Another leading indicator that the Bird Flu Plandemic is another Scamdemic from the very start, but that will not stop the Demon we elected into Office from carrying out their Demonic 2030 Agenda. That is why we keep calling it Demoncracy, where you have rule by and for Demons. The Electors are the Fools that keep Voting, hoping for different outcomes. The definition of insanity by Einstein is highly appropriate here.
Michigan last week became the first state to cross the Rubicon and issue an Emergency Order for Farms in the state. This podcast is from TruNews as they discuss this recent development. The echoes of Covid Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates can be heard again and you do not even have to be listening very hard to hear those echoes.
America lives in Demoncracy not Democracy
They are injecting the livestock with mRNA Vaccines and then wondering how and why the milk contains Bird Flu traces? It is the old Problem Reaction Solution trick once again. Create the Problem and then wait for the designed Reaction so that you can apply the pre-planned Solution to the Problem you created in the first place.
MDARD issues emergency order amid bird flu ‘outbreak’ (
Starting next week, all Michigan dairy farms and commercial poultry operations will need to implement several biosecurity measures to combat avian flu, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development announced Wednesday.
MDARD Director Tim Boring on Wednesday signed a Determination of Extraordinary Emergency and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Risk Reduction Response Order, according to a release from the department.
“Michigan has been on the frontline as our nation continues to respond to highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI,” Boring said Wednesday at a news conference.
Avian flu has been found in dairy farms and commercial poultry farms in six counties in Michigan, he said, posing “an active and ongoing threat to both dairy and poultry operations across the state.”
The emergency order takes effect Wednesday, May 8.
It requires dairy farms and commercial poultry farms (as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) to take measures like choosing a biosecurity manager, creating a line of separation to mark a secure area and limit access points, following cleaning and disinfection processes at these access points for both people and vehicles, and maintaining records of all vehicles and people that cross access points, MDARD says.
Notice they are focusing on the people in the farms itself and no attention is being put on the fact that you are injecting cows with the mRNA Vaccines. The mRNA gene altering therapy platform that was developed for the Covid-19 Vaccines has now been weaponized against us using livestock. And they are wondering how the milk is now testing positive for Bird Flu. If you cannot smell that odious rat called many names including Scamdemic then you might have lost your sense of smell back in 2019-22.
They are injecting the cows with mRNA and there has to be a correlation when it then shows up in the milk when their own experts were saying a year ago that isn’t possible.
I am a researcher who has been making vaccines for a number of years, and I started studying mRNA vaccines before the pandemic started. My research on using mRNA vaccines for cattle respiratory viruses has been referenced by social media users and anti-vaccine activists who say that using these vaccines in animals will endanger the health of people who eat them.
But these vaccines have been shown to reduce disease on farms, and it’s all but impossible for them to end up in your food.
All cells use mRNA, which contains the instructions to make the proteins needed to carry out specific functions. The mRNA used in vaccines encode instructions to make a protein from a pathogen of interest that immune cells learn to recognize and attack. This process builds immunological memory, so that when a pathogen carrying that same protein enters the body, the immune system will be ready to mount a quick and strong response against it.
The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines used in people mix in modified nucleotides – the building blocks of RNA – with unmodified nucleotides so the mRNA can hide from the intrinsic antiviral sensors of the cell. These modified nucleotides are what allow the mRNA to persist in the body’s cells for a few days rather than just a few hours like natural mRNAs.
This expert was writing this post May 17, 2023 and literally a year later we have the Bird Flu showing up in the sewage water and in the milk supply. How did the “all but impossible” just become possible? Another example of the experts we have in play.
Scientists watching wastewater for signs of H5N1 as U.S. bird flu outbreak in dairy cattle grows
Scientists in the U.S. and Canada are watching wastewater for early signs of H5N1 as an outbreak of bird flu among American dairy cattle keeps growing.
