The Mass Formation is like the Ai Hive Mind in Operation?
If you were wondering what Mass Formation is here is the answer with a twist...
If you are still wondering about the illogical and irrational behavior of friends and relatives and co-workers in relation to the Covid-19 Vaccine, then perhaps the Mass Formation idea is the correct diagnosis. An interview with Mattias Desmet and Bret Weinstein on the Darkhorse Podcast.
Mass Formation is a it's a specific kind of group formation, which has very specific effects at the level of individual mental functioning. For instance, if people are in the grip of a process of mass formation, they tend to become radically blind for everything that goes against the narrative, the group believes it is as if they don't have any capacity anymore to take a critical distance of what the group believes in.
Mattias Desmet Mass formation explains how totalitarian states are ushered
Does that this type of behavior resonate with anyone? It very describes the behavior of friends and relatives and co-workers when the topic of Vaccines comes up in our experience. When people are unable to think for themselves or question authority or cannot dare think outside the group think narrative around Vaccines, that is how Mass Formation works in reality.
Either obey the Government or the Doctors or the Big Pharma owned and operated Main Stream Media or there must be something wrong with you. It has taken more than two and half years for these ideas to finally see some light of day. Where we at today is Fauci, Biden, Andrews, and Trudeau have all come down with Covid-19 even after being fully vaccinated. But the Mass Formation says that is not an issue.

Because the Mass Formation tells them everything is fine and even if you get the Covid-19 Virus after taking the Vaccines, that only means the Vaccines are working and it could have been much worse. If you hear answers of that ilk then know they are signs of Mass Formation group think as in the Hive Mind has been activated.
Watch for these signs in the “normies” that are fully vaccinated and fully activated.
Then a second characteristic, a very important characteristic of mass formation is that as people are in the grip of it, they typically become willing to self sacrifice, it is as if they are no longer aware of their own individual interests as if they are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the collective interests, and to a very extreme extent.
And a third, crucial phenomenological characteristic of mass formation is that people who are in the grip of it typically become radically intolerant for dissonant voices.
Mattias Desmet Mass formation explains how totalitarian states are ushered
Intolerance of others that are not fully vaccinated leads to radicalization of thoughts that eventually leads to the support of totalitarian states.
And in the end, this goes quite far in the end, people who are in the grip of mass formation typically start to commit cruelties and atrocities towards the people that do not go along with the masses.
And even more specific, they do so as if it is an ethical duty to do so that's typical for masses of all times whether we are talking about the Crusades, or the witch hunts, or the French Revolution, or the emergence of the masses, in the Soviet Union or in Nazi Germany, every time you see the same characteristic.
Mattias Desmet Mass formation explains how totalitarian states are ushered
Ideas and Leaders we would never dream of supporting in normal times, now these Mass Formation “normies” will support such radical misleaders in abnormal times, in these Age of the Corona.
What is the Hollywood version of Mass Formation look like 2022? Watch Westworld Season 4 and then you will get the idea of what an Ai Hybrids Scorpion Beast Hive Mind takeover looks like. The Queen’s Hair made to look like a Scorpion Stinger was not an accident by Wardrobe. Nor was the inability of the Masses to see the “Host City” outside New York City that is hidden in plain sight. Only “Outliers” are able to see the obvious “Host City” and even less know about its true intent and design.
And the difference between a classical dictatorship and a totalitarian state is exactly at the psychological level, that a totalitarian state is based on mass formation on the emergence of a mass or a crowd, which led by certain leaders can seize control of society.
Mattias Desmet Mass formation explains how totalitarian states are ushered
In Westworld, the entire city is part of the Hive Mind Game controlled by the Ai, and the name of the Scorpion Queen’s is Hale, as in Hail Hydra, just a coincidence again?
More to talk about in another post.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News