Corona Times News
The Trump Ear Gaslighting PsyOp
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The Trump Ear Gaslighting PsyOp

We have a monstrous Conspiracy in progress and some Alt Media peoples are at least tacitly complicit and will forever mark themselves as Co-Conspirators to the Ketchup King in the end times.

The Trump Shooting investigation is still active as you can see from these latest videos, who are still digging for the Truth behind this operation. But the real core of the story is being ignored by most. And the ones in the Alt Media space whose moral obligation was to seek and speak the Truth are derelict in their duty. Listen to this last broadcast that we will be sharing from the Healthranger Mike Adams as he covers everything, but the lack of damage to Trump’s Ear. Total gaslighting.

Trump at the Bitcoin Conference July 28, 2024 with no hint of Ear injury?

There was no face to face meeting with the local Beaver County SWAT Team and the SS on the day of July 13th. That is one of the biggest red flags found so far.

John Cullen is still looking into windows searching for the real shooter.

As Dr. Martenson, outlines his at least 2 shooter hypothesis.

But the real core story which is being buried in real-time is the lack of any visible injury to Trump’s Ear. We were told he was shot in the ear and that his hand was covered in blood. In less than two weeks he has gone from Square Bandage Don to my Ear is absolutely fine and don’t worry about it and move along without asking any questions. Why is nobody investigating this rabbit hole with the Ear?

The obvious is staring you right in the face.


But most don't have the eyes to see or the (perfectly undamaged) ears to hear.

Why no investigation of this particular layer of the Butler, PA events? Because, then you would discover that both the DNC and the RNC are essentially the same UniParty Beast Entity of the End Times. One is planning a live child sacrifice in homage to the days of old, when that was a common practice to appease Moloch.

If this scoop was correct, we were going to witness a live abortion at the DNC. Who jokes about such matters? Answer, another member of the chosen tribe. She then corrects herself, but if you understood the real coded message, it was clear what she was really saying. The Cult of Moloch will be sacrificing Americans very soon.

Here is the Zionist Jewess IDF Asset for the record. What is the opposite of Safe?

Photo from 2016 of Laura Loomer with Milo Yiannopoulos in a bathtub of blood


The RNC is just as bad as the DNC will be at the end of August, both Satanists.

Let me break down the RNC this week. Starts out with a backdrop of the unfinished pyramid and "The New World Order" written in Latin.

Next, you got Amber Rose being exalted and then last night the potential V.P.'s wife covers her eye for the first minute of her speech while people cheer with bandages on their ear. You see what's going on here?


Those hand signals are very important and even the Posobiec has fallen for it. The literal Synagogue of Satan’s chosen crew is ruling over the Congress in DC. And no wonder there was so much applause for the Satanyahu during this short visit.

Zionism is British Freemasonry.

Senator Ben Cardin is a Freemason at Amicable-St. John’s Lodge #25, Maryland’s third oldest Freemason Lodge established on June 21, 1797.

Trump the Serpent Ketchup King

Now we turn to the Trump Shooting investigation tie in to all of these data points.

Did anyone in the Alt Media space bother to Fact Check his lying ass at the RNC?

Is his Hand covered in Blood for the record on July 13, 2024? Speak the Truth.

The Doctor who is also a Congressmen said there was a 2cm gash? Where did it go in just 2 weeks? A miraculous recovery to the ear cartlidge of a 78 year old man in just 2 weeks without any stitches or hospitalizations or visits to the surgeon?

Why no need for any of that? Because, the Ketchup can be cleaned up with just a tissue paper or two. A simple wipe of the hand puts the Ketchup on and a simple wipe of the tissue wipes it off and the MAGA WWF folks are none the wiser as they enjoy the gong show and vote for their enslaver to enslave them some more.

Failure of the Alt Media to Investigate Trump’s Ear Hoax

This list used to be the Hall of Fame in the Alt Media. It is now the Hall of Shame.

  • Pastor Ric Wiles of TruNews

  • Pastor Steve Cioccolanti of Discover Church

  • Steve Quayle

  • Alex Jones of Infowars

  • Owen Shroyer of Infowars

  • Mike Adams, Healthranger

  • Stew Peters

  • Candace Owens

  • Tucker Carlson

It will be the last time we will be posting their materials here, until something changes on their end. They will reside in the eternal hall of shame for their willful inaction, in failing to investigate the Trump Ear recovery with not a hint of injury. Because they know if they dare pull on that one thread the entire Trump Shooting PsyOp False Flag narrative falls apart and their candidate is exposed as a Liar.