With cases confirmed in dozens of herds across nine states — and roughly 300 people being tested or monitored for symptoms after the detection of one human case — the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is aiming to launch an online dashboard for wastewater monitoring as soon as Friday.
At a handful of sites, the agency has already spotted spikes of influenza A, of which H5N1 is a subtype, and is investigating the source, the CDC's wastewater team lead Amy Kirby told Reuters.
More than 600 facilities across the U.S. report data on influenza A. While wastewater testing doesn't distinguish between various types, it can offer signals of "unusual levels" of the virus, the CDC said this week.
Dr. Peter McCullough knows the signs of another Plandemic in the making and was one of the most active and honest Doctors out there warning us about Big Pharma.
NEW STUDY - H5N1 Bird Flu detected in wastewater from nine Texas cities. These results suggest H5N1 may be widely circulating across Texas.
However, the absence of a significant number human cases at this time indicates that the risk to humans remains low. The strain detected belongs to clade, which is the same H5N1 clade that has been infecting cattle and USDA has been conducting GOF research on at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia.
We will be closely monitoring these developments.
Virome Sequencing Identifies H5N1 Avian Influenza in Wastewater from Nine Cities. | medRxiv
How did the “all but impossible” just become possible and end up in 20% of milk and other dairy products as of May 2024? If those test results are accurate it would be then logical to conclude that we have all been exposed to some amount of it already if it is in 20% of the supply. It is then likely in the milk, the cheese, and the raw meat itself. Just as we were reporting back in early 2023 with this post on this dangerous scenario.
Food Chain will be loaded with mRNA Vaccines
And now by May 2023 we have positive test results for Bird Flu in the milk supply. We to wonder how accurate these test results are and what they are really testing for. Because if you will note that the PCR the misuse and manipulation of Covid-19 virus testing procedures and processes were what lead to spikes in the statistics in 2019-22.
The same set of experts that were wrong about the Covid-19 Vaccines have nothing to say now that the Astra Zeneca Covid-19 Vaccine was just removed due to side effects and safety concerns. That is not what the experts were telling us in their 95% effective media hit pieces sponsored by the Big Pharma whores. How to undo the damage now? And there is no link or correlation to these Vaccines and side effects, but we are just removing anyways. Does that logic make any sense? As much sense as where did all those Covid Variants go as soon these same media presstitutes stopped reporting on it.
Pasteurization working to kill bird flu in milk and other dairy products, FDA tests find
Results of tests run by the Food and Drug Administration show that pasteurization is working to kill off bird flu in milk and other dairy products, the agency says.
"In addition to preliminary results released late last week on an initial set of 96 retail milk samples, these results reaffirm our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe," the FDA said in a statement Tuesday.
The FDA's findings come after the agency disclosed that around 1 in 5 samples of retail milk it had surveyed from around the country had tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI H5N1. The U.S. Department of Agriculture also ordered testing requirements on cows in response to the outbreak, which has affected growing numbers of poultry and dairy cows.
The sample size was relatively small, but even so why is the milk supply even testing positive for the Bird Flu? How did the cows get the disease in the first place? What was the vector for delivery? Could it be a mRNA weaponized delivery platform itself?
More Hidden Aspects of the Vaccine Bio-Weapon
Please note what this author below is stated for the record a year ago and look where we are now a year later. We are stating this post for the record as well. Just as he/she was saying again it is fake news to say that mRNA Vaccines are being mandated, that is because that is not the relevant question. It is called misdirection. The issue is whether the mRNA Vaccines are safe for livestock or humans and how do we protect the milk supply for being compromised and contaminated with these spike proteins.
Yes there is no current mandate, but that could easily change within days and weeks as soon as the Jesuit Elites decide it is time for another Scamdemic to lockdown the sheeples. All it takes in one state to issue an Emergency Order like Michigan did and we are off to the races, the media hysteria begins and our Covid muscle memory locks into action and we go back to FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) based thinking.
