Watch how all of these pieces are interconnected as we explore and expose the Twin Trump Timeline Trump where he is the Twin and the anti-Christ at once.
The Twin PsyOp System
For every major PsyOp at the national level in the past they have used the Twin system. And it just came up in the film Fly Me to the Moon, which is all about Project Artemis.
They knew going to space and landing on the Moon was all but impossible, so they brought in Stanley Kubrick to Fake the entire Moon Landing, as a backup of course. Then the backup became the main story and the real story was made into a mockery of the entire faked true history, hope you still following along.
Trump isn’t Apollo/Apollyon/Abaddon BUT he just loves to adorn his condo with Apollo everything. It’s him and only him. I don’t understand how everyone can’t see it. But they all will, many when it’s too late.
Thus for a major a PsyOp as bold as the Faked Moon Landing perhaps and such as the installation of a Fake President by a Military Coup in a conspiracy hatched by the Military Industrial Complex itself, as told by Jerome Corsi in 2018 in the presence of one Alex Jones, then we would also need an evil Twin Trump to be part of the PysOp. Hence enter the Twin Trump Timeline.
Trump was installed into Office with the consent of the Military and that would make a lot of sense given that in his Presidency we had the rollout of the Covid-19 Vaccines aka Depopulation Bio-Weapon carefully managed, produced, then released by the same Military under Operation Warpspeed. Which was a twisted way of say Operation Warped Seed, as in the altering of your DNA with a gene editing mRNA Depopulation Bio-Weapon. Some previous post on that Operation.
The Serpent King with the Bruised Head (Ear)
Thus Trump as the Serpent King giving us the Warped Seed of the Serpent Seed now makes total sense and logically fits into all of these interconnected pieces.
Notice that Serpent Seed Eye comes out from Trump just as he is describing his Magic Ear Lie to the public. The Snake Slit eyes appear right at that moment when he is pointing touching the top part of his Ear, while saying it was his Ear Lobe that was hit. Notice the inversion as in Serpent Tongue in his speech here. It is an occultic as above so below, classic inversion spoken from the Trump Serpent Tongue.
And now add the verse from Genesis 3:15 with the bruised head as in Ear which after just 13 days Magically heals itself. Notice too that the bruised heel part fits Trump’s missing shoe from his staged ritual sacrifice. If the shoe fits, then what?
"Let me get my shoes."
The shoe can be seen left on stage following the assassination attempt.
Source: Fox News, nexta_tv
There is no other current viable candidate for this Biblical passage in the End Times other than the Snake shown below. If there is one, please present the relevant evidence otherwise be quiet. Without the zoom view we would have never been able to catch the Serpent Eyes in public view.
Watch his eye movement as further evidence as part of the Body Language which cannot be readily Faked all the time and especially when you are caught off guard unexpectedly. Notice when he looks up and to the right because the camera view has to be inverted because from his point of view Trump is facing us.
He is Lying because he is trying to imagine what that scene might look like in his own mind and is therefore not a recalled memory, but the sign of a liar someone making up a story on the fly in front of the public. As anyone can clearly see the Magic Ear has Magically healed itself from a 2cm tear as per his Doctor’s letter.
Such Magically recovery is not possible for a 78 year old man, unless we have a Twin in play or unless we have a Serpent Seed in play. Such recovery of 2cm tear needs some surgery and clearly Trump had no such surgery. Serpents such as the Trump Twins must have some special DNA that allows them to heal much faster than normal humans? Take it from a Plastic Surgeon days after the Butler PsyOp.
My ear was damaged by a dog mauling when I was a child, it almost killed me. (Friends dog we were visiting) surgeons reconstructed my ear from skin on my head, it took months to heal but after that you could not tell it was mauled unless I told you. Trump’s ear will prob heal up nice as well.
Note below the Serpent has moved to his Left Eye. Perhaps that was his Twin, as the other Twin as the Serpent has moved into the Right Eye. Pupils are round and if you are a MAGA Cult Member and want to claim that having Snake Slit Eyes are totally normal, then might be why you are in strong delusion inside a Cult, being misled by a very wicked End Times Cult Leader.
He did not wear a Red or Blue Tie because that would mess up the Ketchup scene.
