The Terrorist Zionist Army called the IDF was showing us 3D renderings of the vast Hamas complex under Al-Shifa Hospital, but that was just fancy Hollywood make believe because in reality after they raided the Hospital, killing their way in and then finding nothing more than a laptop and some AK47s. Never forget this incident.
No Tunnels, but lots of innocent dead Babies in incubators. The IDF Terrorists were even shooting people inside the Hospital. These War Crimes will be recorded in our history as perhaps even more heinous than the Yellowcake lie which was used to kill millions in Iraq.
As in they were lying once again. But how is that even possible when the Tunnels under the Al-Shifa Hospital are there, because the IDF and the Zionist Israelis built them way back in 1983. What happened since then til now is the mystery that needs to be solved. This podcast from TruNews on the topics and other news.
The IDF murdered hundreds of innocents in this Hospital complex, which is clearly against the Geneva Conventions, but the found nothing like their 3D renderings and that is the true state of the IDF and the Zionist Israel. Their arrogance and pride have deluded them into thinking that the rest of the world will buy such garbage and that is why they have badly miscalculated and are losing almost everything they touch.
Not only can they not use the concrete filled tunnels, again showing their intelligence failure, but even worse is there are no Israeli hostages there and they were the whole reason for this endless air bombing Terrorism, which was to free the poor hostages, so then what happened to all the hostages.
Answer, they are missing in action just like the truth and the tunnels and the Hamas operatives who also seem to have fled into the tunnels that do not seem to exist or even be active. Why hide the tunnels at this point? Answer, the IDF seems to be coordinating with the Steele Dossier operatives for this level of morbid performance.
Such poor performance shows us that the Zionist Israelis are on the back foot, they are tripping and falling over themselves in their comedy of errors. And their mask has come off and they are showing their true faces for the world to watch and witness. No freed hostages, but lots of dead babies. And we the public are supposed to accept such criminality by the IDF and IAF, at least that was their wicked plan.
The End Times Pax Judaica is Here
Jewish Terrorism of the Past and the Present
They thought they would be able to sell their garbage simply because they are Jews and Zionists and Israelis and if you do not believe us then you must be an Anti-Semite and there can be clearer example of this playbook at than this short clip in which that very playbook is used just like the playbook predicts.
This is amazing. David Friedman, former US ambassador to Israel under Trump, says "it's been proven with certainty" that the Hamas Headquarters is under the Shifa Hospital. Asked for the source of this alleged proof, Friedman accuses @marclamonthill of doing Holocaust denial!
Save this one for the archives. When you ask for proof, his reply is visceral and deeply rooted as in you must be some kind of Anti-Semite or Holocaust Denier. That is the literal playbook in action. Notice the European origins of this Ambassador who does not appear to have an ounce of Semitic blood in him like the rest of the fake Tribe members. These are European Colonists using the banner of Judaism as fast cover for their crimes. And as for the Khazarian mass conversion, that in itself is totally invalid because you cannot convert and become Jewish, you have to be born into it on your mother’s side, as in the religion passes on by blood lineage not by mass conversion like King Bolan. Therefore, anything coming from Khazaria are by definition Fake Jews like the list of Imposters below. Are Poland and Romania in the Middle East?
And this lack of material proof shows they were deliberately targeting this Hospital not for Hamas, but for another reason. And that reason is called Terrorism. To spread Terror and Fear amongst the Gazans and get them to flee en masse, which has not yet happened. The Gazans are not leaving, and death is more desirable for them than leaving their homeland to a bunch of European Colonizers pretending to be real Jews.
The Al Shifa Hospital Terror campaign has nothing to do with Tunnels, Hamas or even Hostages which they have all but written off as dead. How exactly were the poor Hostages supposed to survive the endless bombings? Answer, they were not supposed to survive because they deaths were to be blamed on Hamas and those Amalek babies without incubators. The campaign was the finding of a weak point in your psyche which was then weaponized and turned to full dial to terrorize Gazans into fleeing.
The Zionist Playbook Totally Exposed
They will run out of bombs before then run of bodies in Gaza to bomb. The carnage in Gaza continues daily without pause or remorse by the Anti-Christ Airforce. There will be a price to pay for such tyranny in this life and in the next life as well. Everyone will taste death and taste justice in the end.
This video with Dr. Ali Ataie goes deep into the roots of radicalism and extremism now gripping Judaism. The Zionists are the ISIS like rogue elements inside of Islam giving the entire religion a bad name because of one group of hostiles that have taken over the faith and its perception in the minds of the public. It is a sign of the deeply rooted racism against Islam that never is the distinction between radicals and the rest of the religions is allowed in Islam, but we have to go to great lengths to point out that Zionism is not Judaism. So too ISIS and Hamas terrorists are not part of Islam.
But back to the gentle giants of little Gaza who have proven to be mightier than the IDF in their victories. They have badly lost the PR War and the War for the Hearts and Minds of the population by simply dying under the relentless bombing campaign of the Anti-Christ Airforce called the IAF.
Here are a few things the Zionist Israelis have lost because of the gentle giants of little Gaza who by simply dying are taking down the Beast System of the End Times known as the Zionist State of Israel. Why are they losing so badly, perhaps because you are on the wrong side of history and also in rebellion against God. And these signs of loss are not because you are being blessed by God but are rather being cursed and humiliated in your actions, as in you have lost his favor and his protection.
The Occupier has no right to Self-Defense. One of the many rights Zionist Israel has lost in this War so far. Such words and thoughts were unimaginable to be uttered against Zionist Israel in a sea of Media Pressitutes almost all being pimped by the same group of troublemakers and liars that own the Media Mafia.
Everyone is now questioning what Zionism is and its connections to Masonic Freemason rituals. As in which nation has the Masonic coin that seeks to combine all the world religions into one end times religion to rule over them all? Answer, that would be Zionist Israel and the workings of the Grand Lodge.
Which nation seeks to rebuild the Third Temple in violation of the teachings of the Bible and New Testament? Again, the Imposter State made up of Imposter Jews called Zionist Israel. It should be clear by that this State is an Imposter Fake and UnHoly State that is usurping the land of Palestinians just as the Torah Jews keep saying in their protests. Judaism is not Zionism and Zionism is Anti-Christ.
The temple, the place where God dwells among human beings, which the Old Testament promises, is the body of Jesus Christ.
By Spiritual union to the body of Christ, we too enter into and become the temple of God:1 Corinthians 6:19: “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you.”
The Temple was in Christ, not in a physical building so anyone seeking that Third Temple has to be on the side of the Anti-Christ such as President Donald Trump.
Israeli group sells special-edition Trump coin - ABC News (
"President Trump is starting a prophetic process by moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Just like King Cyrus 2,500 years ago said: ‘he charged me to build a house in Jerusalem’, here again, President Trump is building a house in Jerusalem," the organization said in a statement.
Who is the real Jew here? Trump or the Rabbi? Who has a Kabbalah teacher teaching him the practice of encoding letters into numbers to perform magick rituals? Answer, that would be that great disappointment and trickster called President Donald Trump.
See previous posts on the trickster fake Christian Trump and his connections to the Chabad and Zionism. Not for MAGA folks as they will be triggered and go into deep denial or just revert to name calling.
Zionist Israel will provoke Russia into WW3
Trump and Vaccine Choice for QTards
Donald Trump becomes House Speaker in January 2023?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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