
Russia fights NATO Nazi Ukrainian Proxy Satanism using a Muslim Army

Hope all of those elements in the title are making sense, but if not then just watch the short video for a better on the ground explanation of what is happening in Kursk, Russia.

In order to fight the invasion of Kursk, Russia by the NATO Nazi Ukrainian Proxy Satanic Army, the Russians are relying on a Chechen General, who is from the 10% of Muslim Russia, that is now at the forefront of defending Christian Russia. Watch as Chechen General Alaudinov pledges his allegiance to Russia and warns of the coming of the anti-Christ. All topics from our last few post.

Russia is fighting the Collective West Freak Show, most recently on display with the Paris Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies. And it is doing so using a Muslim General as the spearhead to defend Christian Russia, hope that makes sense to an American audience. Myths and Misconceptions should be shattered as the Truth is once again separated from Falsehood.

And just recently Putin personally visited the Chechen Republic where has not been since 2011. Something is cooking that will soon boil over. The Kursk attack was a turning point in history and Putin was made some decisions that will soon see the Ukrainian Synagogue of Satan Nazi Satanists taken on directly inside the Ukrainian state.

Chechen General Alaudinov: "We are all Russian, and we are all fighting together against Satanism"


It is the Christians and Muslims in Russia on one side and the Imposter Jews Synagogue of Satan Zionist Jews in JewKraine in a wicked alliance with the NATO Nazis on the other side. Hope those choices and sides makes sense, when the time to choose comes for us all soon. Make sure to choose wisely without buying the hype. In the End Times, the majority was bound to be the wrong side of history. Only a small remnant would make it through that deceptive minefield.

Abraham Lincoln quote: A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this...

And every 4 years in the Republic the American Republic is a house divided as a regular cycle designed to create an endless cycle of division and divide. The sides to choose were not Demoncrat or the RepubicaNazis Cult of MAGA, no the two sides to choose were Satanism vs. the side which believes in either Christianity or Islam. In Russia they seemed to have found a way to get along, imagine that idea.


What a novel concept, pledge alliance to one nation that contains many nations and tribes and religions as in a Russian nation, rather than dividing the American population for ratings and wider manipulation purposes. If you could not see the Game in Play, that was part of the strong veil placed before our eyes and ears in these End Times.

The Epic "Russian World" song with English subtitles by Gazmanov.

Putin's Russia will never be defeated!


Why did RFK wait till Friday August 23rd, 2024 to stage his fake ritual surrender?Because it had to be done by the Numbers and Letters of the Gematria Kabbalah.

The majority has deluded itself into believing that by empowering Politicians their problems will be solved. That time would have been much better spent improving yourselves and empowering yourselves and seeking your better selves in this Wasteland of broken bones and broken dreams and broken systems.

You were the One you were waiting for. You are the One you are waiting for.

Russian expert Dmitry Orlov explains what a War with Russia will look like.

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