Wow, that did not take long. Just yesterday we posted an alert to be on alert for the watch date of June 24th and on June 23rd we have a terror attack in Russia by the NATO Nazi Nihilist Alliance. Why are they so intent on a War with Russia? Because they hate Russia for being Christian as well as Muslim and both of them living inside the Russian Federation in peace and safety. This War has definite religious overtones. It is a War against the Satanists and the Cultists of the Dark side. They worship Pagan Deities out in the open. And the one who hates religion the most is of course, Satan.
So who are we really fighting with when it comes to the NATO Nazi Nihilist Alliance, we are fighting with these types of Nazi Pagan Cultists in the military. And that very Azov gang has now been incorporated into the Ukrainian Army. What could possibly go wrong when you let Nazis into your Army to go and kill Christians and Muslims?
Ukrainian Nazi Resistance Collapses as a Grand Muslim Christian Alliance wins in Lugansk Region
If we do not take that context into consideration then the rest of the discussion here makes no sense. Russia is at War with the NATO Nazi Nihilist Alliance who are open Satanists and Cultists. They have a blood lust for the destruction of Russia because it represents the last bastion of a global power that combines Faith and Power (Military and Economic).
End World Hunger or fund War in Ukraine?
There is no other like Russia at the moment and hence why it is being targeted by the NATO Nazi Nihilist Alliance. And when we say Nihilist that is from the Albert Pike reference, see the letter - “we shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists”.
They know the plan, but unfortunately the Americans about to be sacrificed for their beloved Israel seem to have no clue what the bigger game really is. The Jews know the plan and are sticking to it. Their Messiah or Mashiach aka the Anti-Christ will save them, that is their plan. What is your plan for their plans, dear readers?
If the Americans are the ones supplying the munitions, helping with the targeting, and providing the logistics to carry out the entire wicked plan, how it is not a party directly involved and implicated in the actions? Answer, America with its merry band of NATO Nazis are directly responsible and will also soon directly pay a steep price. An act of War and a casus belli for Russia to launch its own missiles in retaliation.
That "Global Hawk" drone can provide precise target coordinates, separate and distinct from GPS. Those coordinates could then be radioed to be programmed-into the HIMARS launcher, which fired the ATACMS missiles.
The evidence seems to indicate: The attack upon Russian civilians, on the beach in Sevastopol, appears to have been targeted with a United States Air Force Global Hawk drone, which relied on US Satellite data and communications to provide attack coordinates.
This appears to many people to have been an act of war by the United States, against Russian civilians.
This attack using American supplied ATAMCS on a civilian beach on an Orthodox Sunday holiday was an act of religious hate based on religious hate and who hates all of the religions. That figure is called Satan and that is who these Satanists are allies of.
Notice what Medvedev posted after the attack. He does not make a distinction now between the Nazis and the Americans, they are one of the same now. The mask has come off and so have the gloves. Medvedev was issuing a warning of an Asymmetrical Dirty War Campaign and the Cocaine Import Agency (CIA) ISIS Nihilists beat him to the punch and decided to strike first. Putin’s patience may also his potential weakness.
When War has “no rules”
Medvedev declares an Asymmetrical Dirty War Campaign on the NATO Nazi Alliance
Notice also that when the Terrorists for hire the ISIS CIA NATO Nazi Nihilist types got their required wire transfer they immediately went into demon action mode. The same group of militant types that did the Crocus attack are on behind the Dagestan attacks. Why Dagestan? Because it is in the Caucasus region where most of Russia's Muslims live, which represents about 10% of their overall population. Perhaps a gun expert can moment on whether the assault rifles used were also American supplied.
Never forget what ISIS actually stands for and who created it originally.
Dear Dagestanis! The blasphemous events taking place this evening terrify us with their cruel cynicism. Muslims will never show aggression against innocent and unarmed people. Shedding the blood of those who pray in their temples is a bloody act of madness absolutely alien to Islam!
These attacks, precisely on the days of church services, had taken place before in other churches in the Caucasus. The radicals want to pit us against each other with all their might and burn interfaith bridges. But they won't succeed.
We have faithfully preserved the traditions of the world from time immemorial and it has not happened and will not happen that Muslims attack representatives of other faiths. One of our righteous ancestors, Imam, Sheikh Shamil, built a church for Russian soldiers, but he did not burn any of the churches and synagogues.
Today we share our grief with everyone who has lost a loved one in this unequal and brutal attack. Our country is in a state of Special Military Operation and any such attempt is the thirst of our enemies to spark a war by any dishonest methods. We, Muslims, will maintain peace in Russia and the Caucasus in every possible way.
Dear Dagestanis, brothers and sisters, remain calm, we are all believers and ask Almighty Allah for fair retribution and restoration of justice! We hope and trust in the Almighty!
With prayers and hope for the Mercy and Protection of Almighty Allah for all of us, Mufti of Dagestan Akhmad-Afandi Abdulaev, Muftiate of Dagestan
Here is one of the most important lessons from this latest episode in the battlefield of WW3. Those pretending to be Christians or Muslims may in fact be Nazis and the Nazis are at time pretending to be Democratic Peace Makers interested in protecting all religions, when it really want to abolish and exterminate the Abrahamic faiths, so that their false Idol worship can takeover the world. In these end times discernment will be the key to navigate this maze of who was the real Nazi and who was the liar.
For the context we are in right now with WW3 and the prospect of Nuclear War. There is no better film to decode the current situation than The Sum of All Fears, where a dark secret alliance of Israelis, Nazis and Masonic agents cause a nuclear strike to occur in the hopes of instigating a full blow nuclear exchange between Soviet Russia and America. The dirty bomb plot organizers where the Zionist Israelis, Nazis and Masonic agents working together. Exactly how it is today in our current reality with an out of control demonic genocidal Israel working with a group of NATO Nazi Nihilists Cultists.
Watch as the Nazi flashes you the required Nazi sign to show his true allegiance and motives. He also explains the overall Nazi plans which we just stated here in this post. That is to drive the Communists to kill Capitalists each other so that Nihilists Luciferians can rise to the top.
All of this false flag nuclear talk just a day after we told you of the Kleck decodes of the future New York City Tsunami False Flag to be carried out by same type of Nazi American Chaos Agents seen in the film, who will then blame Russia or the ISIS patsy types they hired to be patsies. Do these film scripts sound and look familiar yet because all of the required components of the future crime scene already seem to be pre-positioned?
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