Zionist Israel found Guilty of Genocide at ICJ
The chosen of Satan have more egg on their collective cursed faces once again, as if everything they touch eventually turns to sh*t.
A sign of a blood curse that has yet to be fulfilled is that in the End Times just when you think you are going to takeover and rule the world, your kingdom is handed over to someone else with a cup of trembling. The chosen of Satan have more egg on their collective cursed faces once again, as if everything they touch eventually turns to sh*t.
And the Lord's anger was kindled against Israel
and to prove whether they would keep his Commandments or not
he made them wander in the wilderness 40 years
until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lord was consumed.
Moses Breaks the Tablets - The Ten Commandments 1956
This order is fixed by the watchers, and the decision is by the word of the holy ones:
so that the living may be certain that the Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men,
and gives it to any man at his pleasure, lifting up over it the lowest of men.
Meet their modern day descendants who are Imposter Jews pretending to be Jews when in fact they are Khazarian Ashkenazi Europeans with no Semitic lineage. These Imposter Jews are now taking on the debt of their supposed ancestors with the same disastrous outcome. Here is their latest candidate for the lake of fire below calling Gazans human animals and then being quoted at the ICJ, in an act of poetic justice.
Why were they wandering in the desert for 40 years? Because all of the descendants that participated in the golden calf idol worship had to be rooted out like the Wheat from the Tares because of the blood curse on them as well as their future lineage. But the blood libel and the blood curse that stems from over 2000 years ago that is still on them and with them till the return of the Son of Mary, the King of Israel and of Jews.
Blood curse is a term that refers to a verse in the Gospel of Matthew, where the Jewish crowd says to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to crucifixion, “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Matthew 27:25).
And today at the Hague, little murderous Zionist Israel has found guilty of Genocide on the innocents of Gaza. And today at the hands of tiny South Africa, our enemy little murderous Zionist Israel stood bare and alone as the nation with a permanent label of Genocide on their foreheads. Thereby, losing the title and cover of the WW2 Holocaust forever. This loss is what a blood curse looks like in action.
Only those who know they are guilty try to buy politicians and judges alike to cover their faces which are collectively covered in egg. They too will be swimming in the lake of fire with Galant et al of the Zionist regime.
Listen to these videos and the analysis of the ICJ decision which was frankly quite a shock and surprise, as CTN with Professor Finkelstein were both found to be wrong. Not in the wrong as the Zionists, but wrong in our prediction of a South Africa loss. We are glad to be wrong and right at the same time. See our previous post for that talk.
The maggot attorney that Professor Finkelstein not Rabbi Finkelstein is referring to in the video interview which you should skip to the 16:00 minute mark to see was this denom was saying. Khamas even shuffled his papers. But he still lost with egg on face.
We use those words with purpose; maggot and attorney. What is a maggot?
A maggot is the larva of a fly or other related insect, such as a housefly, a cheese fly, or a blowfly. Maggots are usually white, legless, and have a hook-like mouth at one end. They feed on decaying organic matter, such as dead animals, rotten food, or garbage.
Maggots play an important role in nature, as they help break down and recycle waste. However, some maggots can also cause problems, such as damaging crops, spreading diseases, or infesting wounds. You can learn more about maggots from these sources: Wikipedia, Britannica, and Mental Floss.
Bing Chat Ai
The root like the Wheat and the Tares of the word attorney (n.) is the word attorn and what does this word mean? Answer, get ready to know that these demons are tricking us into accepting their Luciferian agenda in the courts where we go to seek justice and redress and are instead given a dose of injustice and worst of all IDOL WORSHIP.
early 14c. (mid-13c. in Anglo-Latin), "one appointed by another to act in his place," from Old French atorné "(one) appointed," past participle of aturner "to decree, assign, appoint," from atorner "to assign," literally "to turn to" (see attorn). The sense is of "one appointed to represent another's interests."
late 13c., Anglo-French, "to turn over to another," from Old French atorner "to turn, turn to, assign, attribute, dispose," from a- "to" (see ad-) + tourner "to turn," from Latin tornare "to turn on a lathe," from tornus "lathe," from Greek tornos "lathe, tool for drawing circles" (from PIE root *tere- (1) "to rub, turn"). In feudal law, "to transfer homage or allegiance to another lord."
By hiring an attorney or a lawyer although their a slight legal difference the end result is essentially the same. Both cursed and both tricking you in the courts as the cover into an act of idol worship Christian reference or shirk as the Muslim world would view it. The act of associating anything or anyone with the Creator is such an act.
