
Days 35-37: Trump comes out as an Anti Christ, a Dajjal, an Idol Worshipper, and a Rapist

Why is the Epstein List release being delayed and scrubbed? Why is Trump going to raze Gaza and turn it into a Trump Mar-a-Gaza resort? Why is Trump an Anti Christ and a Rapist? Keep calm and read on

Time to Choose Wisely

If this post was our last we would rest easy knowing we went out with Honor or Honour whether you are American or English, let us cover all the bases today. If you also have any Honor or Honour left after reading these words you will also choose wisely and act in Honor or Honour and not Dishonor or Dishonour and side with a Man of Dishonor or Dishonour. An evidence based discussion, as went back to watching TruNews for this day to see if Trump’s Idol Worship was covered or not. We are glad to report that it was covered and hence our coverage. Just to be clear TruNews is not calling Trump a Rapist, we at CTN are; read below.

Let us deal with Rapist allegations first and work our way backwards to the Trumpian Idolatry and the implications of those wicked disastrous actions.

Trump as a Rapist

Everything said here can be a legal case, that is why we are making claims that are backed by evidence. We are asserting based on court records that Trump is a rapist that was a part of a Mossad Epstein network. It is based on this court case.

Courtlistener case: gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0.pdf

Please read for yourselves and come to your own conclusions, but what we are saying here is that a claim of rape was made against Trump and Epstein raping as a gang together and separately, but that claim was never refuted or dismissed as a valid claim. Meaning that the claims made by Plaintiff Jane Doe stands, because this case was quietly settled out of court. Who settles if you are not at all guilty? A claim is a legal assertion, which if not successfully refuted, stands as legally valid.

We ran the document through the Ai and here is what it says of the court case in brief;

  • Plaintiff Jane Doe is suing Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein for various forms of sexual assault and coercion.

  • The plaintiff alleges that the defendants committed acts of rape, sexual harassment, criminal sexual acts, and forcible touching.

  • The plaintiff was subjected to acts of violence at several parties in 1994 when she was 13 years old.

  • The plaintiff was lured with promises of money and a modeling career to participate in parties with other underage women.

  • The defendants threatened the plaintiff and her family with physical harm if she ever revealed the details of the assault.

  • The plaintiff has suffered stress, emotional distress, mental anguish, and pain as a result of the assault.

  • The plaintiff demands a jury trial and compensation for damages.

Plaintiff Jane Doe made a claim that Trump and Epstein took part in her rape and she won her case by settling out of court. All based on law in Claims. So when we say “Trump as a Rapist” we stand behind those words and it was evidence based on court records. But since the MAGA cultists dare not go there, we are forced to go there for them to bring back the ugly truth about this End Times Idol now called a President Donald Trump. We clearly have a massive pedo rapist issue here.

Trump’s response was an accusation of Defamation, so why did his case not go anywhere? Answer, because as per the claims of the Plaintiff Jane Doe her claims stand as legally valid as the case was hushed up and settled out of court. So it is the now President Donald Trump who is guilty of both rape of a minor and also of defamation and therefore technically ineligible to a real legitimate President of anything expect the Christian Zionist Third Temple for more Idol Worshipping of False Gods. No wonder the Epstein List is being delayed, because he may be on it.

When the Epstein List release implicates the President Donald Trump himself as a Rapist and a Pedophile working for years with the Mossad Epstein Network and the Chaos Agents working for Greater Zionist Israel Project, then you can understand why the all of the real JFK, RFK, Epstein and Disclosure files are all on sitting at the bottom of a shredder at FBI Crime Syndicate HQ or was that in the Ukraine with the real servers. Note that Epstein liked to record everything.

Why else would you hand off all of these files to a former Jewess Stripper Luna?

It also means that if the current President is a Rapist and a Pedophile he cannot have “clean hands” to invoke Equity and why all of his recent Executive Orders are hereby rendered null and void and he has exposed the entire government apparatus to commercial liability and remedy by the Maxims of Equity and thus equitable relief. Hence why he went full retard Trumpoleon mode channeling the self-appointed and self-anointed French Emperor Napoleon, and declared himself above all the laws and now he has added to that insanity with full Idol Worship.

The number 1 reason the Trump administration can't release the Epstein files:



Notice that the DOGE Ai system is crawling over all of the government databases except for the Epstein List and nobody seems to no where those files are located. Because they are being held in stand alone servers in Tel Aviv and the Ukraine. And those files cannot be deleted because how else can you blackmail someone if you delete the blackmail footage. A secured copy must be kept of those special blackmail tapes otherwise the whole blackmail is kind of pointless, is it not?