The Trump Ear Prediction
The Trump Ear Gaslighting PsyOp
If you are going to allow this Serpent to get away with this Magic Ear story, then you are one of those that will be joining him in the End. And we have not even gotten into the anti-Christ part of the Serpent Trump decode.
The Twin Trumps - Red Tie Blue Tie
The late Dick Gregory warned us about the Twin Trumps, one that wears Red and one that wears Blue. The Real Trump is in Red Tie and the Fake Trump is in Blue Tie, so no wonder Real Trump would send his evil Twin to the hearings for the New York court case.
did anyone notice president donald trump had the blue tie on today …
the late great comedian and civil rights activist, dick gregory once stated
“first, there’s two trumps, the one in the red tie is the real one, the one in the blue tie is not.”
And just by coincidence we have CNN just today running a story about Famous Twins and Gematria Effect News makes a video about it in reference to Dick Gregory as we were preparing the elements of this post. Very strange syncing.
Notice at the Bulter, PA Shooting PsyOp there was Trump in his Ketchup King role wearing no tie at all, so we have no idea which Twin Trump it really was. That was not and is not his style, he almost always has a tie on. Why not at Butler?
It was Blue Tie Trump at the Bitcoin Conference with the Magically healed Ear, meaning it must have been the Fake One at the shooting? Only God, really knows.
Pointing at this Mark of the Beast sign above his Ear while meeting with the Synagogue of Satan Satanyahu. Not a hint of any surgery or even any injury just 13 days after the alleged bruise and cut on his Magic Serpent Seed Ear.
In the End Times there would be great Liars and they were even foretold to us on the cover of magazine covers and in films years before this major timeline event took place. We were warned and it was predictively programmed into our collective consciousness. Here he is lying about his hand covered in blood.
His hands were never covered in blood and all those who failed to call him out on that Lie, you are all in the eternal hall of shame (Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Tucker Carlson, TruNews, et al.) for that missed due diligence and duty as the Watchmen. When you spot such obvious Lies from such an obvious Liar and you still vote and support and grovel all over him, then you deserve everything that follows from such disastrous choices and disastrous decisions in these End Times.
Also not True. As explained in previous Magic Ear related posts.
Again not True. Go back and watch the videos of Butler, PA there was not even close to tens of thousands of peoples. He is straight up lying again at the RNC.
Satanyahu and the anti-Christ would have a natural alliance for the creation and furtherance of the Greater Israel Project.
Red Tie Trump delivering the Miracle of the Covid-19 Vaccines Bio-Weapons from the Military as the Father of the Vaccines aka the Pharmakeia to deceive and depopulate all the nations.
Trump the anti-Christ PsyOp
Now are You ready for the finale? Trump as one of the anti-Christs of the End Times or for some as the main one. We are leaning towards one of them rather than the one. This post below from Brother Dana explains that latter position.
Donald Trump is the Antichrist, according to the only benchmark that matters: the Holy Bible.
1. The Tribe of Dan is the Israelite tribe that the Antichrist is prophesied to belong to according to the writings of the earliest church fathers (Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Ephraim, et al.) and also from Genesis (Genesis 49:16-17). Trump is of the tribe of Dan through his maternal side – the MacLeod clan of Scotland. Descendants of Dan migrated into Scotland through Scandinavia (Denmark = Mark of Dan) by Viking invasion. The MacLeod clan is from the Isle of Lewis, which is known to have been populated by Viking invasion in the late 8th and early 9th century.
2. He is Roman/Assyrian through the paternal side – the Drumpf family has origins in the Rhine River region about 80 miles from Trier, an ancient Roman city founded by an Assyrian prince named Trebeta. Roman and Assyrian heritage fulfills Daniel 9:26 & Micah 5:6, respectively.
3. Also fulfills Daniel 7:20 – “his look was stouter than his fellows”, (i.e. fatter).
4. The name Donald means ‘world ruler’. To ‘trump’ generally means to win by craftiness or deception. His name literally means ‘world ruler who succeeds by deception’.
5. In the Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Daniel describes the Antichrist as the ‘little horn’. In Israel, an animal horn is made into a shofar, which is a type of ‘trump’. This little horn mentioned by Daniel is described in Daniel 7:21-7:25. Trump Tower in New York City is at 721-725 Fifth Ave.
6. According to Daniel’s vision, the Antichrist had a ‘mouth speaking great things’ (Rev 13:5, Daniel 7:8). Trump is most known for his slogan: “Make America GREAT Again”.
