A followup to a previous post about world events that are accelerating towards an “Event” that will change our collective community futures. Two more Dots now just appeared that seem to be directly interconnected with the previous findings about an impending event that is raising alarm everywhere.
Lot of other Dots after these two dots, but it will be worth it when you are able to connect all of these dots without us pointing them out.
They know what is coming or what they have pre-planned and now we are at the launch state with a potential plausible date and timeframe in hand. This audio podcast is with Andy Schectman and Mike Adams on the Coming Global Collapse, which talks of events, but the date is not mentioned here. The date at this point may or may not help, because the supply chain is breaking and the acceleration towards the crash is accelerating so a date may or may not be the most helpful thing to know or aim for.
Having a potential date gives you Hope, but when dates are a fail then the Hope is No More again squashed like a bug and we are back to being Hopeless. So that is the dual nature of the double edged sword of dates, so just keep that in mind.
And also keep in mind We are All Universal Beings, manifest across timestreams, dimensions, and timelines, so what happens here or does not happen here just means we are experiencing a different version of history.
On this issue the Nazis know of what they make into films and pretend it is science “fiction” like Man in the High Castle. The Nazis have been very Naughty with Time Travel, but that too is coming to an end in this Timeline.
That potential date could be October 1st, 2022 when the Great Reset starts. That is our own conclusion of a potential date based on current available data, but for sure the months of September and October will be ones to remember for the Ages. Follow the Dots and then Connect the Dots and you will eventually reach the conclusion we are nearing that infamous “Thelma and Louise” ending in the End of Ages in the End Times on this Timeline.
The Vatican is moving All of its Assets starting September 1st to 30th, 2022 and the day after is October 1st, 2022 Starbucks is going Cashless? What are they telling us in code that is hidden in plain sight for the those with eyes to see and ears to hear?

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank.
The financial transactions described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 219 are the administration and management of the Holy See's real estate and movable assets and entities entrusting their assets to the Holy See.
Though commonly called a “bank,” the IOR is technically a financial institute, with no branches, working within Vatican City State to provide services to clients, which include the Holy See and connected entities, religious orders, clergy, Catholic institutions, and Holy See employees.
So the Serpents Worshipers at the Vatican are moving all of their real estate and and other Assets into another entity which is not technically even a Bank and that should not raise eyebrows? Why do they do such a thing at this time? Unless something was motivating and/or someone was directing these affairs because they have insider info.
And the man who brought us the Serpents at the Vatican is again warning that the Time is Up and the System is about to come down like a hammer when the “Avenging Angels” are about to return to deal with and sort out the Wheat and the Tares. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares is a metaphor for Gene Editing Vaccine Stabbies.

Another Sister with the Holy Spirit all over her is Sister Barbara is also confirming in her Dreams and Visions that Lady Liberty is about to Come Down and the “Starmen” are Coming Back. Wonder why “Starmen” aka Avenging Angels would be returning? Strange coincidence again in the Nazi Alt Timeline, Lady Liberty also came down.
And what did we see in this month in Westworld Season 4? Where the Statue and the 11 pointed Star in the Qliphoth base of Lady Liberty should be, instead a Sound Frequency Resonance based Hive Mind Ai Tower control structure exists which eventually comes down just like the Dreams and Visions.
Add to that August 29, 2022 podcast from Mike Adams about the Deep Jesuit Kabbalah State wants “blood in the streets” level of chaos by October 31, 2022. That gives us a 2 month window of action that is heading in our direction in a few days.
And what Andy Schectman is saying now makes even more sense. When the Big Boys with the Big Money start makes such Big Moves, it is time to pay attention because something Big is cooking in the Background.
And when you look at what the big money does, as you and I were talking before off air, they're always closest to the information. They know what's coming. It's like in 1933, when gold was confiscated, many of the very wealthy were queued into this and included into this. And they sent their gold by steamship to the safe deposit boxes in Europe. They were, they were told, hey, something's coming. Well, it looks this way as though something is coming.
They are know something Big is Coming and We are Not Invited to that Party.
174,612,000 ounces of kilo bars taken off the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in one day. And these are the kilo bars, not the big 100 or 400 ounce gold bars, the good delivery bars that we typically see sovereigns take.
These will be the bars that I believe are being taken off by the sovereign wealth funds and the family offices, let's call them the most well funded and well informed influential private traders on the planet put to put this into perspective, the 50 day average rate of gold withdrawal, because of this drawdown hit a new high of 131,293 ounces.
So to give you an idea of what that means, and that's about $235 million worth of gold, but 131,293 ounces of gold, on average, has been withdrawn from the COMEX. Every day for the past 50 days, totaling 174,612,000 ounces.
And so you're talking you're talking the biggest money in the world private money is draining the COMEX market and in terms of silver said been months in a row, we've seen silver being literally ripped out of COMEX. And, you know, you're talking about 182 million ounces over the past 12 months have disappeared off the COMEX.
When the Elites are panicking and hoarding Gold and Silver, which they know is the only real thing of value, then you know that Time of Transition is now Imminent. And did you notice they are not hoarding mountains of US Dollars? Wonder why.
Are we going over the cliff “Thelma and Louise” style this September and October of 2022? Time is Experienced Differently by each Observer, but on this Timeline of August 30th, 2022 the Time is Up and the Time is now Very Short, therefore Brace for Impact and Endure till the End.
Did you notice this channel knew back in 2012 that the Wheat and Tares was related to The Hive Mind and the date of the video was September 9 as in 2 days and 11 years from September 11 or 9/11 in NYC.
And Rosh Hashanah this Year is in a few weeks on September 26, 2022. This Holiday marks Jewish New Year as in the resetting of dates.
Just more strange date synchronicity and coincidences?
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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