They would rather believes the lies and deny the obvious. It is very disappointing and the most extraordinary irony to witness this set of peoples we used to admire, who are now the ones doing the gaslighting and are guilty of dereliction of duty. If you are choosing to side with the Ketchup King, then also be well prepared for his betrayal in his second term, just as he did in the first term. Another Snake bite.

A Ketchup King rises at the end of time…

Here is where the separation comes between Truth and Falsehood in the end times. If you cannot speak the Truth now then you are a Party (at least indirectly or tacitly) to the crimes being committed and the coverup in progress. What do you call a group of bystanders who see a crime and a coverup in progress and then choose to look the other way? That is now what this chosen group of individuals in the Alt Media space is willingly choosing to do. The eternal Hall of Shame. The ones to break the Conspiracies, are now the enablers of Trump’s lying ways.

Failure to even investigate his bizarre Ear recovery story, means you are no longer qualified to be heard, get out of the news business if you cannot speak the Speak in the Alt Media space. We have reached a moment in history where the very elect are deceived or are they all deceiving themselves, after going all in with Trump?

If they have covered it and we have missed it, then we will be more than happy to issue a correction and update. Until then, we stand by our words. Investigate or step aside from the news business and go sell your vitamins and your water filters.

We have to wonder if it is some sort of Magick Spell that has been cast by this most wicked of Magicians? Because it has taken out the entire Hall of Fame and turned them into distraction agents, with their audio analysis that goes nowhere.

While the real core of the story with Trump’s Ear is totally ignored and not even remotely questioned. If that was a form of fakery by Trump, we have a seriously big problem. So better to be in denial, not cover and continue with gaslighting by omission of the real News, and choosing not to ask any valid questions regarding Trump’s (perfectly fine with no hint of scarring or cutting or flesh wound) Ear.

Because the News business is about both what you chose to cover, but also about what you willingly by editorial decree choose to omit and not cover at all, such as the blatantly obvious there is no injury to Trump’s Ear. How to you explain that?

The Butcher of Gaza meets the Butcher of his own Ear, Ketchup King Serpent President Trump.

How many people are the Co-Conspirators to this wicked Conspiracy afoot with the Ear of Trump? It is at least the SS Agents near him that day that are witnesses and then there is this Doctor and of course there is the Serpent Trump himself. He met the Satanyahu for a reason, to show the world his fakery and his alliances.

  • Notice his hand blood smear near his jawline and the divided tongue sign and symbolism of the Serpent Tongue.

  • Notice the lack of blood splatter on his white shirt and fine blonde hair.

  • Notice the shoe left behind symbolism of the Occult from past False Flags.

  • Notice the lying at the RNC about with his hand covered in blood claim.

  • Notice the Occult symbology of the RNC with the WWF Idiocracy theme.


If no motive can be established for the Shooter, why do we need one for Trump’s actions? Trump’s motive if we needed one is the Love of Power and what you are willing to do to ensure you get back into Power, by any means necessary, as the end justifies the means for such Power hungry parasitic narcissistic peoples.


And of course there is the other motive to create a False Flag staged pretext to use it to justify a War with Iran (as we have already decoded at length in the posts above), and to appease his Donor Class oligarchs in Israel and Occupied America.

God did not save him, but is rather saving him to be exposed and separating the Wheat from the Tares, and the Truth tellers from the “just going along with the crowd” brand of Truthers. If you cannot speak out now, then the Karma of the entire upcoming Trump train wreck will be on you all, as already identified.

Meeting Satanyahu and showing him the bullet injury which is now magically located at the back of his ear? So why was there Ketchup on the front then? He just cannot stop lying about this Ear hoax.

History is already being altered and memory holed by Google. So if this Trump’s Ear story does not gain traction this week, it will also get memory holed by the MAGA folks and their list of allies already identified. Because the News cycle just moves too fast and this vital detail will be discarded as a minor non-event, when it in fact it was the very thread that pulls the entire False Flag Conspiracy apart.


If you are choosing to ignore all of these self-evident Truths, then we must ask that are you smoking or failing to smoke in these end times? Why is it left to an absolutely nobody channel in comparison, to point these obvious things out?

Those who claim to be Watchmen and are then asleep on their Watch or choose to look the other way when an obvious problem arises, are asking for their end times credentials to be revoked and given to another set of Watchmen living in the West, but who are from the East, as the newly chosen fresh replacement crew.

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