7. According to Revelation, the Antichrist is the Beast of the Sea (Rev 13:1) and he gets cast into the lake of fire (Rev 19:20). Mar-a-lago means, literally, sea to lake.
8. The Jewish people already love Donald Trump. Israel has named towns, train stations and squares after Donald Trump, and has even minted a shekel (coin) bearing his image. He has been called the “Shield of Jerusalem” and they have even written songs about him. And since he was already involved with the “Deal of the Century” Middle East Peace Plan, the Abraham Accords, and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he would easily be someone involved in brokering a future peace deal with them, fulfilling Daniel 9:27.
9. Trump is well-known for his extreme boasting and out-of-control ego, which are characteristics of the Antichrist, per Daniel 11:36. Trump has stated that he’s the “Greatest” and “Most Successful” President and has also publicly stated that he is “the chosen one”. He’s also retweeted someone calling him the 2nd coming of God.
10. Making a deal (Daniel 9:27) and making a comeback (Revelation 13:3) are two of the major prophesied Antichrist activities. Trump is famous for writing two books: ‘The Art of the Deal’ and ‘The Art of the Comeback’.
11. Donald John Trump in Hebrew is “דונלד ג’ון טראמפ”. In standard Hebrew 3-cipher gematria, that’s:
Hebrew standard = 483
Hebrew ordinal = 123
Hebrew reduction = 60
60 + 123 + 483 = 666
‘Donald John Trump’ literally equals 666 in Hebrew gematria, fulfilling Revelation 13:18.
Donald Trump was the 45th president, born at exactly 45% of the year and 45.45% of the century. What does the number 45 have to do with 666?
45 / 3 = 15, so that’s three fifteens:
15 15 15
..which reduces to 666.
12. Donald Trump is seemingly obsessed with Apollo, having multiple large paintings and frescoes of Apollo in his Manhattan penthouse apartment. He is also heavily esoterically linked to the Twin Towers and 9/11. Revelation 9:11, describing the Antichrist, states “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon” (Apollyon = Apollo). 9/11 also numerologically points to Trump: 9=4+5 & 11=4+7, pointing to the 45th and 47th U.S. President.
13. Referring to the Antichrist, Daniel 11:13 states, “he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors.” This “god of fortresses” refers to the “divine feminine” or goddess worship. This female goddess goes by many names across history: Ishtar, Sirius, Inanna, the Whore of Babylon, Isis, Ashtoreth, Diana/Artemis, Venus, Astarte, Cybele, and many more.
Her role is to cultivate the spirit of Babylon which is idolatry and sexual degeneracy. Classical era manifestations of this goddess worship (Cybele, Diana, etc.) often had statues with fortresses on her head, which is what “god of fortresses” refers to. And Donald Trump honors that god of fortresses every chance he gets, by constantly making that “yoni” hand sign in public.
That hand sign is a gesture that pays homage to the divine feminine, as it is intended to resemble female genitalia. Likewise, the stepped massing at the base of Trump Tower, which was once covered with bushy trees so that it would resemble a vagina, also displays this inverted pyramid, and furthermore was arranged with six trees on each of its three sides, or “666”.
14. Massive amounts of enemy predictive programming in films, TV, commercials, video games, etc. for the last 70 years proclaims (esoterically) Donald Trump to be the Antichrist. (See my reddit post for a full reference list:
15. Satan loves to copy God:
Jesus’ mother’s name is Mary – Trump’s mother’s name is Mary.
Jesus’ aunt’s name is Elizabeth – Trump’s aunt’s name is Elizabeth.
Jesus’ cousin’s name is John – Trump’s cousin’s name is John.
The name ‘Christ’ occurs all throughout Trump’s family tree, for instance: Fred Christ Trump, Elizabeth Christ Trump, etc.
Christ is born of the Virgin Mary. The Antichrist is “born” in Washington D.C. between Virgin(ia) and Mary(land).
P.S. Donald Trump is not one man- it’s TWIN BROTHERS. There will be an assassination, and afterwards they’ll roll out the 2nd twin, and claim that Trump was resurrected. The Twin Trump brothers are 7th and 8th kings of Revelation 17:11 –
“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”
Hope everyone read that last part. Perhaps they did intend to shoot him at the Butler, PA rally and then launch a resurrection PsyOp to sell him as a sort of Christ figure, when he really is a anti-Christ Serpent Seed figure. Wake up folks.
