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Trump Ear shows no hint of Damage just as predicted

We called it two days ago because once you know the code the deciphering is easy and the moves of the Beast are obvious.

It has been just two weeks since the Butler, PA Trump Shooting incident and in that time the lone gunmen narrative has totally fallen apart, indicating a wider conspiracy of state and non-state actors (Men in Grey) to achieve a political aim.

But in that time and in that conspiracy (which is technically a plot or plan and we certainly have intrigue of that nature in play here), we have Trump as an active participant and not an innocent by-stander or the intended target of the attack.

Two days ago we wrote that once Trump took off that Square Ear bandage which was his signal that the Economist Cover 2019 Miracle Timeline was activated, that there would be no sign of an ear injury and now we have the Serpent showing his true colors and showing all is fine with his ear. No hint of any damage to it.

Not even a hint of injury to Trump’s Ear when it meets PM Satanyahu of Israel on July 26, 2024 at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump's doctor releases an update on his recovery from the shooting as ex-president appears without a bandage for the first time in Netanyahu meeting

Donald Trump has appeared without a bandage on his ear for the first time since he was shot in an assassination attempt - as his doctor released an update on his recovery and responded to doubts he was hit by a bullet. 

The shocking new images show that the 45th president's right ear seems to have made a remarkably quick recovery in less than two weeks since a gunman opened fire on him.

The ear reveal comes the same day that Trump's doctor, Dr. Ronny Jackson, gave a critical update on the president's recovery.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, who is also a Republican Congressman from Texas, released a letter on Friday saying there was 'absolutely no evidence' he was hit by 'anything other than a bullet.'

'I want to reassure the American people and the rest of the world, that President Trump is doing extremely well,' Trump's former White House chief doctor added.

Jackson's reassurance that the 45th president was hit by a slug rather than glass or shrapnel is a direct rebuke against FBI Director Christopher Wray's suggestion earlier this week that the agency is still determining what bloodied Trump's right ear. 

For making that prediction which has now come true we lost many subscribers. Those who were so quick to judge and react, we hope you will reconsider your actions given the evidence presented, not for our sake, but rather your own good. As you are unlikely to get this type of information anywhere, even in Alt Media.

We hope and pray that the people we regularly cite on this channel such as Mike Adams and Pastor Wiles, will have the character and the basic integrity to now question Trump’s motives and actions here and ask why his Ear is just fine. The time and effort they have spent on audio analysis and such now needs to turn to the Trump Ear and to ask how it is possible, that there is no sign of any damage?

Trump's ear appeared to be normal after the bandages were removed
Not even a hint of injury to Trump’s Ear when it meets PM Satanyahu of Israel on July 26, 2024 at Mar-a-Lago.
  • Not even a hint of injury, how is that possible given all that (fake) blood?

  • No surgery, no stitches, no hospitalization and a Doctor who is also lying?

  • No blood on his hands, but that is the lie he was citing at the RNC?

  • No blood on his white shirt, but that is what we are told that it was a 2cm tear in his ear and somehow within 2 weeks his ear Cartlidge has grown back?

Here is the garbage we were feed for two weeks with these ridiculous simulations.

The reality was much different and now the entire world can see it for themselves.

We will post and wait for any hint of a response from the Alt Media that is on the side of MAGA and view Trump as some sort of Demigod that will save America. In that category would of course be Alex Jones. So far no comments from him on these latest revelations, because he is too busy with the Paris Olympics. That is all part of the PsyOp of distraction away from this one thread that unravels it all. Pull on this one thread and watch how quickly the entire conspiracy falls apart.

Note that the RNC was Satanic and Fake in theme with the WWF fake bloody ear and now we have a continuation of that WWF theme with the gross Sodom and Gomorrah show in Paris where it seems the Jewish organizer is taunting God to see what he does when such grotesque images are broadcast to shock the world.

The Paris Olympic opening show was a full display of a brazen globalist occult woke ritualistic ceremony that was meant to mock and denigrate America, Christianity and family values


Allow us to decode these images. The Blue Man is a reference to the Blue Color Men of Israel rising to their place of Power. Because which one group is always promoting perverted values and spreading corruption on the Earth? It is the usual suspects almost each and every time, as if it was encoded in their very snake DNA.


Another Pic of Thomas Jolly, the ‘artist’ behind the satanic and anti-Christian Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony He's a 42 year old, LGBT Jewish man.

He's a Zionist who supports Israel.


But the real whopper might be the first image of the Pale Rider on the White Horse which is a direct reference to the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and matches what we were saying about a planned False Flag for Paris in this decode. Because that image again confirms that the Economist cover 2019 is in play and that vision board of future events is the timeline we are now in called the Miracle Timeline with the Trump Square Ear bandage sync and now the 4 Horsemen sync.

Note the Trump Square Ear and the 4 Horsemen and the Mystery Man in the West that has now been activated due to this actions and misdeeds.

The Dreams and Visions are aligning with all of the data points covered and the Paris Olympics may very well be headed for a Sodom and Gomorrah ending.

What happens to Paris is symbolic of the fire and destruction that will be coming to America also. When you host Satanyahu and boast about your Genocide then prepare for your demise at the hands of the All Mighty in true end times fashion.

As we noted in our previous post that the game plan is War with Iran and Scott Ritter offers some passionate analysis on the implications of such a War for Israel because with this folly the Republic also self destructs, but that was always the bigger plan in the wider goal of creating a Greater Israel from those ashes of ruin.

At their joyful reunion yesterday, Bibi was said to have once again thanked Trump for drone-assassinating Soleimani, the top Iranian general. Did you know Trump invoked the 2002 Iraq War authorization to justify the strike? Another “America First” triumph!

Why was Trump’s Ear never damaged? Because he is far too vain and prideful to allow such permanent scarring to his ear and then be forced to show a mangled ear to the public or wear a bandage for weeks. The much easier shortcut was to stage a fake blood capsule WWF style and then confirm that with a WWF RNC Convention to fool the masses and then rub it in their collective faces by telling them who he really was. Only a magician could cast such a heavy spell on people.

He’s obviously joking that Christians won’t have to vote again because he’s going to do such a great job solving all their supposed problems. Just the millionth example of libs flipping out over trivial nonsense and ignoring Trump’s actual record/positions

For all those Christian Zionist Evangelical fools, please make note that Trump has now finally admitted in public that he is not a Christian, something we said months ago and is in fact America’s first Jewish President. But the Serpent King still needs you foolish Christians to vote for him despite all the lies he has already told, because that is how utter foolishness works. Just vote this one time, because after that his dictatorship term begins. Again we called it here with this post. But Alex Jones has a different take on this video and thinks “I am Christian” is said.

Even when the truth is told to their faces their deny and provide cover for the lies of the liar indicating that strong delusion was endemic in an end times America.

The Beast has arisen in Paris, just as he arose in London with then Prince Charles and hence it will not end well for Europe with such open affiliations with Satan.


Does it really have to be this in your face for people to see what is going in Paris?


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