What is the move that nobody is expecting unless you are here reading the data points we have put together and the decodes of Jonathan Kleck the encoding of that future ritual sacrifice into the USD $100 and $20 bills. The death of the dollar was printed on the dollar itself to foreshadow its own destruction in a water and ice ritual.

So to put in all together and wrap it up into one package the outcome that seems the most likely is that Chaos Agents stage a false flag to blame Russia for the New York Tsunami under water Nuclear Missile explosion to end the current petrodollar based financial system. When American/European cities and beaches resemble war zone like conditions like perhaps then that part of the population will begin to question it all.

Once the Nuclear threshold is passed there is no going back. This time around when a nuclear strike occurs, the entire arsenal of the opposing sides may end up being used as part of their automatic dead hand missile launch systems. Everyone loses in the end.

The NATO Nazi Zionist Nihilist Alliance is sowing the seeds of its own destruction and it all happened within the framework of Liberal Democracy. Just as Hitler rose to power within a framework of Liberal Democracy and through Elections, another modern day Dictator or two takes us to War for the Anti-Christ. Prepare for the consequences of such kinetic actions when you are on the receiving end of the Russian rage. And Israel is about to pass the Fascism threshold by the words of fellow Jews who can see the trajectory of their self-destruction for the Anti-Christ.

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