It is almost impossible to reach the “mentally unreachable” mind of the Cult of MAGA members, but we shall endure till the end.
The latest example from the Dear MAGA MisLeader taking them to ruin is the RFK PsyOp by the Numbers and Letters of the Gematria Big Pharma Kabbalah Kosher Nostra Krowd. Politics is Staged Theater for the extremely foolish, oh so gullible and easily manipulated masses that serve just one function - go vote and then be quiet because at that stage the show is over and you are no longer needed.
Ask a Cult of MAGA member one simple question and then show them this video. Ask them “is RFK pro-Vaccine or anti-Vaccine?”. Most will likely respond that he is of course anti-Vaccine and hence all the hysteria about his selection.
That answer would be wrong, because the RFK is pro-Vaccine and has had all 6 of his children Vaccinated. He is a firm Vaccine believer. His stance is for Safe and Effective Vaccines, much like his partner in this future crime scene, the Father of the Covid-19 Bio-Weapon Vaccine, Forked Tongue Serpent King aka Donald John Trump. The Cult of MAGA members were once again fooled and even the likes of Mike Adams, are once again fooled into believing his empty Campaign promises.
RFK for the HHS, RFK for the Border, RFK for the VP, RFK for the CIA. How many roles in this one RFK going to fulfill? And what is Trump going to do this time around? Answer, probably the same thing he did last time. Hand over the Administration to Judas Kushner and then go golfing, as the Republic turns into a dumpster fire that he started and will enable till the very end as his real mandate.
Here’s RFK Jr’s VP Nicole Shanahan in an interview out today saying they can’t endorse Trump until he admits Operation Warp Speed was a failure. It isn’t just Warp Speed. It’s a real question: is Trump able to admit failure?
If RFK will betray and mislead his own VP then you know there is a con job and a con man in play. And did RFK obtain any assurances or any apology from Trump? Answer, of course not that is how Trump Serpent King operates. All Fake promises and Lies for a Cult that refuses to hold him accountable on anything.
And what does RFK have to say to his supporters who wanted an Independent Third Party Candidate that was not part of the UniParty of Swamp Critters? He has just thrown them all under the Bus so that he can get a Cabinet position in a future Trump Presidency. If that is what you call loyalty and honor, then you are foolish.
Hope the recent events of Trump & Kennedy MERGING explains why Booby NEVER wanted to debate me.
John F. Kennedy passed the 1962 Vax Act
Teddy Kennedy saved #BigPharma w the 1986 Act
Booby F’n Kennedy merges with Father of COVID to ensure #BigPharma WINS BIG
One big SHIT show!
Because he was offering the same deal to the Demoncrats, who refused his offer. He was willing to sell his Voters and his Soul to the highest bidder in either Party of the UniParty and suddenly this person is transformed now into the MAGA Savior? Someone who changes loyalty and stripes this easily and this quickly is not someone that can be trusted and it is very questionable as to who he really works for. He appears to be just another Jesuit run plant for the Big Pharma boys.
If the staged ritual of his surrender to the Trump side was staged to a particular date and time so that the right 777 Numbers and Letters based ritual could take place then he is most likely another compromised Jesuit Deep State Deep Church compromised operative working with the usual suspects, while pretending to be your Vaccine Savior. If you actually believe this Political Theater, you are in a Cult.
Such evidence will not sit well with most Cult of MAGA members and hence their continued delusional behavior in their continued support and worship of the Forked Tongue Serpent King as an end times anti-Christ figure of infamy.
Do they have a plan for when Trump is not able to keep this Campaign promises? Back to the central theme of this Presidential Campaign 2024 for CTN, which was “How are You going to Trump (or any politician) accountable?”. That one very simple question will bring out the worst lies and confusion and anger from the Cultists.
What is your plan for holding Trump accountable? If you have it, please do share. If you just have a blank confused look on your face and react with emotional retorts and guttural sounds, then that is a sign you have lost the plot and the debate.
For further fun brain freeze material, ask a Cult of MAGA member “Will Trump be investigated for this role in the deadly Operation Warpspeed?”. Are you seriously that dumb to believe RFK will investigate Trump and his role in calling the Covid-19 Vaccines Safe and Effective. He was clearly lying. Where is the criminal liability? Are you seriously saying that Trump will be held liable for his obvious lies and his clearly criminal complicity?
If the Cult of MAGA is able to somehow perform mental gymnastics to deny and deflect from this one video, then please know you are a Cult Member and living in that dreaded disastrous End Times “Strong Delusion” phase of the 2024 Campaign.
Once your DNA was Warped Seeded by a joint Trump Pentagram Operation, will you run back to the same Trump for some more mRNA based treatments for the Cancers that have developed from those Safe and Effective Covid-19 Trumpcines? Because your Trump has moved on to the potential for treating Cancer with the same technology that is causing Turbo Cancers and Heart related diseases/deaths.
The Japanese October Surprise with the Replicon Variant
The rise in Dementia and the Covid Vaccines Correlation
Being “mentally unreachable” in the End Times was in itself an absolute failure on your part to guard the Temple. Your Body was the real Temple which your Trump corrupted and yet you fawn all over him as your Vaccine Savior. Truly delusional.
Only in the mind of a confused MAGA mind would you be able to reconcile all of these tweets and contradicting positions from RFK. Notice JD Vance his VP pick and now RFK were both anti-Trump, until they became pro-Trump, what changed and who got to them and why? All relevant questions, but when you are so mentally deluded to never question Trump you will never find any answers to such questions. Which position from RFK below should we believe, now or then?
One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb.
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