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List of 5 Suspicious Persons at the Trump Shooting

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List of 5 Suspicious Persons at the Trump Shooting

Here is our list of people acting very strangely at the Trump Butler Rally Shooting

It was either gross incompetence or we living in the Matrix or there was a wicked plot to assassinate the next President elect by a secret cabal of nefarious actors. That is not our wild and wacky analysis, that is where Joe Rogan is that these days.

This podcast from Mike Adams, known as the Healthranger confirms that basic working assumption that all is not Kosher in the Butler shooting. Mike Adams sees only 1 suspicious person, but we are saying there is a much longer list. Here is the list with some bonus content for the subscribers aka the substackers.

Suspicious Person #1 - Alex Soros and his Tweet

Now we have even stronger confirmation that has just emerged. Little Jewish Zionist Chaos Agent Alex Soros, the son of infamous trouble maker George Soros has been caught shorting the Truth Social stock ($DJT) ONE DAY before the assassination attempt. Smoking Gun evidence, with pun intended. Because here is his Tweet. Notice the coded number of $47 for the future 47th President. And the Building #3 with the Shooter on the roof belongs to a glass research firm.

REVEALED: The firm that took the suspicious and enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth Social stock ($DJT) ONE DAY before the assassination attempt is Austin Private Wealth LLC, majority held by George Soros’ Vanguard and BlackRock.

Coincidentally, BlackRock, the party that would have greatly profited from President Trump’s death, included the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, in a 2022 promotional video.

Alex Soros infamously shared an Atlantic Magazine cover image which featured a bullet hole in glass, followed by a picture of cash which added up to the number 47, a message some interpreted as a cryptic death threat against President Trump.

Austin Private Wealth LLC is also connected to the late-President George H.W. Bush, who was a client, and through his son, President George W. Bush, who attended events and was involved in the company's charitable initiatives.

Bush family close associate James A. Baker III, a former Secretary of State and H.W.’s White House Chief of Staff, has served as the firms Senior Policy Director since its inception in 2006. Being that this was the largest bet the firm has ever taken, it’s fair to presume Baker had a role in making it.

It’s also important to remember the moment H.W. made a Sicilian style death motion toward a tv showing President Trump decimating his son Jeb during the 2016 Presidential primary.

Lastly, Austin Private Wealth LLC, according to their website, directly supports the ACLU, ADL Austin, Shalom Austin, Jewish Community Center, Camp Young Judaea, Congregation Beth Israel, Austin Jewish Academy, and Hadassah.


Always follow the Money trail to see Cui Bono as in Who Benefits. And who makes the most Shekels on the Lands, that would be a litter of Kosher Nostra members scattered through the Lands, such as the Soros Crime Syndicate.


A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.

This is a giant bet when you consider their total AUM but wait there’s more…


Trump was not supposed to make it to the RNC. Hence that is why we keep saying we are we are now on a different Timeline. This surviving the attempt move was an inflection point in History and alters the course of History as foreseen on the cover of the Economist 2019. As previously decoded in post.

Suspicious Person #2 - The Maxwell Yearick and Mark Violets Mystery

These names came up as suspects and then never went anywhere and then were reported as being fake news. Which one is the real shooter? Because so far with the Michael Thomas Crooks, we have no motive whatsoever for the attempted kill and thus we think it is highly probably that a fake Iranian connection will be then cooked up to link Iran to this attempt and start a War with Iran as predicted.

The Mark Violets name was heavily encoded to the #3 and the Building was #3.

War with Iran has long been the goal and do not be surprised if they frame a fake Iran link to this dead shooter and since dead men cannot talk, he would not be able to mount any defense against the wickedness of the Kosher Nostra gangsters.

This move fits the goal of War with Iran and if they can just “sprinkle some crack” Dave Chappelle style over the crime scene and just drop some faked links to Iran they can continue the endless War machine with another War if the War racket in Ukraine is suddenly halted. Now they have another War to ensure business and profits continue uninterrupted. Part of these earlier decodes for more context.

Notice the Chutzpah of the Clan. All that is necessary to establish an Iran link will be to just say there are “links to Iran” and it just magically conjures itself into existence as a verified news story on CNN. That is how the show business racket called the Main Stream Media may spin this story with the lack of motive for the Crooks which is an admission of the actors in itself, as in the Crooks in Action aka the CIA. This crime scene has so much Deep State written over it we made some art to match. Hope you like it. If you don’t like it blame the Ai that did it.

Suspicious Person #3 The White Shirt Dude

We all know of the JFK Zapruder film and that investigation and that moment in history would not be the same without it. So too with the images and footage shown to us so far. But some people are holding footage from angles that are unmatched and cannot be recreated. We present to you White Shirt Dude. Find him and win the prize of this decode of the century, perhaps since the Economist Cover if you noticed had a film camera next to the Trump Square Ear symbolism.

Yet we have one here with the Trump shooting and this mystery new Zapruder is refusing to identify himself or his vital footage. He had probably the best angle and did not flinch, did not move and kept recording the entire thing and then? Blank, nada. He must have either been visited by the Men in Black or he uploaded it to the FBI servers who promptly deleted and lost the footage to aid the ongoing shooting investigation. Has anyone seen the footage from this vantage point???

Some of the best simulation footage of the shooting so far that we have seen by Fern. Watch and try to see what White Shirt Dude is doing. He is the only one still standing and still filming, but where is this prized footage? Very very suspicious.

Suspicious Person #4 The White Shirt Lady

To be fair to the Ladies, there was also a White Shirt Lady in the back of Trump acting very strangely as she seems to be anticipating the shooting and waiting for it to start and then starts immediately filming the scene. Again where is that incredible footage and has the FBI Crime Syndicate already wiped it clean for us as FBI servants just like they did with the Clinton email servers?


See the woman behind Trump to the right with sunglasses and a white sleeveless top? She never stops videoing. I wanna see the video she has.

Was she an MIB Agent, where is the Neuralyzer? Her “glasses” fits her MIB look. Note to self to do not look into that Blue Beam when they flash it, Molly.

Suspicious Person #5 Who the heck is Vincent Fusca?

This person has a history of being at the right place at the right time and his strange suspicious behavior at the rally is very telling. Same as White Shirt Dude and Lady, we have another cool as a cucumber customer waiting for the action? Even more bizarre is that he seems disappointed if you look closely. We are speculating that he was waiting for greater fireworks and is disappointed that it did not go off. All very highly suspicious and definitely not on the FBI to do list.

How in the hell is Vincent Fusca the only one not freaking out? Cool as a cucumber. __ Vincent Fusca was at the Assassination attempt Rally.


He is running for Senate? Who knew that? But it gets worse. Some claim he is the still alive JFK Junior as in John John and others claim he is John Denver. What in the world is going on here in sleeping little Butler, PA? Is this town some secret little Nazi experimentation town like from the film Stranger Things, where very strange things were happening in the town. Even we are confused as this point with this character and who he is and why he appears at all the right places for some reason. This appearance looks totally faked and staged as if he is in disguise.



just trying to help on the JFK JR Vincent fuska possibilities here's a link to the video . A comparison to JFK jr. To Vincent Fusca.

The weirdness of having the son of JFK still alive and at the rally with another shooting of another President and even Trump pointing at him in this frame cannot even begin to be stated. What is going on here is beyond conspiracies at this stage if any of that could possibly be true. But how to explain his odd presence in Butler at the exact position and location of interest?


There was only one person who was behind President Trump when he was shot who DID NOT duck.

That man was “Vincent Fusca”.

He also showed zero signs of fear or panic.

We have some more videos and evidence which we sharing with our subscribers.


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