An Alien Pope Agenda, LUCI and a Snake at the Vatican
We have been leading up to this post for a few weeks now and we have to get it off our desk because the time is short and this act will be performed soon given all of the recent talk of Aliens, mysterious Drones, Orbs, and UFO crash retrievals.
The cat is out of the bag as the saying goes, the Aliens are here, they are walking amongst us, and we have been using their reversed engineered technology for decades without even realizing it. So the only thing that truly remains in this Disclosure Series in the End Times is for an actual Alien to land in its landing craft at the Vatican and the Jesuit Pope Francis opens the doors of the Church to it and surrenders the Church to it and declares this entity Alien being to be their newly discovered Space Brothers and Sisters who have now come back to save us.

These may seem very far fetched claims to be making, but we again basing our analysis on open source intelligence, the news and of course the Hollywood film making magical predictive programming and the fact that such rituals have to be told to the masses before they are actually performed, hence the role of such magical films. Read carefully what the Jesuit Pope Francis has said already on this topic, as he is laying the groundwork for this outcome very soon at the Vatican.
Vatican astronomer says if aliens exist, they may not need redemption
These potential forms of life could include those that have no need of oxygen or hydrogen, he said. Just as God created multiple forms of life on earth, he said, there may be diverse forms throughout the universe.
“This is not in contrast with the faith, because we cannot place limits on the creative freedom of God,” he said.
“To use St. Francis’ words, if we consider earthly creatures as ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters,’ why can’t we also speak of an ‘extraterrestrial brother?’“ he said.
Notice that these newly discovered Space Brothers and Sisters will be on a higher level of spiritual ranking and thus more qualified to lead the flock in the End Times, which is the opposite of what should be happening. The Church will fall with this event and that is the exact intent and purpose of the conspirators here.
Asked about implications that the discovery of alien life might pose for Christian redemption, Father Funes cited the Gospel parable of the shepherd who left his flock of 99 sheep in order to search for the one that was lost.
“We who belong to the human race could really be that lost sheep, the sinners who need a pastor,” he said.
“God became man in Jesus in order to save us. So if there are also other intelligent beings, it’s not a given that they need redemption. They might have remained in full friendship with their creator,” he said.
These are not the random words of some an obscure pastor in the wilderness, these are the words and thoughts of the Last Pope, fulfilling internal Church prophecy as the first and last Jesuit Black Pope, both in Francis, who will be the ones to finish it off for good and send some 1 Billion Catholics in an abyss of their own making.
Archbishop Viganò calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to stop global enslavement of humanity
When you are singing to Lucifer at the Vatican and building your Church to resemble a Snake and the takeover of the Serpent Race what other outcome did you expect in these End Times? Notice the double dose of Jesuits in this article?
VATICAN CITY – If aliens exist, they may be a different life form that does not need Christ’s redemption, the Vatican’s chief astronomer said.
Jesuit Father Jose Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory, said Christians should consider alien life as an “extraterrestrial brother” and a part of God’s creation.
Father Funes, an Argentine named to his position by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006, made the remarks in an interview published May 13 by the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.
They have been laying the groundwork for a long time now, but it is wasn’t until the Timeline Marker event of the New Jersey Drones that began this process of Disclosure and the Alien Pope to come. And in that regard, does anyone know the name of one of the telescopes at this Mount Graham location where the Vatican Observatory is so innocently mentioned in the article? Answer, we are back to the Lucifer Alien entity Deception of the End Times. Are things making sense now?
Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects
A new instrument with an evil-sounding name is helping scientists see how stars are born. Lucifer, which stands for (deep breath) “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star.” But it wasn’t meant to evoke him, according to a spokesman for the University of Arizona, where it is housed.
The instrument is chilled to -213 Celsius, about -351 F, to allow for near-infrared observations. That wavelength is important for understanding star and planet formation, as well as observing very distant and very young galaxies. Lucifer has three interchangeable cameras for imaging and spectroscopy in different resolutions. It has a large field of view and high-res capabilities, which allow a wide range of observations.
Lucifer is part of the Large Binocular Telescope, which happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Safford. That’s right, the Vatican has an observatory in Arizona, manned by Jesuit astronomers. Now its next-door neighbor is named for the Devil.
Did we catch all of that? Lucifer is the one now who will be allowing us to “see through the Darkness” as the dawn of a new light of a new century under an Alien Pope at the Vatican. Who are they looking for in the heavens? Answer, their new Pope and a streak of light that will eventually land at the Vatican in a grand show.
This year’s Economist cover has much symbolism related to planetary bodies and the Saturn Black Cube cult magick is prominently displayed for all to see and the very top of the rounded flying Orb mothership with multiple Squared Drones?
