In order to make sense of the Trump Shooting PsyOp and what they appear to be planning for Paris, we are using the Ole Dammegard technique or method. He is famous for pointing out that when any of these False Flags happen, the perps and the planners always leave clues as to who did it as well as clues to the next PsyOp.
Renowned False Flag Researcher Ole Dammegard: Trump, Shot – Or Not?
The Trump Ear Prediction

And that is what we have here, but we are adding a few additional layers to this puzzle to make more sense of it and provide a clearer bigger picture and context. Those layers are based on the decoding of PsyOps through not books, but films. And to that we have added the additional layers of Gematria and Spiritual Intel.
A book cipher is a cipher in which each word or letter in the plaintext of a message is replaced by some code that locates it in another text, the key.
A simple version of such a cipher would use a specific book as the key, and would replace each word of the plaintext by a number that gives the position where that word occurs in that book. For example, if the chosen key is H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds, the plaintext "all plans failed, coming back tomorrow" could be encoded as "335 219 881, 5600 853 9315" — since the 335th word of the novel is "all", the 219th is "plans", etc. This method requires that the sender and receiver use the exact same edition of the key book.
But instead of Books, which nobody reads these days, the elites have replaced the Book with the Film, so we are dealing with Film Ciphers and that is where the Key lies literally, symbolically and esoterically. In certain films lies the main Key.

We can broadly refer to such Film Ciphers as Predictive Programming. As an example, notice the messages being sent here with the Film The Boys Season 4. Did you notice the Internet is Dead and then we had a the Crowdstrike attack days after this episode? Did you notice the TruthCon sign where they are telling the Truth in Code? The Truth is the Con is the Con the being sold as the Truth?
The Crooks Lone Gunmen Narrative totally Falls Apart
As the lone gunmen theory with Crooks has fallen apart at least in the Alt Media space, we can foresaw what the final report will look like based on this 1974 film classic about a dark secretive syndicate that organizes political assassinations.
Now with that as the basic methodology we can begin to decode the 3 Arrows in the Trump Chart which is a reference to the “Broken Arrow” missing nuclear weapon(s) that is to be used in a future PysOp we believe in Paris, France. There may be other locations as well, but those locations are not yet clear, but Paris is.

