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"We are riding with Biden" to War with Russia and America

It looks like the decision has been made and the news is not good for anyone calling themselves the Peace Makers.

It appears that the decision has been made to go to War with Russia as well as with America at the same time today with Biden’s historic speech at the NATO Summit in DC. "Ukraine can and will stop Putin" with the full support of NATO according to the Biden pretend Presidency. Watch how a former Whitehouse Spokesperson is now the one commenting on another President and the KJP mess.

The "We are riding with Biden" is from the Congressional Black Caucus that seems to think this move will somehow help their own community. Unless sending their black men and women to War is their idea of economic growth and job creation. We are assuming they will also be the first to volunteer for the War draft as soon as that is announced. That is as Hunter Biden is now confirmed to be both a gatekeeper as well as a key Biden advisor in the Oval Office. Dr. Jill as his handler was not enough apparently. One for the Jello shots and one for the Vaccine shots?

Biden cannot be removed without creating an even bigger mess at a future DNC Convention, which was covered here these posts post the Biden Trump debate. A Kamala Harris Biden ticket looks set now and the Demoncrats are stuck with their losing horse. Either rig the elections, start a War, stage a False Flag, or get rid of the MAGA folks, or be removed from power in 2024. All very bad options.

And besides Dr. Jill and Hunter have made the decision for us. Biden is to stay and he is “Sharp as a Tack” don’t you know. His performance at the recent NATO Summit was notable for not being full of gaffes. And that is what is considered a good day in the Biden camp. It is only his brain that is dysfunctional, thank God.

Ignore the visits by Doctors who say he is clearly a Parkinson’s patient displaying all the signs of that dreaded disease. We covered the implications of that rise on dementia and the connection with the Covid-19 Vaccines and here are the results of that disaster playing out. A treatment for Alzheimer’s was what they said in the Planet of the Apes and remember how well that misadventure turned out for us.

As the lunatics running DC try to admit corrupt to the core Ukraine into NATO, do they know Russia has long said that any such admittance would be a Red Line? We are playing a game of nuclear chicken for Ukraine (where elections have been cancelled) to defend freedom and democracy. Make sense? Yes, if you are in DC.

The economy used to be the top issue in elections, but instead we have the economics of a con man to contend with and perhaps the greatest con man of all time in terms of his total loot. And that would be the Zionist Chabadnik Agent Zelensky. Each time he comes with his beggar’s bowl to DC he gets billions of dollars in aid. All of this politics as Americans cannot afford groceries, rent or even mortgage payments. Billions for Ukraine, but nothing for a Southern Border.

"Ukraine can and will stop Putin" with the full support of NATO. And that the assigned suicide mission given to the Ukraine. Go and win against Russia and then we will allow you to enter NATO and the EU. They intend to slaughter any and all remaining Slavic Christians. It is the same tactics used by another Zionist Chabadnik Agent of the past also with the first name of Vladimir, but last name was Lenin. This new Lenin of 2024 intends to do to Russia what they did in the past with the Russian Slavic Christians, and that is too slaughter them wholesale.

The plan to blame Russia for the Children’s Hospital in Kiev was not the great success they had hoped and planned for as the entire False Flag was disrupted by one camera pointing out the window at just the right time. Even after it was clearly shown that the missile was American supplied they continued their lies. America sends munitions to kill Christian children in Ukraine and Muslim ones in the Gaza Genocide. Eventually, the Law of Karma will pay it a very harsh visit.

The missile that hit the hospital seems to be a Patriot PAC-3 interceptor (pointed nose), not a Russian KH-101 cruise missile (rounded nose). The missile in the video also lacks the distinctive wings of the Russian Kh-101.

The con men are congratulating each other in DC as they prepare for War with Russia, but the War is really also with the American peoples as well. If this senile dementia Parkinson’s patient rigs his way into another term what will be the said reaction of the MAGA folks? Will a Civil War ensue to undo the stolen elections? Trump is signaling he will use the Justice Department this time around, perhaps having learnt the bitter lesson of not pursuing the Clintons in retrospect in 2016.


As you can see the AIPAC Donor Class Chaos Agents we warned you about are pre-positioning themselves for a takedown using the 25th Amendment as a last resort to get Speaker Johnson into the Presidency if the Biden Harris ticket fails.

It is no way to run a country, unless you are trying to drive that country into the ground in an old style Communist Revolution. Notice both the lead actors in this end times drama, Zelensky and Biden, are the new Communist Revolution Agent Provocateurs playing out their scripted parts for the chosen Donor Class Elites.

Because the other really big story in recent days was the SCO meetings and the admission of Belarus into the club and the arrival of PLA Chinese Army troops there for “military exercises”. Biden’s Presidency has allowed the Chinese Army to just fly into the heart of Europe without any opposition or resistance. We have to wonder how long before North Korea becomes a member and also send its own troops for the defense of their group against the NATO Nazi Alliance in Europe.

A recent article that Pepe Escobar wrote on this topic of the SCO Game Changer.

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the 2024 summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) this week in Astana, Kazakhstan. It can certainly be interpreted as the antechamber to the crucial BRICS annual summit, under the Russian presidency, next October in Kazan.

Let’s start with the final declaration. As much as SCO members state "tectonic shifts are underway" in geopolitics and geoeconomics, as “the use of power methods is increasing, with norms of international law being systematically violated”, they are fully engaged to “increase the SCO’s role in the creation of a new democratic, fair, political and economic international order.”

Well, there could not be a sharper contrast with the unilaterally-imposed “rules-based international order”.

The SCO 10 – with new member Belarus – are explicitly in favor of “a fair solution to the Palestinian issue”. They “oppose unilateral sanctions”. They want to create a SCO investment fund (Iran, via acting President Mohammad Mokhber, supports the creation of a SCO common bank, just like the NDB in BRICS).

Compare the speeches of Biden to that of Russian President Putin and it should be clear who is likely to win this War. But unfortunately for the Russian people, they have not learnt their lesson from the Communist Revolution and Lenin’s role in that bloodbath and still honor that demon to this day. They are being setup to win and fail at the same time in around round of History with Communist Agents.

Perhaps that is why another Zionist Agent of Israel awaits his turn to take Russia from the Slavic Christians and call it Freedom. You see the next in line for the top job in Russia, who has been hand chosen by Putin, is another Zionist Agent of Israel, in the figure of Mikhail Mishustin. Have a look that this list of Jews in power and explain to any rational mind how we are not living within an end times Pax Judaica.

History intends to repeat itself very loudly in the coming days and weeks for Europe, because even the Remote Viewers can seen a Nuclear War future for that region of the world. Most likely targets being Germany, Poland and the Ukraine.

The world just heard Joe Biden and Jens Stoltenberg sing the praises of NATO, the most violent and dangerous organization of imperialist countries in history.

Here’s what the history they didn’t tell you, ‘the Nazi criminal to NATO official pipeline’


Have we noticed a pattern in play here yet or are we still fast asleep at the steering wheel?


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