The Blood Lust has reached the Pandemic stage, as it is no longer an Epidemic. The latter is contained in one geographical area or nation, but when it crosses borders and goes international, that is what we then declare to be a Viral outbreak that is now at a Pandemic stage. We said beware of this Blood Lust and here we are 8 months later.
That is what has happened to the Blood Lust that was somewhat still contained inside of the kill zone known as the Rafah Refugee camps in Occupied Gaza where an active Genocide under the complicity of the American led NATO members is taking place. That Blood Lust has now crossed over and gone international and it is now aiming for China and Russia on top of the current targets of Ukraine and Gaza.
Russia targets the UK as China gets ready to take Taiwan
Natan's Dream are coming True just in Time
If you needed an example of that Blood Lust going international based on the Jews in their own words, we have one Nikki Haley as a prime non-example, as in an example not to follow if you are in your right mind. But, if you are a member of the NATO Nazi Zionist Death Cult Alliance then this is how your behave towards the innocents.
Nikki Haley writes “finish them” on a shells that will be used to BOMB innocent CHILDREN and CIVILIANS…
You write “finish them” (as in a call for more Genocide in Gaza) on the American provided bombs to be used on the defenseless refugees hiding under canvas tents in refugee camps holding hundreds of thousands of innocents.
1. Deport Indian & Israeli Agent Nimrata Randhawa aka Nikki Haley back to her home country.
2. Prosecute Israel for committing War Crimes and Genocide.
3. Save the lives of both innocent Palestinians, Jews and Christians.
She changed her very Indian name to make it more White voter friendly and then of course it helps to marry into a White Haley family to make it appear that you are now White and all American. When in fact you are still that little Indian girl that is now getting her pent up revenge energy out on all those that bullied her in school. She is claiming to be a victim when the school photo indicates quite a bit of racial diversity?
This Nikki Haley? “We were the only Indian family in our small southern town,” Nikki Haley said. “I was teased every day for being brown."
Everyone in Gaza is conveniently labelled by the likes of fake Nikki Haley to be a Hamas helper and that there are no innocents here, but if be careful if that logic can be exercised here then it can also cut the other way and applied to the mass psychosis gripping Israeli society. Every side as the right to self-defense and both sides can use the same argument, but the Zionists feel as if they are the only humans in the room.
By the same logic then all of Israeli society does not contain any innocents as the vast majority support the ongoing Genocide without an ounce or regret or remorse. Here is a group of Israelis committing an act of Genocide by denying food aid to pass thru.
When the Zionist Blood Lust contagion has spread it looks like Nikki Haley playing victim. Playing the victim card must be one of the pre-requisites that you need to take before applying for a role as another cheap for hire Temple Prostitute.
The Blood Lust has now spread to attacks on Russian Nuclear Facilities and Assets as we reported on the other day and which TruNews is now reporting the day after, but still claiming to be the only news site covering this story. Who was behind this latest most blatant Provocation of the Russian Bear? It had to be the NATO Nazi Zionist Cabal. But as Escobar notes the Russian Bear and the Chinese Panda which is also a type of Bear have both had enough and hence the decision to go to War against both.
We reported two sites were attacked. Now there is word in fact a third target similar to the Armavir early warning site was also attacked. As we noted attacking Nuclear sites on Russian soil has to be met by a very rational Putin in an equal or greater Nuclear response. Anything else would be illogical and putting the Russian nation in grave danger. Russia is currently in danger of an American led Nuclear First Strike, that is how close we are to the visions of Pastor Henry Gruver from 1986 becoming a reality. That is the same Gruver Pastor Rick Wiles mentions in his podcast, but not the same vision.
America and Russia are in a Nuclear First Strike posture
In this vision from December 14th, 1986 Pastor Henry Gruver sees 6 American cities being targeted and reduced to dust because of an Russian Nuclear attack;
New York
Bellevue, WA
Los Angeles, California
San Diego, California
San Francisco, California
Tampa, Florida
It is noteworthy that this vision aligns with Jonathan Kleck and his decode of the USD $100 Dollar Bill and its encoded a New York Tsunami warning.