By hiring an attorney or a lawyer, we are being tricked into the same golden calf type of idol worship you just saw and heard moved forward with deceit and deception into the courts where we are being told we are transferring our allegiance to Satan without even knowing it. The words are there as traps for the uninitiated dirty masses known as the public as seen from the perspective of a masonic overlord.
You truly are a man or women who is an imbecile and thus a ward of the state because you cannot manage your own affairs and need to transfer your homage to another lord that can manage it and show his earthly benevolence as he steals and robs their inheritances and estates. And when you go to search imbecile we are directed to go to insanity. Because what we are doing in ignorance is giving allegiance to another lord, becoming wards of the state, because we lack the mental capacity for proper mental judgement and are unfit for even the rendering of justice. Yes that is what to attorn is.
The term is a social and legal term rather than a medical one, and indicates a condition which renders the affected person unfit to enjoy liberty of action because of the unreliability of his behavior with concomitant danger to himself and others.
The term is more or less synonymous with mental illness or psychosis. In law, the term is used to denote that degree of mental illness which negates the individual's legal responsibility or capacity.
Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th edition
That is how deep the deadly arts of the courts are. They mean to rob you of your liberty and your shekels in this life as well as your soul in the next life. Only Satan works in such evil ways and therefore only those aligned with this hatred for mankind would go along for that ride and be minions for such works, only hatred for mankind as seen in the statements from this one group explains such all of these bigger actions.
And now the viper was eaten by his own creation in the courts today at the ICJ in a repeat of the film scene and historical event again with the same film, but a very important act of symbolism. The snake consumes itself as the spoken and written word was proven greater than Satan’s plans and works.
Now let us add another piece of the puzzle to the bigger picture here with this case. In the Holy Bible, which came up as being quoted due the Amalek reference by another cursed demon called Netanyahu, also calls out another group of as Satan’s chosen one.
But He said, “Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
Readers and Viewers may thank little CTN on that day where we will all be risen to be judged and if he CTN requires some help for pointing these two pieces out to you. Now you know what these rabbinical unjust masonic courts are all about. Using Debts aka “burdens” on peoples to keep them in a state of slavery and yes who are they, they are the same peoples doing everything else being discussed, the same usual suspects. Watch and listen as the Rabbis explains why the Goyim are charged interest by the IJ.
The Lawyers are cursed and therefore their doings are ultimately cursed. Imagine being the poor soul that had his papers shuffled by Khamas and then you lost at the ICJ defending the Genocide on dispute technicality. Was that failing plan hatched and whispered into the ears of the lead counsel Malcolm Shaw by Satan itself?
The pieces of the puzzle should be quite obvious by now unless you have forgotten about the tunnel Rabbis and their blood shit stained mattresses in their supposed most holy houses of worship.
Perhaps that is why Elon Musk a recent convert to the Chosen of Satan has decided his wealth is more important than the afterlife and it is better to sell out to Zionist Israel than lose his beloved twitter investment. Musk proves he was a secret Jesuit Jew all along and never told anyone. That totally explains his recent Holocaust photo op with the son of leftist communist parents aka his new handler Zionist Ben Shapiro.
Those peoples you joined Elon they are Nazis, that must be what he is reading above.
But Elon where is the snow?
Who is allowing the migrant invasion on the Southern Border as Texas comes so close to declaration independence; another loyal member of Satan’s chosen ones.
And guess who else came out at Orthodox Jewish also just today in a photo, because we found it today, what a coincidence, it is our favorite fake Donald Trump. Only an observant Jew with lots of Shekels would dream of this idea and pay Shekels for it.
Is there some loophole in the Holy Bible that allows you to be a Jew on Sabbath and then a Christian on Sunday for the voters you are scamming that particular day? We ask because Trump is Jewish on Sabbath and overseas trips and when meeting with his Chabad handlers and then Christian while in Jewish Florida and Jewish New York.
That was the Donald Trump double bind. Voting for Trump means voting for the Kushners who will be running the show especially if Ivanka Trump aka Jael Kushner becomes his Vice President. Then she becomes the first Female Jewess in the Oval Office other than Monica Lewinsky, who was performing her services under the desk.
We will end it here for today. Too many Imposter Jewish connection for one night. Rest until we continue our discussion.
The Trump Presidency Double Bind
Why is Gaza a Genocide?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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