Another detailed Trump as the 666 Figure of the End Times by Christopher Jon Bjerknes CJBbooks.
Consider all of the evidence presented before dismissing it right from the start as many of the MAGA Cult Members will likely do. Hence that is why they are stuck in a very sinister Serpent Cult and do not even realize it. As an exercise ask any MAGA Cult Member what Trump has done for them and what he did in this first term that so impacted their lives in a positive way. Deer in headlights and certain rambling babbling will likely follow. Please record and share answers if you wish.
NASA Apollo Abaddon and the anti-Christ
Notice how the NASA Apollo 11 mission and first photo in this post matches to the rest of the anti-Christ PsyOp code. NASA is 666 and as we said in an earlier post it is literally run by the Masons, Nazis and Magicians. No wonder Trump has such a strong connection to the Apollo figure and the symbolism surrounding it.
9/11 was another ritual for their king Abaddon Donald Trump. Abaddon=Apollyon=Apollo. Trump has Apollo paintings in his Trump Tower condo. NASA=666. They named their 100% hoaxed moon missions Apollo. Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) just faked his death: AC.
Adonis DONNIE Creed’s mother name is Mary Anne. Donnie is the son of Apollo Creed (AC). Trump’s mother was named Mary Anne. They have to tell us. They have. Donald Trump is the biblical antichrist. 100%. Now we wait on their Big Event and it’s coming.
In the language of symbolism in the End Times, Trump is the Batman figure. So when we combine all of that we get a Bat that rises of the Dark as in a Beast that rises out of a Pit of Darkness as the Abaddon as in A Bad Don aka Donald Trump.
(3/5) In The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne, who is Batman, escapes out of a pit.
Revelation 17:8 -
"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition."
Abaddon (Apollo) will arise out of the pit to possess Trump #2.
Bonus Round - How can Two Trumps exist Together?
If it was Cloning behind the Trump Twins that would be totally imaginable because we were clearly shown what an adult cloning process looks like in the film The Island with a President that runs away and escapes the operating table.
Do we even need to explain what is being shown here? They can be grown to full sized adult clones. Just implant some selected memories and away you go.
But what we should try to explain in ending is that how can Two Trumps co-exist at the same Time in the same Timeline? For that we need to explain Time, but it would be much easier to just watch more films because that why they made them as soft disclosure for the entertained masses, and hard disclosure documentaries for the awake and aware. We are referring to Man the High Castle and the again obvious Trump Twin characters of John Smith, a nobody in one Timeline, but the Obergruppenführer Nazi version of the same John Smith in an alternate Timeline.
How can Two Trumps co-exist? Try not to imagine it, but there are an Infinite Trumps out there, just as there are Infinite number of all of us out there. The difference is the Nazi aka Trump using his Uncle’s John Trump’s Tesla acquired technology was able to figure that out in secret and has been Time Travelling to his advantage ever since. How do you think he engineered himself as President?
Hence the Two Trumps and the further confirmation with the Biff Tannen figure from Back to the Future as in the Time travel back and forth between Timelines with the right Tesla portal technology. All of the clues were there, we just tried to bring it together into one post. Time was the Key to solving this little riddle.
The other Twin is just another version of Trump from a Twin parallel universe, it just depends on which version of the film aka science fiction documentary you were watching at that particular moment in Time in the Infinite plain of Timelines.
It would be very Trump like to try and Game all of the Timelines in his favor by contacting other ones and then orchestrating cute switcheroos when and where needed. And the ultimate con job by the ultimate con man would be to convince everyone he was some type of Christ figure coming to save them, but never the anti-Christ figure taking them to ruin, because his MAGA Cult Members would never believe that latter part or version of history.
On the second anniversary of the Great American Eclipse (8/21/2019), Donald Trump made the proclamation "I Am the Chosen One" and went on that same day to tweet that he likened himself to the "second coming of god" and the "king of Israel", which are all extreme blasphemies.
The RNC was a Satanic Convention full of lies and who called them out from the eternal Hall of Shame members? Not one of them.
Trump Reptilian Eye (
Beware that hissing Snake with Serpent Eyes reciting The Snake Poems.
We are almost there with Mad Max time…
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