If Epstein recorded everything and Pam Bondi now comes across such a crime scene with video footage and Trump is on one of those sordid tapes, what to do then? Answer, engage in some heavy deletion with BleachIt and the get that FBI shredder over here pronto before Trump finds out what is happening. We are only speculating at this point with that scenario, but it would make total sense as to why the Epstein List release is being delayed. The FBI and CIA Crime Syndicates need more time to delete all the relevant files and release redacted meaningless nonsense to us as another exercise in betrayal at which Team Trump are masters.

Ironic that it is Redacted that is reporting a FBI Whistleblower has even come out to say those Epstein files are being deleted, but nothing is being done to stop it. Meaning there is an active coverup in progress likely with one Kash Patel perhaps an active accomplice in service to his Zionist Israeli handlers and paymasters.

Kash Patel was selected to the useful idiot who will come out next week with a lame statement to say oops sorry all of the relevant files have been deleted. Here are some meaningless other names who are not at all Jewish nor connected to the Mossad run Epstein Network and now go back to sleep. The End.

If you are not convinced by our words and still in denial about the a rapist as President then see the extensive reporting done by Whitney Webb on this Epstein Network and thus by implication now also President Trump’s covert involvement.


Trump comes out as an Anti Christ, a Dajjal, and an Idol Worshipper Blasphemer

Does the news about Trump get worse? Answer, unfortunately yes, much worse. What follows here is what we pointed out 2 weeks ago in this post below, which unfortunately TruNews chose to ignore and not cover. But we will let that slide for their coverage today. One of the few alt media outlets to call out blasphemy. Here is TruthSeeker with his version of the crime scene from Emperor Trump.

A glorious day and disastrous day for mankind at the same time with the same event. We were in shock after seeing the full video, because we thought he had some posted just one image, but not made a full Ai video. Watch and behold the horror clown show called the Trump Administration 2.0; the Anti Christ’s term.

What Trump is promoting amongst his cult members is pure End Times Idolatry. Notice for lukewarm Christians here what is the punishment is for blasphemy which is an act so displeasing to God the One and Only Creator that he chooses to never forgive it. All other crimes and sins can be forgiven expect this very special one. If you are willing to sacrifice your hereafter for Trump you are a fool.

It is the same view in Islam (called Shirk) and Judaism. The Anti Christ’s name in Islam is the Dajjal and for them there are about 30 that come. So one main one, but some 30 others and therefore the Donald Dajjal Trump is alive and here.

The signs were crystal clear, but the cultists persisted in their errors and constant apologies for the actions of the cult leader even as he was leading them to the abyss. He showed you he as a Judas Goat and the cultists dismissed it as a trolling.


And in fact for the new Jewish Chabad convert Trump, he is violating his own ideology to not engage in Idol Worship. We have a literal repeat of the golden calf scene from the film called The Ten Commandments showing the role of Moses.

The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles that play a significant role in Judaism and Christianity. They are found in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy in the Hebrew Bible. Here is a list of the Ten Commandments:

  1. You shall have no other gods before me.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

  5. Honor your father and your mother.

  6. You shall not murder.

  7. You shall not commit adultery.

  8. You shall not steal.

  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

  10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

These commandments serve as fundamental ethical and moral guidelines in Jewish and Christian traditions.

Trump the Rapist and Pedophile President is also a Man who promotes and condones Idol Worship and displays Idols to be worshipped in his own home. He is literally violating the first 3 of the 10 Commandments and as his cult followers dance and prance and apologize for his every action of wickedness and deception.

Why does God the One and Only Creator create such Dajjals or Anti Christs for us in the End Times? Answer, so that we will seek refuge and safety in him and not Trump. These Trump like figures such as Satanyahu are there to drive you to him and if you pass that test, you get eternal rewards in the Gardens, but choose like a MAGA cultist and the eternal fires await you for your lack of discernment.

Let us do a simple exercise in deductive logic in the End Times now that we have covered all 3 of the Abrahamic Faiths in one post. All agree that Idol Worship is a form of blasphemy and held in the highest contempt and is punishable with death.

If all 3 religions agree on the crime then who and what is Trump? Answer, he is signaling and broadcasting to the world that is he a member of the Imposter Jews who are occupying the Holy Land. He is a member of the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews, but are not Jews and are Imposters Jews gaming and deceiving the entire world with their deceit and deception. And Trump is their dear beloved misleader and will mislead most of his flock to worship him in the Third Temple in Zionist Israel as soon as he has razed Gaza of all the Palestinians made it into the 51st State for the new Kingdom of Israel entity he is rebuilding.

It is only a matter of time as we said weeks ago before Trump rebuilds the Third Temple and declares himself inside the Holy of Holies, as a King Cyrus type of False God to be worshipped as part of his new Trumpian Christian Zionist Faith.

