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Corona Times News Podcast
Will America survive 2024-25?
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -2:00:04

Will America survive 2024-25?

If Trump returns, Will America survive as a nation, as a state, as a bankrupt corporation, or as a Constitutional Republic?

Some good analysis from Mike Adams in this podcast on the a very relevant topic that perhaps most Americans are totally unaware of. The future of America is currently being decided in the days and weeks ahead of us collectively now. Films like Civil War are not being released on your TV and Computer screens without reason and without an engineered take down plan. You are being primed and prepped. Are you ready?

  • Trump's election chances and deals made with powerful interests. (0:01)

  • Corruption in government and politics. (5:35)

  • Trump's potential deals with foreign groups for election power. (17:40)

  • US dollar collapse, secession, and Trump's potential actions as president. (23:42)

  • Using presidential powers to address election rigging and other issues. (28:46)

These are all the Detritus of a Coming War, as in all of the individual moving pieces of the larger puzzle to decode. See previous post on that discussion, but one way or the other America falls because the films are already predicting it. Whether by another a Viral Disease or by a Civil War, America falls and is ravaged internally in 2024-25.

Yes there are many competing dangerous forces ruling over a Trump administration, but the strongest and most relevant is the Zionist lobby, which we shall now refer to as the Reptilian Zionist Luciferian Imposter Jesuit Jewish Faction or RZLIJJF or just IJ as in Imposter Jews for short. A very strong concentration can be seen in the Washington, Den of Criminals (DC) area in Occupied America. Listen to what Rabbi Finkelstein says, you have to listen to the good Rabbi if you an observant Jews like Jeffrey Epstein. The good Rabbi speaks the whole honest truth and confesses to it all.

Our greatest enemy for mankind is the IJ that is roaming freely amongst us, ruling over us, and we are totally unaware of this dangerous predatory network operating in the shadows yet out there in open view and we cannot say anything or do anything to it. That is a mental and physical condition called Captivity, Slavery, or Occupation all essentially denoting the same servile status of an all powerful Master Network in the IJ and you as the Goyim Gentile slave class serving your IJ Masters.

What we want to focus on is the larger picture that is being painted here. Will America survive 2024-25 as a nation, as a state, as a bankrupt corporation, or as a Constitutional Republic? Answer, unlikely especially if the Trumpsters is back in Office at the Oval Office which will again be handed over to Judas Kushner to run just like he did last time. So Trump is no better and may be far worse in some regards.

Before the Trumpsters or get all Trumptard like please explain how you can support a person who is standing next to Klaus “Anal Swab” Schwab and praising him for his fantastic works. What fantastic works has this little demon IJ Agent done in the last few years other than bring death and destruction from his hideout in Switzerland?


And this Trump is the very person you want back into the Whitehouse to save the Republic? Sounds foolish, sounds very foolish indeed. But those are the terrible awful choices before America in these next two years. Father of the Vaccine Trump or senile Genocide Joe Biden? Which poison would you prefer? The end result will be the same.


If you could not recognize your enemies and you took your Misleaders as your End Times Leaders then yes that was Trumptard like behavior, very foolish, heedless and dangerous in the context of the End Times.

Trump will not end Wars in the Middle East, but will allow them to continue until Zionist Israel directs him via Judas Kushner that Greater Israel project has now been completed and it is time for you to go give a rousing victory speech to the sheeple. A servile dog for Zionist Israel will not save this Republic, it will ensure its destruction.

If you are meeting with Klaus then you must be discussing how Trump is going to be the Father of the New Vaccine and therefore a new Disease as in Disease X, which will soon be released for the engineered take down of America. When Dr. Campbell shakes his head to the whole plan, then you must know how naked and obvious this next Plandemic is going to be. Fool me once and then give me Double Boosters shots.

The Elites including this double agent for Zionist Israel Donald Trump are all part of the same Jesuit IJ run Epstein pizzagate network currently meeting in Davos to work out the plans as the Trumptards wait to be saved by someone who has already betrayed them once before and is getting ready makes plans to do it over again.

The analysis from Mike Adams is from the far right, so how about something from the far left and let us see if we are in agreement about a common enemy of mankind as in the IJ network. Here is an excellent interview with two Professors Ray McGovern and Mearsheimer with Judge Napolitano. The argument which is so nuanced yet so very powerful is that Occupation corrupts, and American aid is corrupting Israeli society.

…Direct consequence of the occupation, anyone who said occupation corrupts was absolutely right and we are occupying the West Bank in the Gaza Street for the last 25 years and this is corrupting us maybe even more than the American aid.

Major General Matti Peled, IDF

By the wholesale servile supporting of Zionist Israel by America, it is corrupting both nations at the same time. Rather than helping, the endless Financial Aid and this largesse has produced a terrifying monstrous out of control demonic entity called murderous little Zionist Israel, who is guilty of a clear Genocidal campaign in Gaza. Once an ardent Zionist Israeli supporter even Professor Mearsheimer now has to admit the truth and explain why he no longer supports the monstrous Zionist Beast.

The media is so IJ network controlled that the South Africa side of the ICJ Hague trial was not even broadcast to the viewers on main stream media in America. Only the pro Zionist Israel side of their shuffled papers were broadcast. Such a grotesque abuse of power and influence and the average American sleep walks through it all.

That is why most of America will only wake up when it is too late. If Americans can’t stop its own Southern Border invasion and cannot even or rather will not stop that engineered invasion then you have to admit that Republic has already fallen, and we are back to local rule at the county and state level. Remember 19 states secede as per the film Civil War in the 2024-25 version. See the map below on some of their plans.

Welcome to Demoncracy where sacrificing children to false gods will have some serious consequences in this life and the next. Stop being misled by the Satanists.

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Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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