A Sinister Conclave of Cardinals
But of course it does not end there. In fact, this film called Conclave, shot inside the Vatican (think about that for a moment) just released is where many should begin to get confirmation that yes indeed an Alien Pope is on the way. Because one thing to note for this future Alien Pope will be his/her gender fluidity as in the gender confusion agenda of the current times and the two spirited movement. For those decodes and connection see these videos and posts to catch up on that.
So now we have a bunch of Jesuit astronomers with a Jesuit Pope looking for an Alien that will be crowned as the new Alien Pope and who will be both male and female as in a hermaphrodite. Are we connecting the dots yet? Who displays that gender fluidity and embraces both sides of this male and female characteristics The answer should be rather obvious at this point, but for illustration here we go.
Since 1856 the figure of Baphomet has been associated with the Sabbatic Goat illustration by Éliphas Lévi, composed of binary elements representing the "symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites": both human and animal, both masculine and feminine, combined in metaphysical unity.
Lévi's intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.
Notice what these woke Ai systems now provide as an answer to hermaphrodite. Therefore, when a film like Conclave tells us about the crowning of a future Pope that will be a hermaphrodite, how much more dead obvious can it be in these End Times that this film represents the wicked plans of the Jesuits (the imposter Jewish converts to Christianity) for driving the Catholic Church into an abyss from which it will not be able to extract itself out of for decades to come. But do we even have decades left before the Redeemer returns and sorts out this sordid mess for us?
Spoiler alert for this film if you have not watched it. We highly recommend it as an exercise in film making. But did we notice it was shot inside the Vatican, as in the Vatican approved of this film and its plot, but why? Because, they are sending an evil coded message hidden in plain sight about their future plans for a gender bender new type of Alien Pope that was totally unexpected and goes against all traditions and norms. Such massive sea changes only happen once in a lifetime.
While writing the screenplay, Straughan said that he met with a Cardinal to discuss the logistics of the Conclave. He also took a private tour of the Vatican, and said he did not feel hostility while there and felt that the Vatican had been open to him.
The Conclave’s Pope symbolism for the new Alien Pope to come required a “laparoscopic hysterectomy” which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove the uterus using small incisions; obviously indicating gender fluidity in a new Pope that is both a male and female. Females cannot become Popes by their own rules, in case we are still lost here. And if the film was filmed inside the Vatican with their consent and the Vatican approved the filmmaking then they must also by default have approved of the overall script and plot of this film.
Thus the next Pope will be a hermaphrodite and the only logical conclusion combining the decodes of Kleck, the Church’s own prophecies and warnings, the sinister activities of the Jesuits and the Alien agenda in play currently is that the next and last Pope will be an Alien entity and it will be neither male nor female, but rather both of them and something can self-fertilize as in what a Snake does and hence this older post on why Men can get Pregnant in their perverted views.
Note that the new Pope gets in on a technicality and the bending of the rules, which is another hint at what is about to happen inside the Vatican very soon. The rules will be altered, amended, bent, changed, thrown out the window or whatever miracle it takes to install this Alien entity to come as their new Vicar of Christ and deliver the final death blow to a large segment of the Christian faith.
As scripted by Peter Straughan, the movie gets canon law wrong, since promotions such as Benitez’s — traditionally known as nominations “in pectore” (within the chest) — are null and void if not publicly announced during the lifetime of the pope who made them. And Benedict XVI is implicitly slandered in the dialogue via an allusion to a past pontiff who fought for Hitler.
Imagine 1 Billion souls now on the line and leaning towards Lucifer. If we needed reminding, the poor Catholics believe in the concept of Unam Sanctum, which was again done under a Papal bull. We have to wonder what type of new Papal bulls an Alien Pope will be issuing in the future to affect all of mankind, technically.
"Unam Sanctam" is a papal bull issued by Pope Boniface VIII on November 18, 1302. It is one of the most significant and controversial documents in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. Here are the key points about "Unam Sanctam":
Purpose: The primary purpose of "Unam Sanctam" was to assert the supremacy of the papacy over secular rulers. It declared that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church and that the Church has authority over all spiritual and temporal matters.
Key Proclamations:
One True Church: The bull proclaims that there is only one true Church, the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
Papal Authority: It asserts that the Pope, as the successor of Saint Peter, holds ultimate authority over all Christians, including secular rulers.
Submission of Secular Rulers: The document states that it is necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.
One faith to rule over all of them. So when that one faith is compromised then the rest of the body is also compromised. What a horrendous crisis that is incoming.
Hope all of that made sense. It does and it will you when can learn to separate the layers and bring it all back together for the flat image if you understood the imagery reference. This work is what Pastors in the Church should be doing, instead of labelling everything as works of a Devil and sticking their heads into the sand, leaving their fat asses exposed.

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