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When War has “no rules”
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When War has “no rules”

In this version of WW3 imagine a War with “no rules”. Anything goes and that means both sides will fight to the death and will play dirty and all rules are out the window.

Allow us to translate what was just announced in the past week. In WW3 these are the new rules and they are that there are “no rules”. In this version of WW3 imagine a War with “no rules”. Anything goes and that means both sides will fight to the death and will play dirty and all rules are out the window.

  • Medvedev just declared a “no rules” based Asymmetrical War with the NATO Nazi Alliance. Please read that is statement by him in this Telegram post carefully. Those on the receiving end of these little gifts from Russia will be in the unfriendly NATO nations.

  • Putin just signed a Military Pact with North Korea and is now visiting Vietnam. More Asian nations fall into the Russian orbit and further from the death grip of America. The Bad Boys have formed an Alliance and also released a film. What you gonna to do, when they come for you, Bad Boys Bad Boys…? The name of the new film - Ride or Die!

  • Israel has not been following any rules for a few thousand years, so point pointing out how they do not follow any rules is kind of pointless. Their rebellion is self-evident. The only rules they follow are the ones they edited into the Torah to benefit their Cult of Baal.

  • What then of the American policy of following rules? The Clowns in Action (CIA) laugh at the rules others have to follow so that they can rape and pillage from the shadows. Any nation with such a track record of foreign misadventures knows nothing about a rules based world order. It only knows how to break them and what rules others must follow. Take the Yellen when we steal it is not stealing speech as an example. A multi polar world order looms, as America dies slowly.

The U.S. can freeze your money and then take the proceeds.

“There’s no legal issue here.”

US Treasury Secretary Yellen explains the hijacking of Russian assets.

Ending the war in Ukraine | The Daily Blog
  • Now Hezbollah has announced they are not going to follow any rules either if Israel attacks and it will be tit for tat symmetrical and asymmetrical type of War. When the Hezbollah leadership is saying there are “no rules” then that means the other proxies in the region under their influence will follow the same SOP. A dirty horrific War awaits.

  • Israel tried to issue a warning to Hezbollah, but that plan blew up in their face as the Amos Hochstein mission failed miserably. Instead Hezbollah released video footage of a drone flying unhindered all over Israel. Israel cannot win in Gaza and yet it is foolish enough to now start another theater in the North with Hezbollah. Hubris makes you delusional in your own powers and it can lead to disastrous consequences.

  • Israel has backed itself into a quagmire of its own making by setting a deadline date of June 24th for the Hezbollah to move North of the Litani River. Instead Hezbollah said we are ready to fight, there will be no negotiations, and there are also “no rules” now. When you bluff and someone calls your bluff, that is when you have a put up or shut up flash moment in your life. Israel now has to make good or Hezbollah wins another round. The Israelis are relying on American troops to backfill any potential losses on the battlefield. Hence the amendments to the Draft legislation.

They can keep pretending to the outside world and deluding themselves that they are somehow winning and that they are invincible and moral, but the world has woken to their bag of lies and tricks. They are cold blooded thugs and genocidal maniacs, but it took a Gaza Genocide to make the world wake up. Their sacrifice has been noted here.

Who then is the dumb fool still following rules? (imagine hearing the sound of crickets)

Since nobody is following the rules to makes things Kosher Nostra, then we should point out to our dear readers that such a scenario means everything and anything is fair game and when you are on the receiving end of that “no rules” based War then please do not complain about Genocide and Innocents being harmed. And a “no rules” based War also mean not only will Nuclear be used, but that also its evil twins of Biological and Chemical will have to be added to the toxic cocktail being concocted.

Because if the slaughtered civilian women and children of Gaza are not innocent, then nobody in Israel will be considered innocent either by the opposing sides. If Gaza was not a clear case of Genocide, then the operations by Hezbollah now and the Russians later should not be seen or framed as any form of Genocide or Holocaust 2.0 type of one sided hysterical drama. No rules for one side means no rules for all sides in WW3.

When the Battle of Lebanon begins, all rules will go out the window and the images of Gaza will start to look mild in comparison. If a desperate weak Israel senses it is losing again it will go Nuclear, but not call it Nuclear of course because it lies as a matter of policy. They will use the use type of low yield tactical weapons they used in the port of Lebanon in 2020. For the most important of these interviews, see the one below from Colonel MacGregor on the Ukraine/Russia front as well as the future of Israel talk.

Satellite images of Beirut explosion show massive crater at port | CNN
  • Lebanon will likely be nuked. The 2020 explosion provides clues on how bad it will be.

