Corona Times News
The Josh Shapiro as First Jewish President Installation PsyOp

The Josh Shapiro as First Jewish President Installation PsyOp

Here is how the First Jew is installed into the Office of the President as the American Republic dies at the hands of the AIPAC Donor Class Gangsters.

Follow these events that have happened to try and piece together what is going to play out in the coming days and weeks as the First Jewish President is installed into office by the AIPAC Chaos Agents aka Donor Class, as Queen Kamala’s VP.


Biden had to quit before Netanyahu lands in Washington.

The Jewish heavy donors (Saban & Co) have taken a step back in recent weeks.

The Party needs Netanyahu to meet Kamala so he can give her the Kosher certificate.

The meeting may defuse Kamala's fake progressive image…


All of these dark spirits and entities are to be bound and sealed. And their wicked plans are hereby cancelled, nullified, and altered by the Observation.

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