Trump Second Term Snake Janus Biff Tannen Back to the Future Decode
All of those elements mentioned are interconnected to the matrix rabbit hole and more called Donald Trump.
For all the people still deluded by the lore of Trump, perhaps this decode might help to change your mind. There will be a lot to process if you are unfamiliar or are a total green newbie to the scene. We will try to post shorter posts on one topic so that more peoples, especially green newbies can follow along with this amazing End Times data.
Trump announces he will Run in 2024 for President as the Snake Again
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Time is short so here is a summary of the decode below from EntertheStars RELOADED on YouTube. What you will conclude by the end of the video, but all elements we have covered before in our posts about Donald Trump as an End Times Deceiver. Now we have clear circumstantial evidence. Is it now also a coincidence that he is about to be sentenced in his recent trial. Will Trump change the Timeline again? We are about to find out, but what we can know before the verdict is that whatever he is doing is part of a wider scheme to deceive, defraud and bite you in the rear end like a venomous snake because he is a venomous snake and he told you he was a snake.
Trump is a Snake. He told you he was a Snake.
Trump is a Magician.
Trump is a Deceiver.
Trump is a Two Faced Deceiver as in Janus.
Trump was the Biff Tannin character in the Back to the Future series.
Trump has secret Tesla technology that allows him to Time Travel.
Trump is a Time Traveler that has been Gaming the masses for a very long time as the Demonic Jinn Entities attached to him are some of the biggest names in that field.
The types of Demons that are mentioned in their darkest magick masonic secret society books and have their own Wikipedia references. Trump according to the data presented here has two of those Demonic Jinn Entities attached to him called Tannin and Bifrons as in the Biff Tannen of Back to the Future by Jewish Director, Speilberg.
Bob Gale, writer of the Back to the Future Series, said the character, Biff Tannen, was inspired by Donald Trump.
Biff Tannen = Janus Bifrons In Demonology, Bifron is a Demon, while Tannin is a monster of chaos and evil.
The word ‘Tannin’, in the Hebrew Bible, is used in the meaning, “snake”.
That resemblance was uncanny and now we know why. Open mockery in our faces for decades as their Con Artist with some type of Demonic Jinn Entities attached to him Tesla technology reverse engineering has managed to Game Time itself. Hence he is a the Two Faced Janus, that looks both ways. He looks back in Time, but also forward in Time. And he doing this Time Travelling with some type of Demonic Jinn entity Tesla Ai type technology. Trump’s Uncle was the Army officer that took Tesla’s materials.
Trump is a Snake. He told you he was a Snake. He recited the poem, did you forget that already? Memory retention is an issue in these End Times, so another reason to log most things as Free because time is short and a historical record needs to remain of our digital lives. We leave these words, for these End Times.
Trump was a Jewish Snake and in their Mythology and Demonlogy that has a very high rank and no wonder now the entire thing makes sense. MAGA was the highest rank in the Church of Satan and when you combine that with Synagogue of Satan and his alliance or merger and acquisition with those entities in a new Presidential term?
No wonder he put on his cap and prayed like was Jewish. Because he is a Crypto Jew. A Snake that sheds its skin and changes its stripes and colors as needed when needed. And who is financing his campaign? The same group of the usual suspects every time.
The Donor Class goes to War with Iran, Russia and China
The HR 6090 Anti-Semitism Bill and the Fall of the Republic
Biff Tannen. The Hebrew word for “Dragon” in the Old Testament is “tannîn” pronounced Tanneen.
Decode below from EntertheStars RELOADED on YouTube about Trump as a Janus.
The Trump Presidency Double Bind
Will America survive 2024-25?
Donald Trump the Democrat Trojan Horse
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The Trump and Georgia Guidestones Connection
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. Daniel 4:17
- Corona Times News
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