What happened to the Assad Regime and how did it fall so quickly? That is what most are wondering and here are a few answers to help understand this quagmire called Syria. These are some of the many wicked reasons for the sudden collapse;
A mixture of Machiavellian politics, betrayal, back stabbing and cowardice is what some of the ingredients were for this Syrian kebab recipe. This audio clip is from 2016 of John Kerry explaining the Deep State’s Syria strategy. The bitter fruits of that poisonous tree can be seen today on the streets of Syria.
The Syrian Army was being paid almost nothing and days before his sudden resignation offered Soldiers a 50% pay increase, indicating just how poorly paid they the average Solider was. With such low pay Soliders are easily prone to corruption and desertion. Syria was a collapse waiting to happen.
Syria’s main benefactors Iran and Russia were both tired of helping and aiding an Army that was unwilling and unable to fight Religious Fanatics.
The Religious Fanatics are being financed and funded by members of NATO and the main winners of this mess right now are Zionist Israel and Türkiye. With Iran and Russia both suffering a major strategic defeat in the region.
Trump wants to stay out, but the Pentagram has its own ideas as does the CIA who all seem to have competing agendas and interests, but do not forget that Trump was the one who starting stealing Syrian Oil.
Competing Energy Pipeline Networks are the other big factor driving this War. Who will get to supply Europe with Gas to replace Russia that is also what his War is about. Will it be Zionist Israel, Türkiye or NATOstan again?
The bottom line is that NATOstan is working with ISISstan to create an Army of Jihadists that they think they can control to sow chaos in the region so that Zionist Israel can expand its territory and influence in that confusion.
The American Army is bombing ISIS aka HTS targets while at the same time the American Embassy is posting tweets about a Wanted Terrorist who the CIA has installed as their new Syria stooge to help Zionist Israel’s dominance.
The U.S. unleashed over 75 airstrikes on ISIS camps in central Syria today, deploying B-52 bombers, F-15 jets, and A-10s to send a clear message: no regrouping allowed. The strikes hit key leaders and camps without causing civilian casualties.
General Michael Erik Kurilla: "There should be no doubt - we will not allow ISIS to reconstitute and take advantage of the current situation in Syria. All organizations in Syria should know that we will hold them accountable if they partner with or support ISIS in any way."
CENTCOM made it clear: ISIS doesn’t get to hit “restart” on their operations.
It does not get more clear than these images below that are quite self explanatory. AQ is Al-Qaeda as in the old name for Yankee Jihadists who morphed into ISIS and who have rebranded themselves now into HTS. But is the same garbage from a different a**hole.
The HTS Yankee Jihadist for Hire Patsy Terrorist they installed into power is still on the State Department’s Wanted List with a $10 Million Bounty on his head.
Who still remembers this list from General Wesley Clark? The List is actually now essentially complete and not even 80% complete was we were saying earlier. Iran has been neutralized and they have decided to remain out of the fight. They could have ended Gaza a year ago and decided to betray the Gazans, and then they suffered with the decimation of Hezbollah in Lebanon and here again they are opting to stay out, but pretend in words to still be in the fight.
Zionist Israel rules supreme in that region for now, until a greater power comes and dislodges it from its peak., which is where Russia, China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan come into the picture. That is the new List is being drawn.
Only Iran is left among the original targets of neocons and Zionists:
“We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing it off with Iran.”
The Syrian Conflict Decode by Pepe and the Ai
Above was our analysis and below is what an Mindmapping Ai has to say about it.
Late Night Update:
The IDF Terror Army is within striking distance of Damascus and yet the HTS will not put up a fight against the Zionists, but it will kill its own in the name of Freedom? Perhaps because one Terror Army is a natural friend and ally of another Terror Army, as in the IDF and the HTS are Demonic Cousins.
And according to this account they are now within 19 kms of the Capital and yet not a hint of a counter response from the HTS Yankee Jihadi Terror Army. It is almost as if they are hoping that the IDF comes so that they can surrender to them in a final act of betrayal of the Syrians. Another Puppet Zionist Stooge has been installed in yet another Arab State and this time he is an Arab born in Saudi Arabia. Where and when have we seen this horror film before?
Hence why we are saying this scammer should be called Al-Jewlani or a Jewliani. Same modus operandi with another Rebel leader born in Saudi. Notice the dead obvious pattern? Do we remember the last time we saw this Usama horror film? Yes because the Actor’s name was Osama, but the real Wanted one was Usama.
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