When you deprive citizens of Food and Liberty that is when Revolutions starts, that is what any historical reading would validate. The French Revolution was all about Food and the lack of it, the taxation of it and the hording of it by the elites. Bread Bakers were so important to the society that they were considered essential public servants.
When Food Changed History: The French Revolution
But food played an even larger role in the French Revolution just a few years later. According to Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People, by Linda Civitello, two of the most essential elements of French cuisine, bread and salt, were at the heart of the conflict; bread, in particular, was tied up with the national identity. "Bread was considered a public service necessary to keep the people from rioting," Civitello writes. "Bakers, therefore, were public servants, so the police controlled all aspects of bread production."
Michigan Issues Bird Flu Emergency Order
In America pre Civil War 2.0 we have the Bird Flu being fully weaponized to act simultaneously as a depopulation bio-weapon, a social control mechanism, and as a way to cull the Livestock population to weaken the population of nutrition to prevent a future uprising when the population realizes that has happened to them.
This topic is discussed in this TruNews podcast where they are one of the few news outlets to be covering the Bird Flu from the depopulation perspective while at the same time who realize they are in a spiritual war with the Synagogue of Satan and his Cabal of Communists and Chabadniks. The WHO Pandemic Treaty that was planned has been derailed for now so that is one bit of good news it seems for the time being. But they are regrouping for a second and third and fourth attempt.
It was the Boiling Frog method. Slow cook the Frog, who keeps wondering why the pot feels hotter, but is unable to do anything to extract himself out of the situation and soon death follows because of a lack of action taken to prevent the Look Down scenario. It was in essence the also the Gaza Model writ large on American Frogs.
Deny Food as a tool of control. Starve to weaken the populace so they cannot resist you. That means in future America there will be egg, milk, dairy and fresh meat supply shortages leading to the same conditions as the French Revolution. Eventually a breaking point is reached and the pot boils over or this time the American Frog dies.
Les Misérables and Look Down is type of slavery that awaits the Goyim in this New World if it is allowed to come into being. To fight off this yoke of Wokeism run by the Chabadnik Communists Cabal, one must remember the lessons of history. The basest of men sometimes miraculously and suddenly and with permission and with authority rise to become the new Chosen ones in the kingdom of men.
Once you realize you will not and cannot serve two masters, that is why he can’t serve Javert as his master, because he answers to a higher power and authority. See how the roles are reversed as the basest of men releases his former oppressor and slave master.
Gaza is coming to a Town near You
By the time the Frog has realized there is a problem, he has a choice to make, to either stay or leap for freedom. That leap to freedom is a good step forward. There is no recovery in staying as is where is. Same for future America where American “Frogs” as in some time referred to as the French will be the new Frenchmen of the 21st century. There will be a lot of displacement internally in the search for Food and Shelter as we are herded into 15 minute cities for easier control and culling purposes.
The Arab Spring of 2011 was also started because of the food shortages and food inflation. When it reaches a certain threshold that is when historically Revolutions start. How they end is up to the population to decide. And how long that process takes to settle down post collapse is also a big uncertainty riddled with various variables.
Notice that the peaks above have surpassed the 2011 prices. And the overall America is as bad as the 1980s and trending towards the oil embargo and fuel shortage days of the 1970s combined this time with internally displaced peoples and food shortages.
Another point to note is that when the Food is used as a weapon it is part of the Siege warfare that is in play. Prior to when cities are surrounded under a Siege, there is a part that comes before. That part is the part we are boiling in currently. In that part we see a slow dismantling of the Food Supply Chain, with the burning and closure of Farms and Food production Factories. See some of our previous posts on these topics.
Food Chain will be loaded with mRNA Vaccines
Burn the chicken egg farms, close the milk production factories, hire illegal migrants to work as farm labor, make those farm workers sick, release the Bird Flu into the Livestock population with mRNA based Vaccines and watch that poor American Frog boil slowly. All of it was preventable and unnecessary. But all necessary for a takeover.
Food Plants are Burning Down or Being Burnt Down by Government Operatives?
But even worse was that it all happened in a system called Democracy, which should rightly be called a Constitutional Republic if all the checks and balances, we were taught, actually functioned as designed, without being hijacked by the the likes of the AIPAC affiliated Chabadniks and Communists Cabal.
Hence that is why the Founding Fathers hated Democracy. For this precise scenario where one Cabal of well connected Banksters can hijack an entire political system and run it into the ground for their own wicked motives without any checks or balances.
America lives in Demoncracy not Democracy
It is not just AIPAC. It is an vast Cabal of Jacobins devouring the carcass of America.
This Is Very Important Info
Black US Air Force Veteran Is Educating His 2.5 Million Followers That America Is Not A Democracy,
A Democracy Is A Gateway To Communism
We Are A Constitutional Republic & Donald Trump Is Saving Us
“When people tell me that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, I look at them as if I'm supposed to be offended. No, duh, Sherlock. America is not a democracy. No matter how many times you hear the news say it, no matter how many times you hear Democrats say it, no matter how many times your missing foreign family members tell you that democracy is what makes up America, it is not. We are a constitutional republic. Let me break down the difference, okay.
In a democracy, the will of the majority would override or take away the rights and privileges of the minority. In a constitutional republic, such as America, we elect representatives who go ahead of us and enact laws to protect the rights of individuals against the will of the so-called majority.
This is why America has been set apart from any other country. Do you want to know what involves a democracy? Communism. See, this is a word that's tossed around because these people want to get rid of capitalism and go into socialism and ultimately become communism. But I got good news for you.
People are not fleeing in droves from constitutional republic countries. They are fleeing from democratic countries that are now communist. Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, name it. Talk to the people that are coming from these countries. Democracy isn't something you want. You think you want it. Imagine if 70% of America was Christian and we all voted according to our religion.
And we were a democracy. Imagine how that would put you. The only reason why you're able to believe the way you believe, speak the way you're able to speak and do the things you're able to do is because we are a republic and not a democracy.
So will you please stop saying that because it makes you look crazy. So next time you hear somebody say Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, tell them, I know and I'm glad. Because Lord knows, Biden is a threat to the Republic.”
We are not on the end times Trump train, so on that point we would disagree, but with the rest we would have to agree with the short civics lesson.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
- Corona Times News
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