Corona Times News
Why is Elon Musk really Resigning from Twitter?

Why is Elon Musk really Resigning from Twitter?

Is there more to this story than can bee seen on the surface with the optics and polling

America’s Experiment with Free Speech at the hands of a South African Liberator lasted a mere two months. And why Elon Musk is really resigning is related to the FBI Crime Syndicate we pointed out months ago.

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Elon Musk was just given the talk that led to this bizarre poll to ask if he should resign from the company he just paid $45 billion for. It is a not if he should resign situation, but what would happen if he did not type of situation. This episode of TruNews explains is what was the real reason behind his sudden move; the FBI.

Poor Elon Musk was just told by the FBI to either shut up or he would be shut up. And that message was very subtly communicated by sending a stalker for his son. Hence all his references to him not being suicidal and perhaps being assassinated.

Allowing a Poll on Twitter infested by fake Ai bots under the control of the FBI Crime Syndicate looks pretty dumb and quite obvious.

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When you are releasing files that implicate the FBI Crime Syndicate operations and they are related to Trump and Election Interference then you really are crossing red lines in the New Amerika.

Trump had to be stopped and he just was and now Musk had to be stopped and he just was. Both men were attempting the very dangerous I support free speech move. Such notions cannot be tolerated under the Green Communists now running Amerika.

This much Truth and Freedom in the New Amerika run by the FBI cannot and will not be tolerated. And that is new reality we live in now and the short lived experiment with freedom and free speech is over and the censorship Nazis from the Left have won. Free Speech is only for Leftists and not for the Right and shut your mouth if you disagree or you will be cancelled on social media and then cancelled in other ways.

Elon Musk’s next move is to change his gender and identity and go into hiding. In Leftist California, nobody will recognize this new and improved Elon Musk and all can return to normal.

No Election will ever be Fair and Free again, and Twitter will get a new Leftist Censorship Czar CEO that will run it like the previous owners. And this time will be FBI compliant permanently in all the wrong ways.

The Leftists Woke Communists have won and Conservative voices will be silenced once again. Goodbye Alex Jones, goodbye Trump, and goodbye Dr. Malone. We will have to search them out on other platforms that are still safe from the FBI’s clutches.

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Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News


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