Food Chain will be loaded with mRNA Vaccines
There will be no escape from this Terror Dome if these Mad Scientists have their way
If you thought you had escaped the wide reach of the mRNA vaccination regimen then yes think again because it seems like there will be no Escape allowed. What is happening now is that Bill Gates and Company are working on injecting the MRNA technology into the food supply, mainly into the most important part of the food supply chain which is livestock and protein in your diet.

It seems whatever is good for us that is what is attacked and that is what they intend to corrupt. Because remember their end goal is our death and destruction. That is how you can tell that this is another Dark Cabal make work project.
Below is a substack article from Dr. Robert Malone on this topic and a few more references to drive the point home.
Bayer, BioNTech developing new mRNA vaccines May 16, 2016
Companies collaborate on cutting-edge technology to develop new solutions to protect companion and farm animal health.
Again, note the date…2016. This means that Bayer and BioNTech have been working on livestock and companion animal mRNA vaccines for over six years…
There are three therapy platforms that BioNTech has been building through mRNA technologies to be used in livestock and companion animals.
Infectious disease vaccines
Cancer immunotherapies and
Protein replacement.
mRNA Vaccines in Livestock and Companion Animals are here now.
The Jesuit run Big Pharma types have clued into the fact that people are resisting the death stabbies also known as the covid-19 vaccines and there was a sharp drop off after the second round of vaccines.
For most people it took two shots at least before they woke up to the scam of the covid-19 vaccines. Some have gone on to take their third and fourth boosters and for those there is very little hope of reaching them. They are too far gone into La La Land and unfortunately there isn't much that can be done for those folks.
Those that can still be reached might be reading this substack channel and for those small numbers, that small minority, please be aware that your food supply chain is now being attacked from a different angle. We reported on the attack on the food supply chain through the closures of food processing plants and the mysterious burning down of several facilities related to food production.
Now add to that a deliberate attempt to corrupt the food chain with infected meat. Just as they are infected and corrupted are bodily composition they're now trying to do that to livestock so when we eat that meat we are thereby also physically and spiritually corrupted in that process.
The diabolical plans to make us eat bugs and crickets was not enough for these sick twisted Jesuits now they want you to make sure that if you're still eating burgers those burgers are made from poor cows that have been injected with mRNA based vaccines. Hence there will be no escape from the Terror Dome.
Just think about it if your food is unclean then what is going into your body is also going to be unclean. If you are a digesting that unclean food then your body in turn becomes unclean. And we use that reference in relation to the idea of unclean spirits. So in that context it was this video from Bishop Larry Gaiters and the idea of Food Neophobia.
Food neophobia in humans has been described as the fear of eating new or unfamiliar foods.
The way the Bishop explains it adds a fascinating twist to the entire discussion. What the Bishop is saying essentially to simply it, is that if the use the concept of “you are what you eat” then extend that concept to when you eat mRNA laden meat you are eating the animal, but also vice versa as the animal is also digesting you.
The Lord said that the term Neophobia is simply a characteristic fear of novel foods where the individual will digest animalistic food that in turn, that same animal that you just digest it is digesting you.
If both the animal and the human are unclean and infected with mRNA based toxicity, how are you going to spiritually ascend and how are you going to be still human if your cells and your DNA have been corrupted by this very demonic gene editing technology? A more karmic cycle of life argument and way of thinking.

Answer, you will not ascend. That is the part of the intentional planning behind such a technology. To corrupt man both physically and spiritually to prevent his spiritual connection and ascension. Hence there will be no escape from the Terror Dome for the young or old. All exits are being blocked by design.

You did not take your mRNA Vaccines, do not worry your next juicy burger already took the shots for you so you are now covered. Is it time to put a fork in it literally or just as a metaphor?
The evidence is now undeniable that mRNA Vaccines are not Safe or Effective. But for most of the population no amount of evidence will suffice or penetrate that thick and heavy firewall around their thinking process.

Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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