By PAIGE CARLSON April 19, 2023
As misinformation regarding the use of mRNA vaccines in livestock filter through social media, there are facts begging to be set straight.
Recently, a claim was made saying producers are required to inject livestock with mRNA vaccines.According to USDA spokesperson, Marissa Perry says, “There is no requirement or mandate that producers vaccinate their livestock for any disease. It is a personal and business decision left up to the producer and will remain that way,” in response to the claim, Associated Press shared in an article.
He adds that the technology’s potential in human health makes it a likely candidate to have a place in animal health as well. However, “the technology is being maligned in social media, and is now shaping decisions at the level of state legislature,” Folta says. This leads to the growing importance that producers and consumers become more educated on the topic.
It was one way to bypass Vaccine hesitancy and resistance. If the sheeples do not want to take endless number of shots, then we will make them take it in their food supply and that way they cannot escape the mass poisoning of the human immune system. That little wicked Klaus “Anal” Schwab was right we are going to enter an era of the Poly Crisis, where we have not just one Crisis to deal with, but multiple Crises all at the same time to deal with. Death by a 1000 cuts would be another relevant metaphor.
You cannot say he did not warn us all. They were clear in their speech, but were you clear in your innerstanding? How do you respond to a Poly Crisis reality where the Government seems to be more interested in your death than keeping up well and alive and you can no longer keep up with the Jones or even the newcomers streaming in?
In Canada the Government will Kill for Free if you are Depressed
Since we talking about Poly Crisis then it is relevant to report on the latest in WW3 as Putin was just reinaugurated in his 5th term as President of Russia. He has since then moved quickly to make a sudden change in his Cabinet that has analysts perplexed. As the current Defense Minister was moved to another senior post and he was replaced by another figure most have never even heard of who is an Economist by training.
Proposed Russian defense minister outlines his priorities
Russia has a lot of work to do when it comes to improving the welfare of its military personnel fighting in the Ukraine conflict, proposed Defense Minister Andrey Belousov has said.
On Sunday, Russia’s upper chamber of parliament, the Federation Council, announced that President Vladimir Putin had proposed replacing Sergey Shoigu as defense minister with acting First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov, a trained economist. Shoigu, who has held the post since 2012, has been appointed secretary of the Russian Security Council.
The shakeup is covered here by Colonel Macgregor. Are we seeing Putin assume a tighter grip over the Defense Ministry by moving Shoigu aside or has the decision been made to now integrate the War economy into the mainstream economy and thus move to a new War footing based economy and an expansion of wars to areas beyond Jewkraine. Either way what happens in Moscow affects us all in the NATO nations. In case you are not aware if you are living in a NATO based nation you are part of the NATO Nazi Alliance. See the photo to read NATO’s sordid love affair with the Nazis.
Operation Paperclip was a long term Nazi operation to infiltrate the highest levels of all the positions of power. They seemed to have focused on NATO and the UN.
How did the careers of senior officers of the Third Reich develop after its fall? And most importantly where?
Adolph Heusinger:
— Chief of the Operations Department of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces
— Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in 1961–1964
Hans Speidel:
— Chief of Staff of Army Group B under Rommel
— 1957-1963 NATO commander in Central Europe
Johann Steinhof:
— The ace of the Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front
— Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in 1971-1974
Johann von Kleymanseg:
— General Staff of the High Command of the Wehrmacht
— In 1967-1968, NATO commander in Central Europe
Ernst Ferber:
— Inspector of the High Command of the Wehrmacht
— In 1973-1975, NATO commander in Central Europe
Karl Schnell:
— Officer of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Tank Corps
— 1975-1977 NATO Commander in Central Europe
Franz-Josef Schulze:
— Luftwaffe officer, recipient of the Knight's Cross
— 1977-1979 NATO Commander in Central Europe
Ferdinand von Senger and Etterlin:
- Assistant to the High Command of the Wehrmacht
— In the years 1979-1983, NATO commander in Central Europe.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
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