He was already chosen by the Sanhedrin for this important job of deception which again unfortunately TruNews neglected to cover. Doc, were we right?

When the evidence is this crystal clear and you willingly choose to side with the Trump and ignore the Bible, both the Old and the New Testament, the Torah and the Quran all on the same day and at the same time, then your chances of feeling that eternal fire have gone up exponentially. Therefore, it is time for readers and viewers like bluespruce2 to choose wisely now as your decision will have a lasting affect on your soul and your body forever more in this life as well as the next one.

Thank you to our haters such as bluespruce2 offering some good advice, which we decided to take and use our “grey matter” and now my friend it is your turn to choose wisely and use your “grey matter” with the question of Idol Worship and Trump in the End Times. How do you [insert name such as bluespruce2] choose?

The choices are very clear now and cannot getting more crystal clear;

  • Either you are going to apologize for Trump and persist in your errors.

  • Or you will choose wisely and have no further association with Trump’s action or this person from this day forward.

  • A little of bit Trump support by simple deductive logic cannot outweigh the blasphemy against God.

  • Because he is creating jobs does not outweigh Idol Worship and if you think it does then you are choosing Trump over the Bible and the religion itself. Employment and Inflation figures are not what God created us for, nor is that how we are judged.

  • Anything less than total and complete rejection of the Trump horror clown show in our opinion is being “lukewarm” and therefore not choosing wisely.

Unfortunately, the cult influence is so strong that most will not choose wisely, because that was in itself a crystal clear sign of the End Times arrival; when and where most peoples would choose their favorite Idol over the religion itself.

It is no wonder shows like American Idol and the Apprentice were named as such and promoted and primed us for such blasphemy and blasphemous characters. Where did the young Donald Trump get this advice and backbone from? As we covered in this previous post (to which TruNews is now catching up to imagine that) his mentor was a Sodomite Jewish Mafia Lawyer called Roy Cohn. Here are his 3 Rules which Trump now as the Anti Christ, Dajjal, Idol Worshipper, and as a Rapist now embodies and flaunts before his totally deluded cult members.

The Mark of the Beast on Trump?

Supporting and hanging out with an Anti Christ, a Dajjal, an Idol Worshipper, and a Rapist was not choosing wisely, but since we live in a free will universe of God’s creation, his benevolence and his magnanimity allows for such choices and he still has mercy and love for us. But there are limits to that. And the top of the list of bad free will choices is even touching or going near Shirk as the Muslims would say for those readers and Idol Worship or Idolatry for the real remnant Christians, not the fake Christian Zionist Evangelical MAGA Cult followers.

Any association with Trump from now on is a disastrous choice. And TruNews if you had called Trump out when he was lying at the RNC about his hands being covered in blood and the entire fakery with his Butler, PA PsyOp then perhaps we would not be here at this point talking of Idol Worship and the End Times. In comparison, Kamala would have been easier to handle and manage as President.

So now we close with these wicked right hand which is now displaying signs of bruising, but where did this sudden bruise come from? Was it Macron and his oh so manly French hand shaking? Answer, no it was not Macron, it was likely and we are speculating at this point that it is related to a Mark of the Beast chipping.


What if he has already taken the dreaded Mark of the Beast chip as per Nazi Elon Musk’s instructions and assurances. And then that End Times mark has symbolically at least now appeared on the right hand of an Anti Christ President. This bruising could be a reaction to the Mark of the Beast chip that was already been inserted in an Anti Christ Donald Dajjal Trump. Very troubling signs indeed.

That bruise especially on someone like Trump who is a Synagogue of Satan fake Jew now has extreme symbolic End Times value as it is identifying the Satanists.


That mark on his hand will of course automatically be dismissed by his apologists as something totally unrelated and meaningless, because whatever is evidence is automatically dismissed by the cultists as part of the strong delusion they were under in these End Times where and when Magicians and Satanists roamed the land “making deals” aka the same raping and pillaging they did in the lands of old.

If you have been conned have the Honor or the Honour and character to admit it and put it on the record as TruNews has done today, but then went right back to the News. That just back to the News segment has to now change forever more as we can never return to normal now that we know who and what this Trump really is. This lifelong Demoncrat from New York has totally fooled all the Republicans.

There is no good in the Gaza deal as Anti Christ Donald Dajjal Trump claims, but these were tests for the faithful as a test of their faith. Endure till the end and beware that an Anti Christ roams these lands now called Donald Dajjal Trump.

Remember that when an Anti Christ is identified who engages in clear Idolatry he then brings ruin not only upon himself, but upon the nation he rules over as in America your faith and fate are sealed if you continue in your errors with Trump. Destruction will come to both him as well as America in the days to come as per the Biblical teachings, we are just trying to put the pieces together for us to see.

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