Corona Times News
The Dimming, Documentary Exposing Global Weather Warfare
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The Dimming, Documentary Exposing Global Weather Warfare

Any Climate Change we are experiencing is most likely Man made as in it was the Deep State Globalist Psychopaths again.

Any Climate Change we are experiencing is most likely Man made as in it was the Deep State Globalist Psychopaths again. The Weather was Weaponized and it was another layer of the many other layers of War being waged on Mankind. Natural Weather no longer exists and has not for quite awhile, but if you are just tuning into that frequency and knowing, then welcome to the journey of Weather Wars. A War You did not even know You were fighting or You were the Enemy of Psychopaths.

Perhaps the greatest lie ever perpetrated on populations all over the world is the condensation trail lie. What we're seeing in our skies is not condensation, it's sprayed particular dispersions with very few exceptions.

They shouldn't be there, jet engines burn clean. So if there's anything coming out of them, it's an additive.

Official sources continue to claim that the jet aircraft trails which linger spread and fill our skies with sun blocking haze are just condensation. But that narrative is a lie.

Atmospheric particulate testing has now conclusively proven that the jet aircraft dispersed trails and haze in our once Deep Blue Skies is not condensation, as we have been told.

They are absolutely not contrails, contrails do not linger, dissipate and go into cloud coverage, period end of report.

We have Government documents, Senate documents, Patents, Military documents, we have film footage of them, turning dispersions on and off with nozzles visible we have labs results from all over the globe, verifying that the exact elements named in climate engineering patents are showing up.

We have collected samples directly from the ignitions from aircrafts. We have identified particles in there and have shown nanoparticles of these metal oxides that are damaging to biological tissue and affect human health.

Elements like aluminum, barium, strontium, polymer fibers, all of which are highly toxic, all of which are being absorbed by the entire web of life, including us.

Excerpts from The Dimming

This podcast is with one of the leading experts on this topic of Geoengineering, Weather Wars, Climate Change, Carbon Emissions, and of course the old culprit, ChemTrails, is Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch. And this audio is of his film The Dimming in which all of these topics are discussed. Archive this audio because in a grid down situation these type of recordings will be invaluable historical records. is pleased to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global climate engineering operations.

Global climate engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return.

The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet's life support systems.

The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering operations is also inflicting unquantifiable damage to human health. Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs?

What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed to continue? The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Dane Wigington

The population is being mass poisoned by the air and the Sun is being blocked to further kill life as to terraform the planet for another host species that thrives in those Weather conditions. Scorpions and other insects thrive in such Weather at last check.

Weather Wars are real and we are seeing it in real time most recently with the case of the flooding in Pakistan where about one third of the nation is flooded affected and more than 33 million people have been displaced. One region received 466% more rain than normal, how is that possible if the culprit is not Geoengineered Weather Wars?

<p>Flood-affected children sit on a traditional cot alongside flood waters after heavy monsoon rains in the Jaffarabad district of Balochistan province on 31 August </p>

Pakistan has received nearly 190 per cent more rain than the 30-year average in the quarter from June to August this year, totalling 390.7mm (15.38 inches). July was the wettest month for the region on record since 1961.

Sindh, with a population of 50 million, has been hit the hardest, getting 466 per cent more rain than the 30-year average. Major rivers such as the Indus are overflowing and low-lying areas around it have turned into swamps.

<p>Infographic showing the worst-affected regions in Pakistan by number of houses destroyed</p>

And the situation is about to get worse there as 7200 Glaciers are suddenly melting? How are all of these events suddenly happening all at once in one location only, if the culprit is not Geoengineered Weather Wars? Climate Change is the convenient cover for there is a Great Game being played in the background.

Pakistan is home to more than 7,200 glaciers, more than anywhere outside the poles. They are a source for rivers that account for about 75 per cent of the stored water supply in the country.

A 2021 study found that the Himalayas – one of the main mountain ranges in the country – is losing ice at a rate that is at least 10 times higher than the average over past centuries.

What is happening here in the case of Pakistan is that this nation is being targeted for destruction just like Western Europe is being slated for Economic ruin this Winter.

Pakistan’s Military is a danger to the entire region if it were to ever get into a War with its neighbors as far as the Middle East. And therefore, since its neighbor India is in bed with America and the UK and the Pakistanis always have a on again off again lukewarm at times hostile messy relationship that always seems to be on the verge of breaking up, then since Ukraine is not going according to plan we need another War.

Hence India with its Allies America and the UK have launched a preemptive Strike using Weather as the Weapon of War. India is about to also stage a False Flag in the Kashmir region very shortly perhaps this year 2022 as a pretext to launch a wider War on Pakistan’s Northern Front area including the areas of Pakistan and Indian sides of Kashmir.

And why is India so emboldened to try such aggressive moves and know there will be no consequences for them? Because the Ukraine Resistance has failed, but India is about to become the new Ukraine because they needed a New Hero Narrative and it will be India because little Zionist Israel is helping it openly this time around. And since little Zionist Israel rules the AirWaves, then their chosen Puppet India will be portrayed as the New Hero.

The poor little Indian Solider, he too will be in need of your Billions to fight the Extremists in Pakistan. Watch out for that Narrative. And based on the track record of the NATO Alliance has in recent years, they will end up messing up this War with Pakistan also. Just like they lost Ukraine they will also end up losing India eventually. The Serpent Side always loses in the End.

They failed to support Ukraine to a point where it had any chance of winning and they failed again when they failed to show up themselves on the battlefield to fight Russia man to man, but instead used proxies to do their dirty work for them. We are speaking of course about America, which is owned and hence controlled by the ZioNeoCon Bandera NeoNazis State Department Deep State Globalist Psychopaths.

This context shows you why Pakistan is being targeted. It was Pakistan getting it this time, but it can any nation the next time around. Because this deadly global Weather Weapon of War will be turned on and off whenever and wherever they want, that is the ominous warning and take away from this flooding situation in Pakistan.

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The Weapon works and it will be used on You if you do not behave or if You are not on their side of the War. They are being used on North America already. Watch and see what they do with Western Europe this winter as the Russian Gas is cut off and watch the region of Pakistan as another War is about to erupt there very shortly. The question now is how much more pain will they inflict and how much more Democide will the peasants endure?

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If populations around the globe find out what has been done to them by their governments without their knowledge or their consent, there will be a shockwave around the globe that cannot be contained by the criminal governments that have now taken control of our planet and civilizations all over the world.

Excerpts from The Dimming

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Endure till the End and take Care of Yourself. Remember on planes they always tell you put the mask on first, before helping others. Therefore, Take Care of Yourself First and then do what is in your control, and then leave the rest to the universe to solve.

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Until we meet again.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12

- Corona Times News

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