Nothing to hide anymore. It is all out in the open now. Biden just gave a speech to the American nation entitled Battle for the Soul of the Nation. If that is not ominous sounding then you must be sleep walking again. They are serious when they say the word “Soul” because that is exactly what is at stake here, your Soul.
WATCH: Biden Warns of Dangers of ‘MAGA Forces’ In Prime-Time Address
President Biden will warn of the dangers to democracy and target the extremist elements of the Republican Party in a prime-time address outside Philadelphia’s Independence Hall on Sept. 1. His speech will frame the debate for the midterm elections as Democrats fight to hold on to their majorities in Congress.

As in are you with the Biden Obama Anti Christ Team or are you at least on the side of living beings aka Mankind? The decision you make on that issue in the End Times in part determines what becomes of your Soul and hence the many American Souls of the American Nation that are now in play. Are you willing to risk your Soul for Biden?
Our task is to make our nation free and fair, justice, strong, noble and whole. And this work is the work of Democracy. The work of this generation, is the work of our time for all time. We can't afford to have leave anyone on the sidelines.
President Biden Soul of the Nation Speech September 1, 2022
Here is our decode of the speech using their own words. Because with the Occult comes the Law of Reversal. What they say is reversed for what they mean. As in they speak in opposites. The opposite of what Biden states is the real truth, because that is how the Serpent Tongue works.
Therefore, if we start at the end that you will know the beginning. The Soul is the Ending in Symbolism Form and the Beginning in Symbolism Form is the Location. Hence the speech was given Philadelphia’s Independence Hall.
I speak tonight from Sacred Ground, American Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. That's where American made Declaration of Independence in the world. Where the centuries ago, an idea unique among nations in America, were all created equal. It's where the United States Constitution was written and debated. This is where we set in motion, the most extraordinary experiment of self government, the world has ever known.
President Biden Soul of the Nation Speech September 1, 2022
The American Nation started here and he just declared that is where it will End here starting September 1, 2022 from the same location as the in the Serpent Ouroboros is eating itself in Symbolism Form to signal that the Ritual is almost complete. The Cycle ends and restarts when the Snake consumes itself in a final symbolic act of self destruction and renewal.
The Ending Chapter is now starting as in the Last Chapter was just opened. And it was all Done by the Numbers and Letters as all proper Gematria Rituals are done.
What Biden is really saying is that he has just declared the Start of Second Civil War on 9/1/22 with a War on MAGA and the philosophy and leadership behind MAGA. Not it was not just an midterm elections ploy. This was an Act of War stated in clear terms. And also we want to be clear when we refer to MAGA we want to ensure people know the real roots of the Word Magick at play. The Occult leaves its clues in open sight for all to see and repeat to you too can partake in the Magick Rituals.
Biden is giving you a Grand Choice again. We are back to the beginning of 2019-2021 timeframe again in history. Imagine when you were confronted with a choice to take the Vaccines or Not Take the Vaccines. It was a point of decision and what Biden calls an “inflection point”. You will now have to again make a big decision. You will have to decide which Team are you on because joining the Wrong Team at this juncture will have disastrous consequences for your Soul.
To stop the assault on American democracy. I believe America is at an inflection point. One of those moments that determined the shape of everything that's to come after. And now America must choose to move forward, or to move backwards to build a future obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear, division and of darkness. MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. And it's not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies.
President Biden Soul of the Nation Speech September 1, 2022
Now imagine everything just said in reverse because remember we are using the Law of Reversal. So what he really signalling is that America is moving backwards, there is no future, and watch out for fear, division and of darkness and chaos because that is what they have planned for the Nation and MAGA supporters who are now the new Public Enemy number 1, and we will be going to War against them. The opposite of Independence would be? Slavery that is right. No Rights for You in a Demoncracy.
It is also that George Bush “Either You are With us or You are With the Terrorists” moment again. That speech was also an address ot the Nation in the State of the Union. And it turns out it was Bush who was the one with the Terrorists as in he was the Terrorist in Charge of the Terrorism on Iraq and AfPak all done under False Data and Pretenses to justify an Occupation Force and Pretend it was all done in the name of Demoncracy.
America spent more than 20 years in AfPak and left humiliated, and it was all predicated on a lie that Iraq had WMDs and Osama was responsible for 911. So now therefore, history repeat lies with another American President performing a Gematria ritual to signal all of the Actors in the this stage production on aware of the Great Game, but are you? Biden is signalling a start of another War based on a Grand Lie.
This time the Grand Lie is that MAGA is the enemy and anyone associated with them is now essentially a “Domestic Terrorist” and hence the 87,000 IRS Agent to hunt them down financially and then physically later. The Snake eats itself ritual as in the Nation consumes itself in a final violent act of mayhem and chaos.

And in closing or the beginning of the ending. Pay attention to the words and then imagine the opposite and the never forget he double speak forked Serpent Tongue.
And if we do our duty if we do our At 2022 And beyond that age is still the common say we all of us here, we kept the faith. We preserve Democracy. We hated our work. We hated not our worst instinct, but our better angels, reprove. It's all its imperfections. America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized. A promise to be kept. There's nothing more important. Nothing more sacred, nothing more American. That's our soul. We truly are.
And that's a must, you must always be, I have no doubt. Not that this is who we will be. And that will come together as a nation that will secure our democracy, that for the next 200 years, we'll have what we had the past two years, the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We just need to remember who we are.
We are the United States of America, the United States of America. May God protect our nation, and that God protect all those who stand watch over our Democracy. God bless you all. Democracy.
When he says “We Are the United States” means we are no longer United because we just labelled half of the nation as potential “Domestic Terrorists” and that is why he repeated it twice in the end to signal it is the beginning of the end of America by design not by accident in the name of Democracy.
And when Biden says Democracy he means Demoncracy because that is his God that is referring to as in when Obama said “Yes We Can” which in reverse was “Thank You Satan” and what a surprise that Satan makes another appearance in this speech.
Using the Law of Reversal then let us see if you decode what this statement means?
That Sacred Flame still burns. Now in our time, as we build an America that is more prosperous, free, and just that is the work of my Presidency, a mission, I believe in with my whole Soul.
President Biden Soul of the Nation Speech September 1, 2022
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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