The NYC Nuclear Tsunami Market Crash Future Event is Fait Accompli
In this other vision, Pastor Henry Gruver sees Prince Charles when he is ill and now we have a King Charles who has Cancer and perhaps two years to live. King Charles is now the official Human link to the Dark Side Beast System through his Royal Oath.
The Queen is Dead, but did the Beast King just take the Throne?
And it just so happens that it is the British Monarchy that is the key to the Dark Side in lockstep with the Vatican elites where the Fallen Angels can be found. The precise alignment of the details is something to be taking note of in these end times. It just so happens that it is the British Monarchy is also the one leading the War effort against Russia in the Ukraine. The Prince of Death is now the King of Death bathed in blood.
It was also the former British PM Boris Johnson that intervened to stop the Peace Agreement that was going to be signed between Putin and Zelensky. It is the Anglo American Empire that has been most keen to defeat Russia, but since that has not gone according to plan now the plan is to provoke Russia into a Nuclear First Strike to win an Election. That is how foolish and delusional these Politicians are. They think they can win a Nuclear conflict with Russia without suffering any consequences.
Putin showed the peace treaty that Russia and Ukraine negotiated last year, the “Treaty of permanent neutrality and security guarantees of Ukraine” -
> But Ukraine abandoned it and broke the peace agreement.
PS: Boris Johnson back then came to Kiev and pulled the plug on this!
So let History show that it was not Putin that was the problem, but in fact the NATO Nazi Zionist Alliance that he was fighting. And now we have reports of a second and third attack similar to Armavir. How many attacks will Putin tolerate before acting?
Ukraine tries to provoke a nuclear reaction!
Ukraine tried to strike again at the strategic early warning radar of the Voronezh family, this time in the Orenburg region.
A drone crashed near the village of Gorkovskoye in the Novoorsky district, not far from Orsk. Near this village there is an over-the-horizon radar "Voronezh-M", built in 2017.
If the drone flew from the territory of Ukraine, it would have to travel more than 1,500 kilometers and either fly over part of the territory of northern Kazakhstan or violate its airspace and fly over Kazakhstan.
These radars are part of Russian nuclear deterrence and an attack on them, allows a nuclear response according to Russia’s nuclear doctrine.
Notice both these nations are now officially in the midst of an election season and that Putin just secured his 5th term in office as the President of Russia. Both Sunak and Biden are struggling to rig and lie and cheat their way back into elected office. According to Professor Theodore A Postol, the Armavir attack was a significant turning point and is a very serious situation because the Russian response time has now been reduced to 10-11 minutes. That is the amount of time to assess whether the missiles on the Radar are lethal and real or fake duds like the type North Korea fires.
"Ukrainians have now attacked a second critical Russian nuclear strategic early warning radar at Orsk. This radar looks towards the Indian Ocean and has some overlap with the radar fans from the already damaged radar at Armavir.
The initial indicators are that the amount of damage to the Orsk is likely limited, but it cannot be ruled out that the radar is not functioning for the moment due to the attack. This is a very serious situation.
Unlike the United States, the Russians do not have space-based satellite warning systems that can see ballistic missile attacks globally. This means that the radar coverage lost by the attacks on these radars greatly reduces the warning time against attacks on Moscow from the Mediterranean and Indian oceans.
The Russians have a radar operating in Moscow that can see arriving warheads but they would only begin to see the warheads above the horizon at very short times before impacts.
My estimates (based on real analysis, not bullshit) is that the radar early morning time has been reduced from about 15 to 16 minutes to about 10 to 11.
This amount of warning time might quite possibly eliminate the possibility of any deliberation-time on the part of Russian leaders if they were confronted with a decision of whether or not to launch Russian strategic nuclear forces in response to a nuclear attack on Moscow.
Russian political leadership in Moscow would have almost no time to assess the situation if they believed a possible attack from the south was underway.
The extreme time-pressure on Russian leadership could thereby significantly increase the possibilities of a catastrophic nuclear accident. The fact that Blinken and his national security team have provided a “go ahead” to the Ukrainian government to attack Russian sites outside of Ukraine, means that either Blinken has recklessly told Ukrainians they can engage in such acts that would have a potentially catastrophic consequence for the United States, and the entire planet.
