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The Crooks Lone Gunmen Narrative totally Falls Apart

The Crooks Lone Gunmen Narrative totally Falls Apart

As the entire Trump Shooting Narrative enters woo woo land we have no choice, but to cover all of the different angles. Now we have evidence of 2nd or 3rd Shooter and a little bit of Blading. Part 7.

Who is the doing the real investigation of the Trump Shooting at Butler, PA? That would be citizen journalists in the Alt Media space as the FBI must be on another Donut run to the local coffee shop down the street. They must have chosen this location for a reason and this shop might be it. The Donuts were being served at Cummings Candy and Coffee West? Which has the magical 110 number value.

That store is at the top of this screenshot with the yellow place holder. A numbers and names match for the FBI to swarm all over and eat all that Cummings Candy.

Or were the Donuts located in Building #3, where the Shooter was on the Roof, so there was no point of being on the Roof guarding the President on a hot and sunny day. Which makes us wonder how the Shooter was able to lie on the hot metal Roof for almost half a hour with only a t-shirt and not get burnt by the extreme temperatures. Those metal roofs have a tendency to become very hot.


At this stage nothing to do with this investigation is too weird to consider. We cannot even establish who the Shooter was, what his motive was or exactly how many Shooters there were. All of the basics of the crime scene are still in the air. If you look at the breakdown you will see that the famous counter snipers behind Trump were staring straight at a giant tree if you follow the blue line below. They never had a clear shot at the Crooks Shooter, so who were they really looking at?


The lead crime scene investigators at this point within the Alt Media space would be these three accounts and their video and audio analysis.

This podcast from Mike Adams, Healthranger helps explain some of the evidence pointing to a second shooter on that day, as the acoustic evidence suggests at least two different gun sounds. Until you hear it you will not believe it. Watch the entire breakdown. Here is the latest from Mike Adams on the audio analysis.

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Forensic Audio Analysis of Trump shooting - FIRST 7 ROUNDS - best current analysis by Mike Adams

@HealthRanger Tagging @Michael_Yon @chrismartenson

Round 1: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft - 450ft distance

Round 2: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft - 450ft distance

Round 3: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft - 450ft distance

(roughly 2.5 second pause)

Round 4: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft - 450ft distance

Round 5: 0.22s snap/boom delay = 400ft - 450ft distance

Round 6: 0.366s snap/boom delay = 600ft - 700ft distance

Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom delay = 1100ft - 1500ft distance


Round 1: Crooks on roof

Round 2: Crooks on roof

Round 3: Crooks on roof

Round 4: Assassination sniper inside building

Round 5: Assassination sniper inside building

Round 6: Medium-range sniper at unknown location

Round 7: Long-range sniper at unknown location (water tower? need to check)

* Assumption for rounds 1 - 5 = 2500fps average velocity

* Assumption for rounds 6 - 7 = 3000fps average velocity, due to likely a larger caliber, longer-range cartridge, such as 300 Win Mag

Our post from the other day, Part 6 of the Trump Shooting investigation and what happens now that the narrative has fallen apart. Since there is no Motive to speak off and we have heard nothing more about the Shooter Crooks, all of the work is on the crime scene is in terms of angle of shot and other ballistics based evidence. But the real agenda here is a setup to take America to War with Iran for Israel.

As this crime scene has the fingerprints of Israel all over it. And perhaps that is why the case has run cold with this lead on the Shooter. If Israel is involved then you can be sure no investigation will ever take place. History repeats itself with another Israeli 911 at exactly 6:11 PM EST. Must be just another coincidence.

A long line of attacks upon America from the Kosher Nostra and yet for gullible and easily fooled America they are convinced their biggest threat comes from Migrants and Muslims. As the real enemy infiltrates and tears apart the Republic and derails any investigation. See how the AIPAC distraction works in real time.

It was Israel behind 911, behind the USS Liberty, behind the JFK take down, and now behind this take down as well? As all of the real actors here appear to be arch Zionist Jews, but not one Migrant or Muslim on the scene? How bizarre, so when the Chaos Agents realized that how lop sided the coverage was hence the War with Iran and Iran did it story emerges. The Gang of 4 that already shown itself.

And as further distraction from the crime scene investigation and an effort to wipe the servers clean FBI style there was grid down situation with Crowdstrike, encoded to the 201 of the Gematria code, indicating the usual suspects at it again.

Some IT experts weigh in and explain the cyber attack. One file as part of an overall update was enough to take down the grid if you can believe that.


But if you needed more twists and turns to the crime scene then how about with the Trump himself as the conspiracy theories come full circle and are now being asked by the Demoncrats TreasonCrats themselves. And some of their questions have merit and as part of any crime scene forensics detailed work you have to examine all the leads and follow up with them to determine the relevant facts. So in that regard, did Trump blade himself to make it look like he was hit in the Ear?

The lack of blood splatter on his white shirt and black coat and blonde hair makes no sense if this was a real gun shot would and the blood was spurting out. His magical blood seems to be just on the Ear and nowhere else, why is that?

Investigating requires a clear and sound mind unhindered by the hype and hysteria and for that we have to commend this video for daring to ask these legitimate questions. Because if Trump has faked any part of this Shooting we have a scandal even bigger than the attempted assassination of a President.

When provided with the following two options, AI concludes that Trump's ear injury was most likely due to blading (as they call it in professional wrestling) while Ehrmantraut's was most likely due to an AR-15.

That episode was called BOX CUTTER.

It aired 4745 days earlier.


It looks like Snake Eyes may be up to no good here. No blood on the hair and no blood on his hands and it is only when he falls behind the podium and emerges that we suddenly is the blading cut and blood? Are we going there? Yes, but not today as this line of research requires more research before reaching conclusions.

Predictive Programming at its finest with The Boys Season 4. Notice the flag and the head turn at the podium with several clones (as in multiple shooters) that turn out to be future shooters in this scene. Hard to miss the warning and symbolism of it all. This show is very graphic and not rated for children so be well advised.

The Miracle Timeline began at Trump’s own doing with his own Hands perhaps and hence his reference to the fake “Medical Miracle” of the Covid-19 Vaccines.

He did give all the MAGA folks fair warning about who and what he really was.

But the good news is that we believe we have a strong lead on the “Red Arrow” and what that really means overall in this sordid mess and the connection goes back to Iran, which we will cover in Part 8 of our crime scene investigation. This latest connection is now forcing us to re-examine the entire situation and question if Trump has very nefarious motives in this entire situation within the end times.

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