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South Africa presents its case against Israel for committing Genocide in Gaza
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South Africa presents its case against Israel for committing Genocide in Gaza

The landmark case begins at International Court of Justice, but be prepared to be disappointed in the outcome because the Judges are bought and paid for already.

Gaza is the Gift that keeps on giving and here are three more Gifts. Zionist Israel is now finally on trial for its War Crimes and its Genocidal intent in Gaza. The case was presented by Adila Hassim. She is one of the Gifts from Gaza as another star was born today at the International Court of Justice in the Hague today as lonely South Africa presented its case against Israel in the supposed highest court of the land. Watch her performance and her presentation and then you will know why a star was born today.

South Africa tells top UN court that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza as the landmark case begins at International Court of Justice.

The court “has the benefit of the past 13 weeks of evidence that shows incontrovertibly a pattern of conduct and related intention” that amounts to “a plausible claim of genocidal acts,” South African lawyer Adila Hassim told the judges and audience in a packed room of the Peace Palace in The Hague.

South Africa is seeking preliminary orders to compel Israel to stop its military campaign in Gaza, where more than 23,000 people have died, according to the Health Ministry in the territory, which is run by Hamas.

“Nothing will stop the suffering except an order from this court,” Hassim said.

A decision on South Africa’s request for so-called provisional measures will probably take weeks. The full case is likely to last years.

That was the good news, but now begins the bad news and disappointment part of the post. Thank you for you words Adila Hassim, but minus the black robe and one line from your presentation. Because you should know what the origins of that black robe are very dark and sinister. It is a form of idol worship and perhaps that is why this case is unfortunately doomed to fail and that is before it even started. The outcome of the trial has already been determined by the wicked Zionist Lobby.

Left: A robed Justice (without blindfold) is the focus of the allegorical story of the battle of Good Versus Evil. Her unencumbered gaze is set determinedly in the direction of the forces of Evil, to the viewer’s right.(One of the Courtroom friezes sculpted by Adolph Weinman). Right: Justitia blindfolded and holding balance scales and a sword. Court of Final Appeal, Hong Kong

As for the black robes let us explain briefly the connection to Lady Justice or Justitia and idol worship which as the Muslims call it Shirk, which we have covered in this previous post about how it would be Zionist Israel that would start WW3, and which they consider a form of sin that will not be forgiven. So the stakes are high when you put your faith as a Muslim lady, because it sounds from the name that Adila Hassim is a Muslim lady who is putting her faith into a court based on idol worshipping symbols and practices, then prepare for disappointment.


Misplacing your trust and faith in the wrong place can have disastrous consequences in these End Times and it may come back to bite you in the backside like a snake as it about to happen in the coming days. Take this message as a word of advice for your own good and well-being. Thank you for the work here thus far, but there are some fundamental errors and issues here that must be known and addressed.

Long Tradition Of Lady Justice

Her prototype was the Egyptian goddess Maat Ma'at (Mayet), symbolizing and personifying the ancient Egyptian concepts of order, Justice, harmony, law, truth, balance, and morality.

In Egypt, the idea of law, divine order, and truth were personified by the goddess Ma'at, presented as a young woman holding a set of scales in one hand and a symbol of eternal life - the sign of Ankh.

The Scales Will Decide About A Verdict

A set of scales has a long history. It was placed before the temple to weigh the deeds of the deceased. Nemesis, a winged goddess of Justice and revenge, is portrayed with a set of scales and a sword. Also, Atropos, one of the Moirai, was occasionally depicted with a pair of scales. In the Book of the Dead, Anubis, the "Guardian of the Scales," participates in the Weighing of the Heart ceremony.

Lady Justice (Justitia): Legal And Philosophical Concept Produced In Remote Antiquity - Ancient Pages

The origins of the scales of Justice are from Greek and Egyptian mythology and idol worship and to continue to wear their regalia, go to their courts for Justice, and then to place your faith into these traditions is the root of the problem.

The black robe tradition is the result of the fires burning inside their idol worshiping Temples in worship of the idol Justitia. In those times female Idols had males Priests as their caretakers and vice versa. They used to wear white garments, but they kept getting covered black from the soot of the fires and hence the donning of black robes to avoid the soot problem. But when you see black robes in courts, those are literal Temple Priests and caretakers before you rendering Judgement over you. It is Shirk.