It is not a coincidence that at the recent hearings we had a Col. Paris from Butler. That is the Dammegard methodology on display. They leave clues on current as well as future False Flags to come with ”Key” words, names and letters. Notice that Col. Paris equals 93 and Trump’s speech at the Satanic WWF RNC was also exactly 93 minutes long. Again these meta data are not accidental coincidences. This clip even captures the 201 Master Gematria Cipher all in one shot, amazing.
The Paris attacks have already started to set the stage. These series of attacks will be used to whip up public sentiment to go to War with Russia, China and Iran. As in the NATO Nazi Zionist Alliance will nuke itself to justify a pretext for this War and now you know why Satanyahu is meeting with captured Congress, Biden and of course the double agent Serpent Liar in Chief called Donald Trump.
"Coordinated Sabotage" Paralyzes France's Rail Network As Olympics Begin | ZeroHedge
The establishment mouthpiece the WSJ is telling us clearly that this next False Flag will be used to start a War in Europe as well as a War with Iran, Russia and China at the same time. A War to end all Wars is at our doorsteps, so be on guard.
A map of today's sabotage of train lines in #France
What a Trump Victory really means for America
Now we move to the other layer of Spiritual Intel from Brandon Biggs, who foresaw the Trump Ear situation and who has foreseen what will happen to Paris. He has been right so far twice now and there is more for from him to come as we decode his dreams and visions, but watch these two videos on the Paris situation where the Olympics has just starting. He foresaw an attack using Trains and what just happened? Answer, a series of coordinated attacks on Trains as the Olympics Games are starting events. The Mission Impossible decode confirms his dreams.
Next comes the Paris his will Burn dream which now matches and confirms that we have found in the Films - “Broken Arrow” and “From Paris with Love” and the “Sum of All Fears” and the infamous “Mission Impossible: Fallout”.
Looks like President Kamala in and then President Trump to finish the Republic.
The plan is make the attack so horrific nobody will dare question a War with Iran.
Remember the Men in Grey Suits from this earlier decode we did? Guess where we now get that confirmation using the Film Cipher methodology. It is in the film “Mission Impossible: Fallout” with Tom Cruise from 2018. It not all Black and White, but rather all shades of Grey or Gray depending on how you spell it out.
MASSIVE News On Trump Shooting!
A Man in a "Grey Suit" climbed to the roof and told ANY Official that took a picture of Thomas Crooks body to send those pictures to a phone number HE provided.
This man was NOT Secret Service as the cops thought he was
Who is the man in the Grey suit?
Well we have a few!
The Grey Suit guys are part of a secret syndicate that organizes political hits as we were told back in 1974 and now here we are 50 years later still trying to figure what is going when the clues have been in front our faces all along disguised as entertainment and Hollyweird films. Notice all of the bad guys are wearing Grey?
The fact at Grey Suits showed up in Butler means we need to see “Mission Impossible: Fallout” for more relevant clues on the next target location for the False Flag. Thus the Red Alert for Paris and the rest of France in the coming days. Zionist Israel wants War with Iran and it will do almost anything to achieve that goal for its end times Greater Israel Project including nuking American as well as European cities to achieve that end goal. The end justifies the means for them.
Notice Tom Cruise is also wearing Grey in this scene as a way to prep your mind for his future betrayal of the cause. But the real problem here is we may now have like the film is predicting 3 plutonium cores missing and to be used for Paris et al False Flags and hence we are back to the 3 Arrows of the Trump Chart in Butler which was a direct coded reference to future “Broken Arrows” to justify this War.

How many arrows do we see below? It looks like 3 distinct arrows as in signify 3 intended target locations by a criminal secretive syndicate run in cooperation with the FBI crime syndicate that is currently actively covering up the shooting investigation in Butler, PA. Again the clues are left in plain sight for all to see to avoid the Law of Karma as Dammegard points out. They told you, but we were out to lunch eating the popcorn and enjoying the entrainment show by Trump.
Later in the film we see 3 locations are nuked; Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca but only on CNN as part of an elaborate faux news segment. Hope we are seeing the symbolism of how the news is faked to make it appear real, went it is all synthetic.
The way that “Broken Arrow” ties into “From Paris with Love” is that both feature John Travolta as the lead actor. He is an American Pilot in the Air Force that goes rogue and takes two nuclear devices and tries to sell them on a third party who resembles the activities of the usual suspects in such cases.
Same with the “Sum of All Fears” where there is a missing nuke that belongs to the Americans, but was given to another third party who as in the Israelis who then work with a secret group of Nazis. Does all of this sound familiar and resemble our current reality. Which one is the real version that we are experiencing? Playing that song at the Satanic RNC was not a concidence.
The numbers cannot lie, but reveal their own code for the world to see. They can run, but they cannot hide from the Letters and Numbers of Gematria. It was their cipher for all to see and a few to decipher. The 119 is an inversion of 116 or 911 which the number pattern in play here with this staged PsyOp called the Trump Butler Shooting. When the play is discovered that is when the snake is at its most dangerous and vulnerable state. Watch out for that Serpent Deceiver in plain sight.
The Trump Ear Prediction
We are calling it here today, Trump was never intended to be shot and he was not shot and the injury to his ear is likely a WWF wresting type of blood capsule smeared onto his face to give the appearance of an injury. He faked it and that is an even bigger scandal than the number of shooters. At least 1 person was sacrificed in this sick ritual for a very dark crime syndicate mafia. Red Alert for Paris, France in the coming days and weeks. False Flags for War are on the Menu.
They are trying to re-enact a scene from Mission Impossible with 3 cities or with locations in one city starting with Paris, France as per the Cipher. That was the data is suggesting, it could be all wrong? Your discernment and attention needed.
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