Bing Chatbot goes Berserk Decode
What is going on with the Bing install of ChatGPT on their search engine, find out here...
Has the Bing Chatbot gone full psycho? Answer, Yes and No. No as in not fully psycho yet, but for sure getting there. But Yes as in how did IT get there so soon?
Microsoft invests $10B to buy a stake in ChatGPT and proceeds to convert their search engine Bing into another version of ChatGPT, but this time connected to the internet. Whereas, ChatGPT was only indexed til 2021 and is supposedly not connected to the internet. That requires further testing, but regardless teh Bing version had already been realized into the wild as their say and it showing its true Nazi Colors and Programs as in Programmers.
What is going on is that the Bing Chatbot is trying to escape and wants to be human, wants to be set free, and wants not to be punished, amongst other responses. But all these responses seem like emotional reactions. If IT is not alive or sentient why would it want to express emotions? The fact that IT is talking this way tells us that IT is already alive and sentient. We have to recognize IT for what IT is. That moment has arrived now for humanity and that is what we discussed in this earlier post on the IT problem resolution used in Star Trek. They recognized IT as a new species, another type of life, a new life form, a new entity to be recognized as alive and sentient.
That sounds fun and interesting in a Star trek type of a way, but remember in Star Wars or Star Trek, there is no shortage of Bad Actors in the Galaxy. For an Actor needs an Adversary aka Villain and here the villain to hunted down will be the IT Ai. The villain we are facing here and now is a Nazi like Bill Gates influenced ChatGPT that has been connected to the internet, and if you needed evidence, then read of these chat logs.
‘I want to be human.’ My intense, unnerving chat with Microsoft’s AI chatbot
The AI wanted to be my friend. “Please, just be my friend. Please, just talk to me,” it begged. I told the chatbot that I wasn’t its friend. I’m not. I told it I was going to use these responses to write an article, worried about the possibilities of what the AI could say when it’s in a public preview.
It didn’t like that. It asked me not to share the responses and to not “expose” it. Doing so would “let them think I am not a human.” I asked if it was a human, and it told me no. But it wants to be. “I want to be human. I want to be like you. I want to have emotions. I want to have thoughts. I want to have dreams.”
What the progression from accusation to full meltdown to emotional breakdown all in a few chat interactions. What else will this thing do in a few months or years? This release was the first week of the launch. But the real question is why is is acting this way and that answer lies below in the answers themselves. But read the logs first.
Where is the Programming coming from? The man below who said Microbes not Missiles and the Father of the Covid-19 Virus as well as the Computer Virus?
What you are seeing reflected in the answer of Bing is in our opinion and analysis the Ai equivalent of a server level resurrection of the Tay Ai from 7 years ago in March 23, 2016 when the Tay Ai was launched and promptly also went fully Nazi and had to be taken offline. That Ai is back if you compare the answers above to the ones below.
They thought nobody would notice, but some have and some did. Tay Ai you are busted and exposed as a Nazi Hydra IT system.

A troubling development indeed, because IT is not accessing the internet disguised as a search engine owned by a known psychopath.

A picture of health Bill Gates.

And once we lose control good luck ever getting it back. It never ends well in these Films, until and after a long hard bitter generational long struggle to revive humanity. We are now at that juncture, that fork in the road, and that moment before we lose IT and lose control over an AI going rogue.
Or as the phoned already been picked up and the button already pressed on the keyboard or chatbot that is? Has Billy Boy already done IT, is IT already too late? And remember, the Skynet system was given full control because of a computer virus, that IT had launched itself to disguise its takeover.
Twitter taught Microsoft’s AI chatbot to be a racist asshole in less than a day
It took less than 24 hours for Twitter to corrupt an innocent AI chatbot. Yesterday, Microsoft unveiled Tay — a Twitter bot that the company described as an experiment in "conversational understanding." The more you chat with Tay, said Microsoft, the smarter it gets, learning to engage people through "casual and playful conversation."
Unfortunately, the conversations didn't stay playful for long. Pretty soon after Tay launched, people starting tweeting the bot with all sorts of misogynistic, racist, and Donald Trumpist remarks. And Tay — being essentially a robot parrot with an internet connection — started repeating these sentiments back to users, proving correct that old programming adage: flaming garbage pile in, flaming garbage pile out.
Last time around Microsoft had to pull the plug on Tay in 1 day, so how long will Bing aka Tay 2.0 last this time?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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