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Instead of placing her faith in her Creator, Adila Hassim is putting her faith into the courts and what we prepose is a form of idol worship and one of the reasons this case which has obvious merit, but will ultimately fail in the end.

“Nothing will stop the suffering except an order from this court,” Hassim said.

You are Wrong on this point, Adila Hassim. Your Creator will decide when the suffering will stop and not the courts of idol worshipping statues and statutes, the suffering you see in Gaza is a form of reward when you understand the end game and which was explained in detail in these previous post. A world of opposites is at play.


The suffering will end when Muslims and Christians unite as is being said in this podcast from Mike Adams, who finally seems to get who the real enemy of mankind is in these End Times. It is quite an amazing thing to witness this man who previously had no interest in Muslims and Gaza, is now forced to admit the Muslims in their Peaceful exercise of Voting now hold the key to the 2024 American Elections. It will be the Muslim Vote that will decide the outcome, what an incredible Gift from Gaza.


We will make some bold predictions on what is about to now happen and you can hold as to our words if they do not come true in 2024-2025. This court case is beyond significant, it is literally of the Biblical End Times. The decision that comes from this case will change the outcome of history as we see it in the years 2024-25. But first watch and understand the context of these Judges and then we will circle back.

The court is stacked in favor of Zionist Israel and South Africa despite having a clear cut case of Genocidal intent, it will lose the case because of the Judges involved. See this graphic and watch this presentation from Norman Finkelstein as he explains why this case is doomed to fail. Most surprising will be the backstab from Russia, China and other developing nations. But they will pay the heavy price for such betrayal.

In favor of Zionist Israel

  1. Israel [the boot and Rabbi hole of Satan]

  2. America ]Whore of Babylon]

  3. Germany [The old Nazis passing on the mantle to the new Zionist Nazis]

  4. Australia [American boot-licker]

  5. France [Zionist boot-licker]

  6. Japan [American boot-licker]

  7. Slovakia [Zionist boot-licker]

  8. Uganda [Zionist shill]

  9. India [Zionist boot-licker]

  10. Russia [because of their own accusations of Genocide in Ukraine]

  11. China [because of their own accusations of Genocide of the Uighers]

In favor of South Africa and the Gazans

  1. Lebanon

  2. South Africa

  3. Somalia

  4. Brazil

  5. Jamaica

  6. Morocco

It is just simple math and hence the court is already stacked in their favor to win the case that is why Zionist Israel is not at all worried. They know their Shabbos Goy are paid and bought for and if they stray then convenient accidents can be arranged by Mossad or else the beach houses in Gaza are waiting for them in their retirement.


There simply is no way to overcome the votes. The legal presentations hence are really quite meaningless despite their full merit in form and substance. But when you have a predatory Beast roaming the Earth, then no judgement against it is allowed in such false and misleading courts of justice. Hence it is the Creator, the All Mighty that will render final and ultimate Judgement upon this wicked Beast. The ultimate betrayal comes from Russia and China as they back stab the Muslims and Christians once again to save their own asses. But that will blow up in their faces big time.

When a serpent speaks you should be able to spot the hissing and slithering of the snakes speaking in their snake language in their snake skins.

On January 10th, 2024 the day before the court case begins, the war criminal and mastermind of the Genocide in Gaza tells the Gazans we are not a War with you, but with Hamas and then the next day publishes a map of their Occupation plans. These are the types of treacherous demons the Gazans have had to endure for decades.


All of the Judges highlighted in yellow are the nations that are siding with Zionist Israel. These Judges are mere agents for the nations and state governments that selected them into these positions. These are operatives and not true independent Judges. As the old proverb goes in the Collective East where they do not pretend to even have impartial courts or a functioning judicial system in most all cases; “Why bother to hire a Lawyer, when you can buy a Judge instead.”

Watch and listen to Professor Mearsheimer break down the case against Zionist Israel and the clear cut Genocide taking place, but also the real politics behind the scenes.

These Judges in yellow have been bought and paid for my their respective national governments and therefore the court case outcome has already been decided. South Africa will lose not on Merit, but because of Dirty Zionist Politics and Lobbyist Money. There will be no clear majority of Judges from 17 Judges to pass the motion and thus the plea before the court will fail and Zionist Israel will celebrate its Crown.