If Blinken is not aware of the danger that is posed by these attacks, he is so incompetent that he should be removed along with his entire team from any position of authority. If he is aware of this danger, you should also be removed with his entire national security team.
I have extensive personal experiences with people at the White House that indicate to me it is entirely possible that Blinken and his team are not aware of the dangers they are knowingly allowing to occur. I will not spend time herein describing my personal experiences and observations, but I can do so at any time on any notice. It cannot be ruled out that the White House is completely unaware of the danger.
Please feel free to give me a call at any time if you would like to hear further about my concerns. I cannot emphasize enough how frightening and dangerous this development is – at least to me, who I think can claim a rather detailed knowledge of the nuclear strike systems of both Russia and United States."
- Prof. Theodore A Postol
The smallest miscalculation could lead to a Nuclear exchange even if that was not the intended choice of either party. Remember Russia has a dead hand that launches all of their weapons and if that system is trigged because of such attacks on key Nuclear early warning sites then there is no way of turning it off or calling back the missiles.
And TruNews makes a good point that Putin might be hinting at a sudden surprise Russian First Strike not by Nuclear weapons, but by an EMP Satellite killing attack. This strategy takes out the American ability to launch or accurately target any sites. And Russia just put such a system into orbit recently. If a Russian Nuclear early warning tracking system was taken out then it is only appropriate that an equal high value target of the NATO Nazis also be taken out. So you see all of the pieces seem to be aligning to an outcome where Russia strikes first and America falls and fails first.
U.S. claims recently launched Russian satellite is an ASAT
WASHINGTON — The U.S. government claims that a recently launched Russian satellite is a counterspace weapon placed in nearly the same orbit as an American reconnaissance satellite.
Amb. Robert Wood, U.S. alternate representative for special political affairs in the United Nations, made the allegation during a May 20 debate by the U.N. Security Council on a Russian resolution proposing a ban on the placement of weapons of any kind in space.
“Just last week, on May 16, Russia launched a satellite into low Earth orbit that the United States assesses is likely a counterspace weapon, presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” he said. “Russia deployed this new counterspace weapon into the same orbit as a U.S. government satellite.”
Russia launched a Soyuz-2.1b rocket from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia May 16. Its primary payload was a satellite designated Cosmos 2576. The Russian government did not disclose details about the satellite or its mission.
And who does Trump want on his Team in a future America? Answer, Nikki Haley the War monger who wants to “finish them” as in Genocide them all in servitude to Israel. That is what you will get if you vote as a MAGAtard and vote for Trump the Deceiver. If you want War vote Trump or Biden because the end result will be the same, they both want more War for Zionist Israel. See how well that works that system known as Demoncracy ?
Why spend all this time talking Nikki Haley? Because the MAGAtards are about to make this Genocidal Witch their next potential VP or President in a future America. Will they force Trump to make Haley the Zionist Temple Prostitute the next President in 2025?
EVERYONE who is supporting . @realDonaldTrump for President in 2024 NEEDS TO HEAR THIS.
Steve Bannon just went on record and said there will be some kind of “fight” within the RNC come spring time, where they attempt to FORCE Trump to pick Nikki Haley as VP. This is VERY significant, because almost the SAME thing happened in 2016. That is how he ended up with TRAITOR Pence as VP. I don’t believe for a second that Trump WANTED Pence as his VP pick in 2016, and in fact wanted.
@GenFlynn for the role. What’s even WORSE than this, is that it’s a VERY REAL possibility. The RNC, who has FAR more power than they should, can MAKE Trump pick Nikki, or they would NOT give him the support he needs to either get the nomination, or win the general election.
@JackPosobiec said something CHILLING also, adding that if they make Trump pick for VP, then that is a pretty sure fire sign they will attempt to TAKE HIM OUT, so she becomes President. This is shaping up to be a NIGHTMARE SCENARIO.
General Flynn confirms October 7th "Stand Down Order"
And what does Nikki Haley think of Russia? She thinks that Russia and Hamas are both working together and they were involved in the October 7th False Flag Stand Down Operation orchestrated by the Zionists themselves to initiate the Genocide of Gaza. That is how delusional and misguided the potential next President of America is.
“Russia provided Hamas with intelligence about the IDF before October 7th!”
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
- Corona Times News
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