  • Tel Aviv and Haifa may also be nuked in retaliation. Very interesting that the Dreams of Natan after this near death experience, also foresaw these two same cities being nuked.

  • The Donor Class has not only hijacked America, but Israel itself.

Israel is being held hostage by the same Mafia. How ironic that the real Jews have been silenced into submission by the same Donor Class Mafia that has Occupied the Americans in America. A small highly organized and very well funded nest of Zionists, Satanists, Nihilists, Marxists, Communists, and Chabadniks aka the Kosher Nostra, a Global Mafia Syndicate, all acting in concert for all one goal - the Greater Israel project.


Colonel MacGregor failed to also account for the Samson Option, which we discussed in this previous post. When it leaves as if it is losing Israel will nuke most of Europe. But hold up, Russia has the same plan and it is their Dead Hand system. Anything to do with Nuclear is bad news and should be avoided at all costs, by all involved parties.

The news for murderous little Zionist Israel is also not looking good for their money capital called Jew York. Because you see Jew York is about to be under water as in under water from a Tsunami caused by an underwater nuclear submarine or missile strike to blame Russia for a WW3 first strike response pretext.

America will nuke itself to blame Russia to justify a wider War. That is according to the decode of Jonathan Kleck. We are just reporting his decodes which are decodes of hidden in plain sight encoded stenographic images on the USD Dollar bills.

All of the pieces that could lead to such an event are all clearly there on the chess board. All the pieces are in place, it is just a matter of time and in our analysis July is the real danger month. The submarines with the nukes have sailed, they are in prime position, and it is only a matter of the right Gematria sacrifice date to be selected.

Jew have to be kidding. No not kidding, we try to reference our claims. Jew York is about to be flooded and nuked and when that unfortunate false flag to blame Russia happens Jew should remember that Jew saw it here on CTN decoding the Kleck files.

If we suddenly see an large exodus from Jew York similar to the 911 texts on the day of September 11th to not come to work sent to certain chosen ones, then that will be a sure sign of an imminent strike. The Jews may escape from Jew York, but their assets will be flooded, unless they have that nicely insured for later settlements and profits.

The stock exchanges, the banks and all of the related financial houses of the Banksters will be flooded. That means the end of the Dollar and the Stock Market system. What happens to your investments and your pensions is a great unknown, but obviously not good news in the short term. Whether recovery from such a black swan event is even possible is unknown as there are too many variables to reach definitive conclusions.

And now since MBS has refused to renew the Petrodollar agreement with the Americans, Saudi oil and thus OPEC oil can now be traded for any currency. It makes sense to end the Dollar this year as it has already technically died with a whimper at the hands of the Saudis that conjured it into being 50 years ago on that Navy ship.

How FDR Charmed a Saudi King and Won U.S. Access to Oil | HISTORY

A dead Dollar is not an event without repercussions on the financial markets. The loss of the value and the lack of utility of the so-called world reverse currency of the USD Dollar will have some serious consequences for all Americans. That means not just plain vanilla flavor pain of inflation, but hyperinflation, the type in so-called $h!thole third world nations. America gets to now experience that South American delight.

Since the Dollar is Dead, it makes sense that the nuke encoded in the Dollar that takes out Jew York would happen the same year that Israel was gleefully conducting a merry Amalek Genocide for the Cult of Baal. How ironic and symbolic for the end times that the Death of the Dollar and of America were encoded on the Dollar bills themselves.

Now let us combine the a dead or dying Dollar with a dying state of Israel. And what you get is that we have a Sugar Daddy problem. What happens when the Sugar Daddy cannot take care of his girls and the girls want nothing to do with a Sugar Daddy that has American dollars that are dead or dying in value? Answer, that there is sometimes referred to as a cluster##@$. Neither party is happy and both have screwed each other.

Because as America dies, the Dollar dies, but so does the Ammo supply to Israel and Israel has no capacity to cover the shortfall if America disappears from the equation. Who will it turn to then? Answer, there will be nobody left to turn to. But that is their master plan. They are relying on the Anti-Christ to save them and elevate them to the Masters and us Goyim as the Slaves. It is the ultimate grand gamble in the end times. An all or nothing move for them now at this point in history, as the mask has come off.


What becomes of America and what becomes of Israel as they both mutually self-destruct in the end times and take the rest of the world with them down the toilet? Ponder on these points we will, in future episodes of CTN. Conditional on Grid Up. If the it is Grid Down, then track on this alternative site based on the blockchain.

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