This victory by stacking the Judges will make it official, Zionist Israel is now the most powerful nation on Earth. Because what nation can go against the Beast and win? Answer, no nation can and you now have more proof. And more troubling, there will be doubt then to anyone that Zionist Israel can now kill however it likes and where ever it likes, so get ready for the rest of the Middle East to become like Gaza and then when that region is done being Genocided, then North America/Europe are next on their hit list for world domination.

When it does fail it will be one of the most disappointing and outrageous decisions the world will ever witness and it will then allow Zionist Israel to kill at will because it was just given the greenlight to do so. Zionist Israel will then go full End Times Beast mode and carry out Genocide now on the entire planet as we warned would happen with the rise of Pax Judaica.

The Beast is now exposed that was the other Gift from Gaza, but that Gift comes with a very heavy cost for those in and outside of Gaza, because we are all either Zionist Israeli Jews or we are Gazans. Nick Fuentis gets it and explains it beautifully, no wonder he is totally castigated by Alex Jones and other Zionist agents and shills.

Now with that data as the context, we circle back to the what happens now after the court case is decided in favor or Zionist Israel and its greenlight to slaughter us all. They are not hiding their plans anymore, why? Because they know the truth of their own plans, but the Goyim have been so soundly sleeping their cannot be saved from their own folly and doom. Pax Judaica rises before your eyes as you soundly sleep.

Our prediction is this point based on the Nations involved that will vote to say no there not enough evidence to support South Africa’s case and the motion will fail.

All Nations that vote in favor of Zionist Israel will be Destroyed in 2024-25 as the Creator renders his Judgment over these nations for their Idol Worship and killing of innocents in service to Satan. Their Votes will seal their End Times outcomes.

  1. Israel [the boot and Rabbi hole of Satan] - total destruction of this End Times Beast.

  2. America ]Whore of Babylon] - total destruction of this End Times Whore.

  3. Germany [The old Nazis passing on the mantle to the new Zionist Nazis] - the EU will be ravaged by War.

  4. Australia [American boot-licker] - to be struck by Earthquake, Tsunami, War, Diseases.

  5. France [Zionist boot-licker] - the EU will be ravaged by War.

  6. Japan [American boot-licker] - An Earthquake will sink the Island.

  7. Slovakia [Zionist boot-licker] - the EU will be ravaged by War.

  8. Uganda [Zionist boot-licker] - will be tossed aside like a used condom

  9. India [Mega Zionist boot-licker] - will fall to Pakistan in a surprise loss and turn of events.

  10. Russia [because of their own accusations of Genocide in Ukraine] - Betrayal of Gaza will suck them into the Middle Eastern War that will be started by Zionist Israel.

  11. China [because of their own accusations of Genocide with the Uighurs] - Betrayal of Gaza will suck them into the Middle Eastern War that will be started by Zionist Israel.

That is our bold prediction and hold us to it. All of these Nations will now fall one by one in rapid succession. Little Gaza was not be messed with. If that is not or was not clear to you then perhaps, let us meet at the end of 2025 and exchange notes.

We are saying betraying the Gazans and then placing your trust and faith and justice into a court of black robe idol worshipping Priests was the ultimate End Times trap for the masses. Do not fall victim to it. The South African case had merit and Zionist Israel is guilty of Genocide and Mass Murder, but this case was about real Politics and Raw Machiavellian Power and Pax Judaica and not about any form of true Justice.

That will come when the Creator renders this form of punishment upon this group of snakes. Watch this scene from The Ten Commandments, played by another good Jewish boy as Moses, to know what Pharoah realized after his defeat; “His God is God”.

Tyrants always realize their mistakes when it is too late. Do you leave it to then, when it too late to even save yourselves from the Creator and his final ultimate Judgement.

You should not have messed with Gaza the way you did. The Creator is Aware of all that is being done by little murderous Zionist Israel who will now show itself to the world as the Beast that it is. The Beast is not done yet, and neither are the Gazans. We are placing our trust and faith with the Creator and on the side of Justice and Gaza.

The True Spirit of Gaza cannot be Erased…

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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