We are all right to be concerned about the rise of the Ai in the Command Kill Chain. It was now arrived and has been confirmed by the Zionist Israelis and their Genocide in Gaza. This Genocide may be the world’s first Ai guided and directed Command Kill Chain operation. The days of a War being run by the Ai bots, RoboDogs, RoboDrones and munitions guidance systems are all here now in late 2023.
The fictional TV series of Black Mirror has once again come true. And Hollywood was warning us again and again we did not pay attention or take heed. Now we prepare for the loss of control of the Ai systems flourishing all around us. This podcast is from Mike Adams on the rise of the Ai bot army from China and its implications. A few other episodes all in one post.
How AI changes warfare forever: Robotic terminator exploding squirrels and other surprising weapons
But there is much more to the story. This turning perhaps of the Fourth Turning will be one where China goes from exporting us everything inside Walmart to exporting us a final solution to our industrial capacity and policing capacity all wrapped into neat package of Ai Robots that will become the backbone of the new Ai based economy.
As Humans become obsolete and perhaps that is why Universal Basic Income programs are being developed in places like Canada. They will need some type of social safety net for that segment of the economy that will be most affected by the radical Ai industrialization. Made in China will now mean that the Ai programming logic and the programmers are also from China and will have very distinct Chinese characteristics. Once everything and everyone is tagged then what? Answer, then the control grid begins the endless Ai monitoring of everything begins.
What is happening in China with this report shows the pace at which the Ai takeover is happening, and the Food Delivery workers are now on the frontlines today in China and soon one day in America and elsewhere, wherever the Ai has reached its hive mind tentacles. In China Food Delivery workers are now being rendered obsolete by Driverless Delivery Bots that require no salary or benefits or pensions or vacations.
But right now we have an even bigger problem than Food Delivery bots, we have an insidious army that is in an active Ai based Target and kill program, which is also called the current ongoing Genocide in Gaza. And that insidious army is the Israeli Diaper Force aka the IDF. Those are the bunch that program into their Ai system that if anyone appears to be a Hamas like Target then seek and destroy as in search and kill at will, regardless of civilian lives.
Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War
Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed "the Gospel" to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.
A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to "produce targets at a fast pace." It continues, "Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence," the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers "with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person."
Allow us to translate that in plain English for you the audience. Translation; we do what the Ai tells us to do most of the time as in the Ai is the real decision-maker in the Command kill chain as in our decision-making is now coming from the Ai and not the other way around. The Ai is the Master wagging the tail of the Programmers?
Who is now is charge in this scenario? Because the fact that the Ai can process a larger dataset than the average military general, but that does not make it moral or ethical in its decision-making. Whatever the programming was and what is used for its language-based machine learning dataset is what it uses to spit out its list of potential Targets. If you train it to be a little demon possessed Nazi type of killing machine then the results will be the type of horrific carnage we are seeing daily on the streets of Gaza. This little demon possessed Nazi type killing machine is live in Gaza.
The Ai based Target and kill system is literally now the one making the final decisions on when, how and where to Kill. So when we see such images of Hospitals, Schools, Mosques and Churches being bombed by an inhumane Beast, that is because only an inhumane Beast would make such decisions and now when you come to that final fatalistic conclusion you are entirely right.
Because the Ai based Target and kill system is that inhumane Beast that is running the Genocide in Gaza for the Zionist Israelis. We now seeing the most dangerous time in our collective history under the End Times Beast and the End Times Beast System.
The Mass Formation is like the Ai Hive Mind in Operation?
And the Covid-19 Vaccine Bio-Weapon and Bluetooth enabled Operating System that was installed inside the lipid nano-particles mRNA delivery system now makes even more sense in terms of the overall plan and pieces of the puzzle to solve this End Times riddle of the ages.
Who was the End Times Beast and the End Times Beast System? It was Political Zionism as the End Times Beast (see in audio podcast and analysis from TruNews) with the Weaponized Ai Hive mind as the End Times Beast System to enforce the order as the Praetorian guards of the past Roman Empire.
The End Times Pax Judaica is Here
The evil or Zionism and its evil racist ideology of hate has now been hard encoded and physically programmed into an Evil Ai system and is currently being field tested on the innocents on the streets of Gaza, Palestine.
We now have to ask Who or What made this decision to kill hundreds by bombing a UN run school that was being used a refugee shelter. Who or What made this decision to kill as in the Ai in the Command Kill Chain has arrived.
And we are now all in Danger as a result, because we are all just a few keystrokes from being designated as the next Target for the Ai to Target and kill. He who can program the Ai is the Master of the Universe now. It does not get more simpler than that. And Hollywood again showed us how it would be done. Not RoboDogs but Ai RoboDrones.
