
The Collective West is a “freak show”

The common thread that binds all of these different stories together is again the not so hidden hand of International Jewry and their goal of maximum chaos for the Mashiach starting with Lebanon.

The Collective West with the grotesque display in the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies has confirmed it is an end times “freak show”. Russia is fighting freaks and those freaks belong to one particular group of global tribe members.

Now you know why they banned Christian Russia to allow Genocidal Israeli in.


How else do you describe such images? Answer, according to the current acting President Kamala Harris, that “freak show” was just awesome. As in that “freak show” has arrived in America, starting now. She is in alignment with that freak show agenda and those are the values which will be bringing forth. Brace for it and put on that armor of God if you want to make it through such freak shows.

Where did the freak show in Paris gets its inspiration from? Answer, it was in the Films again as in more predictive programming with the Hunger Games future for awaiting America/Europe and its hyper super perverted gay Presidential Ball.


George Galloway comments on the Paris Olympics freak show and the march to War for Zionist Israel, which is now attacking Lebanon based on false premises.

From the Catholic perspective, Dr. Marshal Taylor weighs in, but what is the point of talking when you cannot identify the real culprits behind such actions.

But what is really the signal here? Answer, International Jewry is taking us to another War. The most self-destructive peoples on Earth are intent on starting more wars for the Anti-Christ. Because remember, he does not come in times of Peace. He comes during times of War, to bring the Peace. When you know that basic fact, then you know their wider bigger end times plan to destroy America, Europe and everything in between to bring about their twisted end times goals.


A War is about to start in the Battle of Lebanon based on a False Flag, just as another False Flag is planned to start a War in Europe, and we still have a War in the Ukraine 404 region raging, as the Genocide of Gaza continues unabated. A False Flag attacked was just launched by Israel to kill Druzes in occupied land in Syria, claim that they were Israeli children, get caught doing it, but still use that as a false pretext to annihilate Lebanon because of the presence of the Hezbollah. And that name Hezbollah means Party of God. Because they are at War with God.

Combine all of those regions and we obviously get a World War III scenario in play by International Jewry. The Paris Olympics was the latest freak show to have Jewish fingerprints all over it once again. It is Russia that is the moral capital of the world right now and yet we are sold lies daily by the same International Jewry controlled Media apparatus that Russia is evil and must be contained. But why? Because, that is where the real Christians are, and International Jewry hates that.

Just as it hated Jesus in the past, it hates everything to do with him in the present. And that is why the Paris freak show was important, because is was a very overt direct challenge to God’s Authority and the Christian worldview. By their openly pledging their allegiance with the forces of the Beast, the Beast System, Darkness and Lucifer, they have made their choice in these end times. That Beast is here.


Where did those corrupt children of Israel get that wicked idea from? Answer, they were following the lead of their ancestors who made the same fatal mistake.

The Sodomite Jew organizer of the Paris freak show tries to explain it away by saying that Blue people (code for the Blue and White people aka Israelis) are not represented equally. Translation: for International Jewry “equality” means your slavery. That is what equality and equity means to them in their perverted minds.

'Queer' Art Director Behind Anti-Christian Themes in Paris Opening Ceremony Explains Why He Did It

Who is the man behind the Paris Opening Ceremony's artistic direction? Thomas Jolly, a 'queer' artist and 'comedian,' who explained the intention behind this blasphemous production.

“How do you write a show in which everybody, at one point, feels represented and a part this bigger thing, this bigger 'us'?” “It's ambitious but also complex because one has to broaden one's own imagery, one's own outlook and include everyone, understand everyone so that no one feels left behind.”


This is not "art." This is anti-Christian mockery disguised as "representation."


If you cannot see the open wickedness of International Jewry by now, not sure what evidence will suffice for that lost and confused crowd. It was les Jeux Juifs.


And now the same wickedness dares to attack more Christians and Muslims in the name of their false gods in the Battle of Lebanon. Which is another way of saying Israel is going to War with Iran, because Lebanon is a direct proxy of Iran in the region. So an attack on Lebanon ensures that Iran is drawn into the War. But with the added difference that when Iran is sucked into War, then Russia is also is sucked, and China this time is also sucked into the wider conflict as the members of the BRICS and SCO Alliance will act in unison against Pax Judaica.

So what is in play right now is the start of an end times War in all parts of the World as in the start of another World War. With a Middle East at War, and now with another False Flag in Paris, the War of Europe will also begin. Explained in this post. The remote viewers are even picking up on the patterns in the ether.

War is at hand and the Dreamers are also picking up on that reality. America will face all type of attacks from Russia as well as China this time around and the end results will be the destruction of the Republic, which has been the Jewish goal.

A War in Europe could start based on future events in Paris, perhaps starting with the Olympics for a massive False Flag to usher in World War III with the Battle for Europe, with Macron attempting to assert himself as a new Napoleon taking France to a freak show victory. One way or another, millions more will have to die at the altar of the Golden Calf Beast System Greater Israel Project.

These freak show values are not what Russia will tolerate under President Putin. So expect a strong counter response and what we explained in this post on what a limited Russian Nuclear First Strike might look like. We are now in that window.

Is that why Russia is preparing field hospitals? Is that why the Draft has been re-instated and the groundwork is being prepared for War with Russia. Answer, Yes.

Is that why the British Isles expects to be at War within 3 years? Answer, Yes. We are saying what they are saying in code is War in Europe in about 3 months fair advanced warning time, not in 3 years time. Brace for impact and prepare for War.

In ending, who better than a Jew to explain the mindset of his Jewish peoples.

“Israel is a state that every 2-3 years goes to war. Israel is on its way to comment a state suicide” — Finkelstein in 2012


The Gulf War ended 33 years 33 days before the Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus (on the 33.3rd parallel) on Easter Monday and 3033 weeks 3 days after the '33 founding of the Grand Lodge of Israel, which turns 33,330 days old on April 10th - right in the window where we're told a "significant Iranian attack on Israeli or US assets" is anticipated.

This provocation also happened 333 months after Netanyahu first became PM in '96 (April 10th will be 66 weeks 6 days after he last took office). And I just learned that the event which began the Soviet-Afghan War in 1979 was called "Operation Storm-333" -- exactly 30 years 33 weeks after Israel joined the United Nations.

A month earlier the Iran Hostage Crisis had begun: 444 days before it ended and exactly 44 years 4 months 4 weeks before this Israeli strike against Iran in breach of the Vienna Convention. Oh and the Gulf War also ended 4404 days before the Iraq War began (555 days after 9/11).

But hey who's counting.



But did anyone catch what was said by our first Jewish President meeting with the other Jewish Prime Minister. So many Jews in one post we can hardly keep up.

Trump as he meets with Satanyahu 7/26/24:

But we would have had a deal with Iran, and it would have been a good deal for everybody, including Iran. It would have been a good deal, but it would have saved the Middle East, the Biden administration.

Now she's taken over, and she's worse than him.

She's actually worse than him, so we'll see how it goes. But if it all works out, If we win, it'll be very simple. It's all going to work out and very quickly.

If we don't, you're going to end up with major wars in the Middle East and maybe a Third World War.”

Now you know that Trump is also compromised by the International Jewry Donor Class and has agreed to go to War with Iran for Greater Israel and that is what was discussed at Mar-a-Lago, as his infamous Ear bandage came off and there was no hint of any injury from a bullet. Beasts and Liars in full view for us all to see.

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