Was it the usual suspects once again causing Megadeath by the Numbers and Letters? Answer, Yes it was them once again and that fact that it was predicted in a film makes it easier for the masses to swallow the bitter pill that our reality is shaped by fakery and fraud. The Films have facts, while the News have the lies. That is the upside down world we live in. Letters and Numbers were cute things we learnt in school, but its real purpose was to enslave the masses using Black Magick hexes based on Gematria.

It started with a thunderous boom and then a huge plume of thick black smoke that could be seen for miles. This was the moment officials in East Palestine, Ohio had been planning for a controlled release of toxic chemicals from several train cars at the site of a derailment, one that has forced 1000s from their homes…
Whenever you see the word “controlled” that is a Red Flag Red Pill Moment if you are awake and tuned in to their tricks and rituals. That explosion you see was done by the local authorities. A known carcinogen was released into the area and death is already happening to the animals and the humans are future cancer cluster victims.

First for some background as per Tukcer Carlson on America’s failing Transportation Infrastructure, or lack of it. As we have chest feeder Buttigieg to thank for that bit of latest line in a long long of misleadership.

One of the first problems here is that this derailment happened 10 days ago, but the deliberate setting on fire happens just now? Something sounds off and here is why. Yes the fire was set and the resulting explosion was done on purpose to make sure it there was no fire from the chemical spill. Follow that logic.

When the Government itself causes the “controlled” explosion that means it was planned and just how planned was it? If it was predicted in Film then very planned and very important.

Crowds were assembled in the name of death. They were there to attend tributes to the dead, but not the already dead. The future dead. The Living Dead amongst us. Processions, songs, speeches, dialogues with the dead. Recitations of the names of the dead. They were there to see pyres and flaming wheels 1000s of flags dipped in suits 1000s of uniformed mourners.
There were ranks and squadrons, elaborate backdrops, banners and black dress uniforms. Crowds came to form a shield against their own dying to become a crowd is to keep out death. To break off from the crowd is to risk death as an individual to face dying alone.
Crowds came for this reason, above all others. They were there to be a crowd.
This ritual by the Numbers and Letters is troubling for a number of reasons. The environmental side of the disaster is obvious. The coverup by a mega corporation is the usual routine. But there is more here and the film scripting and synchronicity with real life events, means there is much more. The entire film is focused entirely on the concept of Death and not only Death, but Megadeath by the Numbers and Letters.

Why a controlled demolition on Valentine’s Day to match the Red and White of Rihanna in the Superbowl 57 Half Time Ritual? Because each ritual leads to another ritualistic performance or sacrifice. Here they are signally the East Palestine, Saint Valentine’s Day Controlled Explosion Massacre of a Small Town. Notice the crazed dancers are all wearing Hazmat like suits? And Red and White = 57 as in Superbowl 57.

Why wait 2 days after the Superbowl 57 Red and White ritual? Because the Colors match the Numbers and Letters for Future Deaths, just like the Film script predicted. And in this Film this actors is a Professor of Hitler Studies. So scripted it is almost not funny anymore when they make it this obvious.
The fear of an explosion, after a February 4 derailment?
Explosion = 42 / 48
February = 42 / 48
*Jesuit = 42And there were ‘five’ cars involved.
Five = 42

Therefore, the point they are trying to make must also be very important and it is. Get ready for such scenes to get more common across America, as the Government plays the role of the Terrorists and Terrorizes the population into submission for more Power and Control.

The same script repeated over and over again, but pointing to a much bigger story which we believe to the coming NYC Tsunami. And it is that connection that is the potentially most disturbing and hidden in plain sight to decipher clue. Because of the Numbers and Letters and the White Noise Film Script.
The first section of the Film is called Waves and Radiation and the second part was Airborne Toxic Event, which just happened, the third is the Ending with a Death Pill called Dylar. So meaning first part finished and two more parts to go for this Ritual to be completed by the Numbers and Letters. And when the 110 master ciphers shows up in such sequences then we have a problem coming up on the East Coast just as East Palestine was “controlled”. The 110 is another way of saying 201.
waves radiation nyc tsunami 23 3 = 110
dylarama new york tsunami 3 15 2023 = 110
red and white superbowl 57 = 110
dylar East Palestine Ohio 3 2023 = 110
the airborne toxic event 11 = 110
dylarama nyc tsunami = 110
When the 911 two or Twin Towers fell and became 1 that showed the power of the 201 master cipher. When the 2 become 0 and then was turned into 1 is the 201.
And 110 is problematic because the 1 and 1 get reduced to 0, as in this event will be a game changer, coming up this time. Hence why they were Encoded into the $10 and $100 = 110 US Dollar years ago.

The watch dates are between 3/10/23 to 3/13/23. Hope we can make it to those dates to see if we were right or not because the Numbers and Letters are signaling this date sequence and this event will change America and the world forever. Sharing this data is not without risk and once the ritual spell is broken or deciphered before the event takes place that means then it is “observation changes the outcome” time and what will happen as a result is unclear. But the Films and Number and Letters are not Lying, when they even show the 310 311 312 313 number pattern on the Train itself.
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33
Masonry = 33

The Black Goo was “controlled” released as part of a Megadeath 313 Train Wreck Ritual?

Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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