It should not be up to the Libtards, but rather the MAGAtards to explain why Trump’s Magic Ear has no visible injury and has magically healed itself in 13 days.
The Trump Ear Gaslighting PsyOp
Jones offers us his best explanation and it relies on the “prickly pear theory” and testimony from the FBI. Imagine the utter irony of that. He is now accusing the Libtards of engaging in a conspiracy and spreading conspiracy theories, while the rest of the Alt Media Hall of Shame we identified in our last post are still silent.
He is relying on the testimony of the FBI to support his Trump Magic Ear story. The same FBI we all know has for years been acting as a Crime Syndicate aiding and abetting various crimes and coverups, such as the Epstein Files and the Russian Election Interference Hoax and the Clinton Servers. That same FBI is now the source of Truth for the Trump Shooting details for Jones? Incredible.
The fact that Alex Jones is relying on the same FBI to corroborate his “prickly pear theory” indicates an active conspiracy and Gaslighting PsyOp not on the part of the Libtards, but on the part of the Alex Jones Alt Media MAGAtard cohorts. As an example, this Reddit user was intelligent enough to post a photo of his ear after a shaving accident. Notice the scarring and lack of scarring with Trump’s 2cm wide gash as reported by his own Doctor. Where is the swelling and blood?

Did the Doctor take any photos of the alleged bleeding and swollen ear up close and share that with the investigators? We would love a chance to examine those.
They dare not go there and question the Trump Ear miracle recovery, otherwise their entire narrative falls apart. The other layers of this active PsyOp such as the number of alleged patsies, the number of shooters, their trajectory angles and all of the SS failures are kind of mute, if the former President Trump faked any part of his Ear injury.
According to the Bing Ai, when asked if ear cartilage and prickly pear have the same properties as the Alex Jones was attempting to Gaslight us with. See the answer below. The rest of his nonsensical video is about Gay Frogs and other non-issues as part of this Gaslighting PsyOp. He cannot even offer anything more.
No, the prickly pear cactus and ear cartilage are not the same.
Ear cartilage is a flexible connective tissue found in many areas of the body including the joints, the rib cage, the ear, and the nose. It is not as hard and rigid as bone but is stiffer and less flexible than muscle. In the ear, cartilage provides structure and shape.
So, while both the prickly pear cactus and ear cartilage are fascinating in their own right, they are not the same.
Please know that if the MAGAtards allow Trump to get away with this monstrous lie, then everything he does in his second term will be owned by them. They will have to own it and they will also be held liable and responsible by history as his enablers. All of that Karmic entanglement will be on their heads and souls. And it has now stated, noted and recorded for the record. Speak the Truth or step aside.
The obvious is staring you right in the face.
But most don't have the eyes to see or the (perfectly undamaged) ears to hear.
Compare that to Trump’s Magic Ear and do you notice any difference? For those who can see and who are not spiritually blind should be able to see who the real Serpent here is. If you cannot then, that is what discernment is about in the end. Good to know we are not the only ones that can spot the obvious Gaslighting play.
As EarGate goes nowhere because the Alt Media refuses for the most part to even give it any credence. Why? Because they refuse to even look at the obvious glaring evidence and the obvious glaring inconsistencies. He is very likely to fool his lost MAGA masses and get away with this monstrous lie. As we said all those falling for his Magic Ear will be sharing the bitter fruits of that bitter harvest. Enjoy it and own it, because that Serpent is not done with his Serpent bites just yet.
The 3 Arrows from Trump's Butler Chart is a "Broken Arrow" for Paris Decode
The Trump Ear Prediction
If America was on the right path and Trump was the chosen Savior, then the Dreamers would not seeing the coming destruction of the Americas, they would be seeing Abundance. Pray you are worthy of his mercy in these end times. But choosing Serpents as your misleaders was not the way forward, that is for sure.
We close with this old Jerome Corsi video from April 2018 on the selection of Trump into office by the Military Industrial Complex and its relationship with Trump. He is not who he pretends to be. That was one of the signs of a PsyOp.
Listen to the following audio of Jerome Corsi from April 2018, remember him he was one the leaders of the QTards Army, who is admitting here the real purpose behind installing Trump into office. He was selected not elected from the job and the position and the staged Left vs. Right vs. China vs. Iran drama crisis actor acting.
Worth listening to the entire audio, but the part below starts at the 5:55 mark.
Donald Trump is going to be this is it for Donald Trump. The prostitutes are gonna get him. First of all, the American people don't care about the prostitutes. Donald Trump wasn't elected because he was a saint. Though Donald Trump was elected, because he believes in the Constitution, he didn't have to do this job. I want to turn it over that about three years ago.
And this I'd like everybody to kind of hear even in the back. About three years ago, a group of generals came to me. And it was explained to me they were going to they were ready to conduct a coup d'etat. They're ready to move, Barak Obama from office with military force. And then a few weeks later, I got another call, and said that they were reconsidering.
You know why they were reconsidering? Because they talked to Donald Trump. And Trump had agreed, Trump agreed that he would run. And they agreed that if he would run, they would conduct their coup d'etat as a legitimate process, rooting out the traitors within government.
And that pact between the military and Donald Trump has held as we've been interpreting and watching and Alex has been following QAnon. QAnon is military intelligence and close to Trump. And the intelligence we're getting, that we've explained on Infowars really is a lot of the inside script. Now, everybody says Donald Trump is going to lose, he's going to be out of office, he's going to be impeached.
It should raise lots of questions about the Trump, but when those masses are deluded by the Magic Ear show and the "prickly pear theory" then there is not much hope for those lost wayward sheeples. Wake up before its too late, MAGA.
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