Did you notice the change? Something big changed last week and most of us did not even notice. We are back to the pattern of 3 times or more that we keeping repeating. The pattern is of here in this August 25, 2022 edition of TruNews. They missed the Ren Zhengfei leaked memo and 2012 connections, which we have added here.
Something changed this week in the political atmosphere in the world one by one. Influential European Union officials have issued ominous warnings that people must be prepared for draconian cuts in their standard of living.
The moment we are living may seem to be structured by a series of crises each more serious than the other Macron said, referring to the drought fires and storms that have hit France during the summer as well as the Ukraine war and disruptions to global trade. Freedom has a cost now listen to this very carefully for growing said, urging his ministers to be ambitious, and the French to accept new policies adapted to current circumstances. He went on to say the battles we have to fight will only be won through our efforts. Freedom has a cost.
What happened this past week was world leaders and industry leaders all suddenly realized something major was on its way and they all mysteriously at the same time began sounding the alarm. And it happened at least 3 times hence the pattern in play.
They are began talking about the next 2-3 years in the short term and then 5-10 years in the long term of when the event or set of events are about to happen.
The question then becomes from these 3 sets of data if what is coming? What is coming that is scaring these leaders or rather MisLeaders? Are they lying again for ulterior motives?
Macron starts with a sudden warning that the good times are over and prepare for austerity and don’t even bother complaining about the enforcement measures.

Then Spain’s Defense Minister begins to warn all Europeans not just Spaniards that “a winter of great suffering” is coming and it will last for a few years.
Spain’s Defense Minister Margarita Robles warned that Europeans are about to experience a “winter of great suffering” as a result of the gas shortage, which was precipitated by the European Union’s sanctions on Russian gas.

And then in China, its largest and most profitable corporation the giant Huawei Chief Ren Zhengfei issues an internal Memo that gets leaked. He warns that a global recession is on its way and it will hit short starting 2023 and last for about 10 years. It is the equivalent of Apple leaking Memo that states we may not be profitable anymore and to prepare for difficult decisions ahead and we need to focus on simple survival.
In a leaked internal memo, Ren Zhengfei told Huawei staff “the chill will be felt by everyone” and the company must focus on profit over cashflow and expansion if it is to survive the next three years, indicating further job cuts and divestments.
“The next decade will be a very painful historical period, as the global economy continues to decline,” Ren said, pointing to the pandemic as well as the impact of the Ukraine war and a “continued blockade” by the US on some Chinese business.
“Huawei must reduce any overly optimistic expectations for the future and until 2023 or even 2025, we must make survival the most important guideline, and not only survive but survive with quality.”
Huawei, routinely listed as China’s largest firm, is working to manage big falls in revenue and profit. Revenue declined 14% in the first three months of 2022 and its net profit margin narrowed to 4.3%, from 11.1% a year earlier, in the three months through March.
Gravitas covers it well here on the leaked Memo.
It reminds us of scene from 2012 when they all literally got the Briefing Memo telling them it was time to go and here we are talking about leaders from different parts of the world suddenly all getting the Memo and hence the Leaked Memo from the Huawei Chief Ren Zhengfei. At this point in time in the words of the very last Black President or for that matter the Last President period of America from the film 2012.
My fellow Americans, this will be the last time I address you. As you know, catastrophe has struck our nation, has struck the world. I wish we can prevent it the coming destruction we can. Today none of us are strangers. Today, we are one family stepping into the darkness together. We are a nation of many religions. But I believe these words reflect the spirit of our faith. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall…
President Thomas Wilson, 2012
The question now is what is freaking them all out? Answer, we seem to keep returning to these themes and returning to this short list of apocalypse scenarios.
This is not just about the war with Ukraine, and Russia cutting off the energy supply. This actually this Agenda was kicked off in early 2020 with the Pandemic. This is part of a World Economic Forum Globalist Agenda to reduce the standard of living in Western nations.
The ultimate goal is to reduce human population. This is a Grand Agenda, and they are now taking things away from the people, and they're telling them to save the planet, you're going to have to live with less, yes, you're going to have to get by with less, it's only going to get worse. You're going to have to accept our new policies.
Freedom has a cost, you're going to lose your freedom. That's, that's the price. That's the cost. But if you want to stay warm, if you want to eat, you're going to have to give up your freedom. And you're going to have to accept the new policies that we're giving you.
This is across the board and all the Western nations look at what Biden has done to the American economy. He has decimated the economy since he's been in the White House. Everywhere you look, every place that these globalists have taken power, they have reduced the standard of living they it is they are deliberately throttling down the economic engine of their nations.
Candidate #1. Nibiru the Dark Nemesis returns on its orbital path and wreaks havoc. They know the date is short term and hence they are all panicking because the ensuing ice age and recovery will take 5-10 years? They will call it Climate Change as the cover story.
Candidate #2. The Great Reset, a date has been chosen and decided upon and it may begin in these remaining 4 months of 2022?
Candidate #3. World War 3, a date has been chosen and decided upon and it may begin in these remaining 4 months of 2022?
All of the above or none of the above, but they would not issuing such statements unless major systemic changes are coming and already pre-planned. We can only Pray and Brace for Impact. Don’t you Want to be Free and have Freedom? Then why are you letting them define your idea of Free and Freedom?
Politicians always promise a better tomorrow, right? These guys are promising a worse tomorrow. And you know what? I think it's going be worse than they're saying.
Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.
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Until we meet again.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
- Corona Times News
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