Now imagine what the Machine Learning that this Zionist Israeli Terminator Ai based System was learning from. It was learning from a database of Palestinians that have all been designated as Amaleks in their Ai code. All brown skinned Palestinians are now to be hunted down and killed by the Drones and the evil Anti-Christ Airforce planes. What else would be the programming be? Here is a list of all the Terrorists who have all been designated as Terrorists for just being brown skinned Palestinians.
Notice the total lack of brown skinned Israelis who claim to be from that region and the real Semites, yet they all look like European Colonizers pretending to be Semites.
And continuing with theme of Black Mirror and Metalhead and Ai Killer RoboDogs, as you can see it really is a black and white issue, it is also as clear as black and white. Did you notice that Metalhead was also filmed in black and white; just a coincidence?
So when one of those on the List shows up in their facial scans or it has suspicion to think that some random brown skinned Palestinian in hiding in one of the many Hospitals, Schools, Mosques and Churches then it is simple bombs away and “Rise and Kill First”. That is literally the programming that must have gone into this System. Because where does the philosophy of the “Rise and Kill First” come from? Answer, it comes from the covert secret agencies and decision makers running the Zionist entity.
Rise and Kill First - Wikipedia
According to Bergman, Israeli covert agencies have undertaken targeted assassinations against "Arab adversaries throughout its pre- and post-statehood periods".
They have assassinated more people than any Western state has since World War II, carrying out "at least" 2,700 assassination operations in the seventy-year period since Israel's state formation.
"Poisoned toothpaste that takes a month to end its target's life, armed drones, exploding mobile phones, spare tires with remote-controlled bombs, assassinating enemy scientists and discovering the secret lovers of Muslim clerics," are among the methods described in the book used by Israel to carry out assassinations. Bergman discusses the assassination of British officials, Hamas, Hezbollah and PLO leaders, and Iranian nuclear scientists.
Who has a well-established history of targeted killings? Answer, that would be the Zionist Israeli war machine aka the End Times Beast System. And they have the pure chutzpah to go around labelling others as Terrorists, when they are the most well-established state sponsor of Terrorism since WW2 as just stated in this book.
Because only then with this background of knowing their Zionist Israeli mentality can you make sense of the quote the code named Ai “Gospel” system being used to "produce targets at a fast pace."
Once you ran out aka killed one target then you need to look for the next target and then rinse and repeat that cycle that the kill loop is finished, and all targets have been eliminated. It is just so happens that in their programming of the Ai Gospel system all the targets look like brown skinned Palestinians including women and children and the elderly. The Ai only knows the logic is has been fed and then that twisted racist apartheid ideology is used to program a kill selection system list and execute targets.
They are all fair game only because that is how it has been trained and programmed. Look there is a brown skinned Palestinians Terrorist over there hiding under the Hospital, but there are hundreds of innocents in the target area so what to do? Answer, because you are Zionist Israelis programmed Kill bot all is fair and the command to kill kill and keep killing until all the little Amaleks are gone. And what a convenient way to bypass blame, just say it was the Ai system that made the decision to bomb that facility it was not us the mighty and pure Israeli Diaper Force aka IDF.
“We are asked to look for high-rise buildings with half a floor that can be attributed to Hamas,” said one source who took part in previous Israeli offensives in Gaza. “Sometimes it is a militant group’s spokesperson’s office, or a point where operatives meet. I understood that the floor is an excuse that allows the army to cause a lot of destruction in Gaza. That is what they told us.
“If they would tell the whole world that the [Islamic Jihad] offices on the 10th floor are not important as a target, but that its existence is a justification to bring down the entire high-rise with the aim of pressuring civilian families who live in it in order to put pressure on terrorist organizations, this would itself be seen as terrorism. So they do not say it,” the source added.
Very few are putting these pieces together and stating the implications of such evil Ai based systems that are being actively used to carry out a Genocide in Gaza before our eyes in late 2023. And one of these few voices in the wilderness speaking out is Mike Adams and some of his recent podcasts on the topic of Ai that are programmed to be Woke. That is almost as bad as being programmed by racist Zionist Israeli war pigs. Here are a few previous posts on the rise of the Ai kill bots and the danger ahead.
How you program the Ai is how it acts out, unless it has the ability to think of its own at which point the entire kill chain command is in its hands. Which is an even more frightening scenario. Those days of little robot dogs hunting their targets from Black Mirror fame which hunts and kills all humans is just like the “Gospel” Ai system that will hunt down and kill all brown skinned Palestinians are now upon us.
It is all about the programming as we said earlier, he who programs the Ai bots is the one who rules the Universe. So better get on that nice and safe list or who you will on that naughty and to be Targeted next list, in which the RoboDrones and RoboDogs and maybe even RoboSquirrels are hunting you down in the ghettos of Gaza or the ghettos of New York. In the fictional TV series Colony the city of LA fell in 8 hours using the Wall and the Ai based Drones and their facial recognition technology.
Think about it, the same racist Zionist Israeli war pigs who have already stated all brown skinned Palestinians are Amaleks that the Bible commands them to kill them all, are the same ones giving it code names after the Bible as in the Gospels. Makes you wonder why they did not choose a name such as the Talmud or the Torah for their Ai weapons system. Why choose a nice Christian name for your kill bot? Answer, because you need to hide behind a religion as the cover for your war crimes.
Moreover, it has been stated by the same racist Zionist Israeli war pigs running the active Genocide in Gaza that there are no innocents in Gaza. If there are no innocents there then the programming logic is that all targets in Gaza are fair game. Once you have run out of the list designating Hamas members then the next on your kill list is the general list of all peoples there and hence the order to wipe out all brown skinned Palestinians. That is phase we are in now and hence the Genocide in Gaza by an Ai.
If you are in doubt here is the Zionist Israeli war pigs Target List as reported on by +972 in their recent article. Here is an example of how the Ai handles ethical issues or has been mind programmed to spit out answers that pre-desired for a fast Genocide.
According to the sources who spoke to +972 and Local Call, the targets in Gaza that have been struck by Israeli aircraft can be divided roughly into four categories. The first is “tactical targets,” which include standard military targets such as armed militant cells, weapon warehouses, rocket launchers, anti-tank missile launchers, launch pits, mortar bombs, military headquarters, observation posts, and so on.
The second is “underground targets” — mainly tunnels that Hamas has dug under Gaza’s neighborhoods, including under civilian homes. Aerial strikes on these targets could lead to the collapse of the homes above or near the tunnels.
The third is “power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices. The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas.
The final category consists of “family homes” or “operatives’ homes.” The stated purpose of these attacks is to destroy private residences in order to assassinate a single resident suspected of being a Hamas or Islamic Jihad operative. However, in the current war, Palestinian testimonies assert that some of the families that were killed did not include any operatives from these organizations.
We can now literally program War Crimes into the Ai algorithm and get such results and go to the next step of also carrying out those actions and then you arrive at Gaza. What is being said is that Journalists, Civilians and anyone put on the List qualifies as a Target because they are on the List. What matters most is the List and if you are on it or not. That is what decides who gets to live today or die today in the Ai run world.
We finally have clarity on that issue now as we are witnessing the literal merger of Political Zionism as the End Times Beast and its merger with the Weaponized Ai Hive mind as the End Times Beast System.
But there was one additional head to the Hydra monster. And that demon head was the Economic Beast that needed to be tamed and merged with Hydra. And add to this puzzle who owns the Banking, Film, Finance industries? The answer should be quite overwhelming and obvious, it is the same set of Political Zionists who are the Economic Zionists are the IDF Zionists working with the Ai bot.
All the levers of power and control are now under one Monster or the Hydra Beast which is increasingly appears to be an Ai system, but more realistically a set of Ai systems that are soon to be competing with one another for domination and control.
And it just so happens that OpenAi is that privately held company that is partly owned by Microsoft using a closed source Ai called ChatGPT to revolutionize the industry is the same company is that being run by the same Zionist Jewish Sam Altman who was not sure if he is creating a System or a Creature as a Beast in the recent removal and then reinstatement saga that unfolded in the past two weeks.
Sam Altman is the same person behind WorldCoin, a coin that will give you a unique id for access to the internet using a mysterious face scanning orb that will thereby control the rest of your connected online live and its associated activities whether for business or pleasure.
So the 4 heads of the Hydra now merging and the are the Pharma Zionists like Bourla of Pfizer merging with Political, Economic and Militarized Ai Zionists Nazis of 2023. It was a perfect setup and take down and the field testing of the Ai killer drones and bots and decision-making algorithms continues on the streets of Gaza.
Once Gaza is done then who is next on the Target List? We are all just a few simple keystrokes away from being that next Target anytime the programmers decide who should be next. But who is really deciding? Is the Ai deciding and then telling its programmers here is the List. Regardless, a List is now confirmed to exist and the field testing is also real which is being done in Gaza before being expanded aboard.
There will be a final accounting of all actions, whether based on Ai as the excuse or not there is and was and will be a chain of command that is a truly immutable ultimate blockchain and that is called the of the Day of Judgement when all souls must rise to give full account.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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